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The future is holography
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1 3283 duddy 10 years ago
Want to see one of the largest insects on this planet?
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0 3765 duddy 10 years ago
How NASA envisioned space colonies in the 1970s
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0 4015 duddy 10 years ago
These chips look good, right?
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1 4130 duddy 10 years ago
And the most stylish bird award goes to...
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0 4031 duddy 10 years ago
An interesting little animal
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0 3082 duddy 10 years ago
World's oldest trees - the oldest living thing
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0 2582 duddy 10 years ago
M&M flavoured honey?
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0 2050 duddy 10 years ago
This bird resembles a piece of candy!
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0 2597 duddy 10 years ago
Terrible if you lost this at the beach
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0 2059 duddy 10 years ago
How a heron bird catches fish - hilarious
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1 2685 duddy 10 years ago
Superfluid liquid helium defies physics as it seeps through glass
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0 2849 duddy 10 years ago
What if the moon was closer... a lot closer?
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0 2743 duddy 10 years ago
Finally, a video game where you build a cell, fight off viruses, and survive harsh worlds
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0 2035 duddy 10 years ago
What are your thoughts on these earbuds?
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1 2434 duddy 10 years ago
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