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Posted by duddy   March 21, 2014   2203 views

Researchers have found that chronic sleep loss is more serious than previously thought and may lead not only to loss of brain cells, but to irreversible physical damage. According to this study, people who don’t sleep enough can also be at risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

sleep studies university penn state
Posted in Discoveries
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2 Comments | Write Comment
Luckily I won't have such problems since I sleep 10 hours daily Slight Smile
(Dammit, to be honest I hoped this article would have something to do with increasing the sleep quality and reducing the overall need of sleep.)
Posted on Mar 21, 2014 by Alexx
True. Sleep quality /= amount of sleep.
Posted on Mar 22, 2014 by bio_man
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