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Posted by duddy   May 13, 2013   4361 views

The arctic fox population on Mednyi Island in the Bering Sea has declined to just 100 individuals over the past 40 years, and a new study has found out why. It's likely due to mercury pollution in seabirds and fish, not infectious disease, as previously thought. This is important, say the researchers, because we eat marine food too, so we should stop and think about how much pollution is going into our Arctic waters.

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I did some work in this area a while ago. It's a shame a lot of people don't know what is going on with species generally until it is too late. It should be about prevention so we don't have to preserve a small amount of species we are left with. Often by that point we are already fighting a losing battle. Anyone interested out there read 'silent spring' if you haven't already.
Posted on May 13, 2013 by savio
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