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madisenjames madisenjames
Posts: 502
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6 years ago
How does a paragraph differ from an essay?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

What are two ways in which a paragraph and an essay are alike?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

What is meant by the writer's audience?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

What are three purposes a writer may have for writing?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

For years, Kelly Lacek felt she and her husband made the right choice by not having her two
  youngest kids vaccinated. But in 2006, Matthew, their youngest, complained of a sore throat and
  a pain in his neck. The 3 year old suddenly developed a high fever. Hunched over, he struggled
  to breathe. When his parents brought Matthew to the hospital, an older pediatrician asked, Was
  your son vaccinated?
  No, he wasn't. The Laceks were among those parents who had decided to postpone or skip
  vaccines altogether, because of skepticism over the number of shots required, the ingredients or
  concerns over a now-largely discredited link between vaccines and autism. The rate of
  vaccination for kids covered under private insurance fell 4 percentage points in 2009, according
  to a nonprofit association that certifies health care organizations. It was the first time a drop had
  been seen. The authors said that vaccine refusal could be a major factor.
  As used in the following sentence, the hesitant most nearly means:
  They're hesitant to vaccinate because of the belief that they don't work and that their kids are not at risk
  for the diseases, he said.
  a. hopeful
  b. optimistic
  c. cautious
  d. pessimistic

Ques. 6

For years, Kelly Lacek felt she and her husband made the right choice by not having her two
  youngest kids vaccinated. But in 2006, Matthew, their youngest, complained of a sore throat and
  a pain in his neck. The 3 year old suddenly developed a high fever. Hunched over, he struggled
  to breathe. When his parents brought Matthew to the hospital, an older pediatrician asked, Was
  your son vaccinated?
  No, he wasn't. The Laceks were among those parents who had decided to postpone or skip
  vaccines altogether, because of skepticism over the number of shots required, the ingredients or
  concerns over a now-largely discredited link between vaccines and autism. The rate of
  vaccination for kids covered under private insurance fell 4 percentage points in 2009, according
  to a nonprofit association that certifies health care organizations. It was the first time a drop had
  been seen. The authors said that vaccine refusal could be a major factor.
  What can we infer from this passage?
  a. The number of vaccine refusals has increased because of the theory that vaccines and autism
  are linked.
  b. Parents are refusing to vaccinate their children because they feel it is unnecessary.
  c. The Lacek family continued to refuse vaccinations.
  d. Vaccination numbers have decreased so dramatically that healthcare providers are now facing
  a preventable epidemic.
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  A paragraph differs from an essay in its length and content.

(Answer to Q. 2)  A paragraph and an essay are alike because (1) both should have a main
idea and (2) the main idea should be fully explained or developed.

(Answer to Q. 3)  The writer's audience is the reader.

(Answer to Q. 4)  A writer's purpose may be to persuade, instruct, or inform.

(Answer to Q. 5)  c

(Answer to Q. 6)  a
madisenjames Author
6 years ago
Appreciate this a lot
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