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9 years ago
So what you're saying is, in order for we to find out what human race is superior we have to stage wars all over again and not just read the historical writings and records? Wow you're ignorant, there are hundreds of past records, just because you are too lazy to do genuine research, doesnt mean these fights dont exist and cant be judged off.

Getting this worked up about a hypothetical matchup between two animals that OP should at least know would never encounter eachother in the modern era. Too much xD.

A blog about biology and life in college.
Monarch Author
9 years ago
So what you're saying is, in order for we to find out what human race is superior we have to stage wars all over again and not just read the historical writings and records? Wow you're ignorant, there are hundreds of past records, just because you are too lazy to do genuine research, doesnt mean these fights dont exist and cant be judged off.

Getting this worked up about a hypothetical matchup between two animals that OP should at least know would never encounter eachother in the modern era. Too much xD.

I'm not worked up, I actually enjoyed pumeling a ignoranus with the truth...as I showed before hundreds of people quoted those... the bears arms are like clubs and they just crushed in the lions weak thin skulls like nothing, rants and lies. Its just the way these idiots carry them selves...With its consistancy of the lions feats and the statistics so far, I garentee I can find more accounts of lions killing bears with one blow via blunt force, what I'm interested in seeing if there are any historical documents of lions taking on and killing multiple brown bears at once and winning...not to far off with the accounts on that site, two diffferent lions have killed 3 tigers in one fight simultaneously, Sultan and Duke have whiped 5+ tigers at once, everland shows several lions beating up multiple tigers at once, several other trainers said they had a lion do the same thing, 1 lion killed a tiger and bear in the same fight, 4 lions whipped 3 polar bears in a melee killing one and wounding the others without a scratch, 3 lionesses beat up 3 bears in a battle royal, what I wanna see is, can a male lion take on two or more brown bears on and win...with those kind of accounts already documented, I think its possible...

Thats all lions do is fight, taking on multiple foes at once is their month to month lives, they're experts at it, a lion was shown taking on numerous bears/tigers in one fight, the same cant be said of the opposite, can a bear take on 2 or 3 male lions at once? I say no f'in way.

Who sounds more factual, a person who will bring in a 100 sources each just showing a bear is slightly heavier, or the other who brings in a 100 sources each of lions killing bears...

Hmmm? I think thats a no brainer.   Victorys of actual fights >>> Weights on more fat
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, MouthoftheBeast
Sound pretty mad to me bro, besides if you already have your mind made up why are you wasting our time with this.

A blog about biology and life in college.
Monarch Author
9 years ago
Not mad bro, just challanged.

Like I stated, I came to...grow...the list, by looking for biologist an experts who have any evidence protaining to the subject. Figure there was one here, but there isnt any, so I'll probably go in search more else where. Its not for making up my mind, my point is to find out the truth, theres not enough to be conclusive on a evidence scale, tryna make it fools proof from trolls who wanna make up anything and everything in terms non-essential things and mis-information.

Scientist speculate these kinda things every day of the year, how do you think theres so many dinosaur documentarys? They have to think up all these things, since there isnt any dinosaurs to base any of there attributes and statistics on, and yet they do just fine...atleast with lions, tigers and bears we can actually fact check alot of these things because there are records of their conflicts. An opinion, is an opinion no matter how high the credability of a self proclaimed scientist say he has.

A fact is a fact regardless if they wanna except it or not. I dont have to get it to 9/10, a 6/10...as long as its consistant,  is still a win. As long as there are more historical documents showing lions with a significant lead in killing bears, then there is no disputing his prowess over the bear.

It doesnt make me mad, its kinda hilarious the extant of their ignorance, acting as if they know bio-chemistry of big obese bears from average sized ones...its like saying, look at this 1,000 lb human, he would crush any 200 lb human 10/10, DESTROYED, if you point that he cant operate the same as a 400 lb big but not sloppy and fat, then they go into retard mode, screaming a 1,000 lb human isnt obese, no hes not, no hes not no hes not, XD XD XD Thats the same thing they're doing with bears, they act as if they know what they are reffering to. 99 out of a 100 people stated the bear can out punch the lion, yet upon OBSERVATION, not only did the bear-biologist state thats a misinformation that bears utilize their paws in striking, but the videos we see ourselves doesnt show it...kinda contradicting if you ask me.

