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Posted by bio_man   November 21, 2018   3629 views

The residents of Utqiaġvik, Alaska (formerly known as Barrow), saw the final sunset for 2018 last Sunday. The city is currently in complete darkness until the sun rises on January 23, 2019, which is when residents begin to see touches of light over the horizon again (due to the refraction and scattering of the atmosphere).

Between November 18 and January 23, there is a decreasing amount of twilight each day (see illustration below) during the first half of the polar night, and on the winter solstice (around December 21 or December 22), civil twilight in Utqiagvik lasts for a mere 3 hours. By January 27 or 28, the sun rises completely over the horizon.

Utqiaġvik is one of the northernmost public communities in the world and is the northernmost city in the United States. The city has a population was about 4 300 residents, and is roughly 1 300 miles (2 100 km) south of the North Pole. Only 2.6% of the Earth's surface lies as far and farther from the equator as Utqiagvik.

North Pole Winter Solstice Alaska
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2 Comments | Write Comment
I didn't know that
Posted on Nov 22, 2018 by bolbol
Wow, it's so interesting to see such a nature specialty. I think it's a good variant for students' tourism. Actually, along with where I've found some other interesting info about tourism opportunities, it's a very interesting place to observe weather changes and their effect on people. Currently, I work on my project about the weather and use a lot of different resources, e.g. Studymoose and this one, to get more interesting facts. It would be a great experience to visit this place.
Posted on Mar 28, 2021 by Arnold
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