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Posted by bio_man   July 1, 2023   1801 views

If you've ever experienced the sharp, intense sensation when consuming horseradish, you're not alone. This root vegetable, with its distinct pungent flavor, is notorious for its ability to ignite your senses and make your eyes water. But have you ever wondered why horseradish irritates the throat and the nose?

At the heart of horseradish's throat and nasal irritation lies a compound called allyl isothiocyanate (AITC, depicted below). When horseradish is cut, grated, or chewed, enzymes present in the plant cell walls break down a precursor compound, sinigrin, into AITC. It is this AITC that gives horseradish its characteristic heat.

Once ingested, AITC interacts with a group of sensory receptors in our bodies known as transient receptor poten ...

horseradish sensations neurotransmitter receptor enzymes
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Posted by bio_man   June 29, 2023   1684 views

Nature is a stage where astonishing dramas unfold, showcasing the intricate web of relationships between diverse organisms. One such mesmerizing tale is the peculiar association between the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa). The relationship between these two species is unique and fascinating.

The female jewel wasp wasp has a specialized predatory behavior that involves using American cockroaches as hosts for their offspring. The wasp targets the American cockroach as a living nursery for its developing young. It does so by injecting a venomous sting into specific parts of the cockroach's nervous system, temporarily paralyzing its front legs.

Once the cockroach is immobilized, the wasp leads it ...

Parasitism Wasp Cockroach Insects
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Posted by bio_man   May 20, 2023   2131 views

3D imaging used in dentistry. Once a panoramic x-ray is taken, the technician uses software to rotate the image; the software uses matrix mathematics to compute the position of the rotated image.

One use for matrix math is in programming 3D engines for video games. A single point on the screen can be defined as a vector. The TV or computer screen is two-dimensional only, so to create the look of depth, objects must change size as they come closer to the viewer or go farther back into the scene. An image is made up of hundreds or thousands of vectors. By multiplying this set or matrix, you can change its size. You can also multiply the vector array by another array, which allows you to rotate the image. In rotation, parts of the image become ...

matrices mathematics dentistry vectors
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Posted by bio_man   May 17, 2023   2149 views
Plants have evolved a remarkable array of strategies to defend themselves against herbivores, and one such strategy involves attracting insects that act as natural enemies to these plant-eating pests. The fascinating interplay between plants, insects, and the chemical signals they utilize continues to captivate researchers in the field.

In the case of the beet armyworm caterpillar, scientists have discovered that its saliva contains a chemical called volicitin, which plays a crucial role in eliciting a defensive response from the plant. When the caterpillar feeds on corn seedlings, the volicitin triggers the release of chemical signals from the leaves, effectively attracting parasitic wasps. These wasps, in turn, prey on the caterpillars, pr ...

Caterpillar Plants Defenses Ants Virus Tobacco Hormone
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Posted by bio_man   May 17, 2023   1499 views

Have you ever wondered where people live the longest and healthiest lives on Earth? Look no further than the enchanting islands of Okinawa, Japan. Nestled in the East China Sea, Okinawa has gained international recognition for its high number of centenarians and remarkable longevity. Currently, there are 457 people in Okinawa aged 100 or over, an average of 35 for each 100,000 inhabitants. While Japanese people generally live longer than any other nation, the Okinawa inhabitants reach ages that take by surprise even the other Japanese: an average of 86 for women and 78 for men.

One of the key factors contributing to the longevity of Okinawa's residents is their traditional diet. The Okinawan diet is rich in plant-based foods such as sweet po ...

Japan Old age Asia
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