9 years ago
Lol, speculating about fights between animals that would never meet is 100% NOT what scientists do. It's just something they make up for the public in stupid shows about animals fighting on animal planet. Mad and ignorant smh, this is NOT what science is about; it's about studying things that actually matter. Shouldn't be surprised no one can answer your question, it is purely speculation. I just can't understand why you care so much about such a stupid question.

A blog about biology and life in college.
Monarch Author
9 years ago
Who is mad and ignorant, Animal planet? Be more specific, that show animal face off had top notch scientist of those animals, the ones for the lion vs tiger match up had Zoologist Dave salmoni (who has worked with both) Zoologist Samatha stephens owns lions and tigers too, scientist woodward and Dr frank mendel and others...they based if off the asiatic lion and bengal which once heavily co-existed.

Do you write the book on science? Science in its meaning just means knowledge, ology = the study of...there are trillions of things on science, in fact infinite amounts, you dont get to brand anything on what science is able to compare. Theres no surprise, no one here...on this site can, because no one here majors in these two animals, as in experince/observation. That doesnt mean I wont find some one else where who will have knowledge = science.

Care so much? You act as if I posted some 10 thousand pages of the stuff, I only linked exactly one page of the L vs B...if its not interesting,  why are their some 20 million views on youtube of the lion vs tiger match up? Obviously its interesting, an just tryed to help answer the question that seems to be clouted and dumbified by bear fanatics. Its speculation on its surface, but if there can be brought a certain amount of quality information, it can answered...again a fact is a fact no matter if someone else wants to deny it.
9 years ago
Keep talking, people like you are what ruined animal planet in the first place x)

A blog about biology and life in college.
Monarch Author
9 years ago
Yet you posted/contributed on the subject...What a hypocrite. XD
9 years ago
Yet you posted/contributed on the subject...What a hypocrite. XD

And you're real good at non sequiturs, what's your point?
Biology - The only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing.
Monarch Author
9 years ago
lol anyone who reads the entire thread will see you/alias is the only non-sequitur here....Everything youve stated deprives out of your own baseless, knowledge-less, non-experinced and ignorant rants.

The accounts are constantly updated here:

Funny, theres more accounts of pumas killing bears than any small -big-cat killing any lion or tiger. Speaks well of how poor of a fighter the bear is, and funny the mass majority of the roman records have the lion as the superior animal towards the brown bear. An what have you brought again?

- Bears have more stamina (oh wait, you havent proven that with any science source)
- Bears have bigger claws (ohh yeah, butter knife like digging tools)
- Bears are HUGE (comprimising of the most body fat of any animal)
- Bears are agile (no more agile than any of the hundreds of different species lions kill)
- Bears have massive paw blows (except that all biologist noted disagreed with you)
- Bears would DESTROY lions (except tha majority of accounts have lions destroying bears)

You should change your name to Savio to Sa-fallacy. lol I find it funny that lions kill zebra with one blow to the neck (as shown), and yet its cousin the mule and donkey kills bears with kicks to the head...quite the opposite.

A lion can kill a zebra with one blow of its sledge-hammer paw. An incident was observd where a zebra was dead in half a second. A hunter who performed an autopsy found one lethal blow had dislocated the zebras neck.

Lions: More practice killing animals with one blow = More skill
Bears: More sleep hibernating upto 7 months = Less skill

FIGHT TIME: The more skilled animal kills the less skilled one with one blow. (FACT)

On brown bears:
one killed by a single blow by a lion 162

9 years ago
One versus one, lion might lose. Lions are known for ambushing their prey in packs. A few lionesses will take a fully growth grizzly bear, no problem. I feel the grizzly might win because it is a solitary animal, it knows how to defend itself on its own.
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