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broncena broncena
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6 years ago
The nurse believes that a patient is experiencing a systemic reaction associated with an inflammatory response. Which assessment finding supports this nurse's belief?
  1. edematous groin lymph nodes
  2. erythema
  3. edema
  4. pain

Question 2

The nurse is concerned that a patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms of inflammation. What did the nurse assess to come to this conclusion?
  Select all that apply.
  1. leg edema
  2. severe pain from swelling
  3. severe erythema of leg
  4. leg cool to the touch
  5. decreased peripheral pulses

Question 3

The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with a lung infection. Which immunoglobulin level should the nurse expect to be elevated in this patient?
  1. immunoglobulin A
  2. immunoglobulin M
  3. immunoglobulin E
  4. immunoglobulin D

Question 4

A patient who just delivered a newborn baby is concerned that the baby will catch a cold from a healthcare provider who was coughing and sneezing in the delivery room. How should the nurse respond?
  1. The baby has some protection from infections from the time of birth.
  2. The baby should be isolated.
  3. I will be sure to have everyone check the baby's temperature for signs of an infection.
  4. The healthcare provider should not have been participating in your care.

Question 5

An older patient has a small pressure ulcer on the coccyx. What should the nurse do to promote healing of the wound?
  1. encourage high-protein food choices in the diet
  2. limit carbohydrate intake
  3. encourage a high intake of vitamin E
  4. restrict caloric intake

Question 6

A patient tells the nurse that he's happy that his wife did not catch the same cold from which he has recently recovered. The nurse realizes that what most likely occurred in his wife?
  1. Helper T cells had a memory of a previous exposure to the same virus that caused the patient's illness.
  2. Suppressor T cells killed the virus.
  3. The virus was eliminated via phagocytosis by neutrophils.
  4. Cytokines were released.

Question 7

A patient sustains fractures to the ribs, both femurs, and one humerus. When planning care for this patient's immunologic status, what should the nurse include?
  1. Monitor complete blood count daily.
  2. Limit food rich in iron.
  3. Perform passive range of motion to unaffected extremities.
  4. Keep on bed rest.

Question 8

A patient is diagnosed with a positive tuberculosis skin test. The nurse understands that this response is due to what?
  1. performing a cell-mediated inflammatory response
  2. promoting phagocytosis of the antigen by neutrophils
  3. clumping antigens to form a noninvasive aggregate
  4. coating the antigen with antibodies
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1

Systemic reactions associated with an inflammatory response include an increase in the size of lymph nodes, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, and leukocytosis. Erythema, warmth, pain, edema, and functional impairment indicate a local reaction.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3

Signs of inflammation include edema, pain, and erythema. Cool skin and changes in pulses are not signs of inflammation.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1

Immunoglobulins are made in response to a primary or initial exposure to an antigen. Immunoglobulin A is most commonly found in secretions, and its major function is to protect the eyes, mouth, nose, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs from diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. For the patient with a lung infection, this immunoglobulin level will likely be the highest. Immunoglobulin M is the first antibody produced in the primary immune response and is first produced during embryonic development. Immunoglobulin E is the primary antibody in the allergic response. Immunoglobulin D is the cell that is least understood and is present in small quantities in the blood.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1

Immunoglobulin G is the only immunoglobulin to cross the placental barrier and provide immune protection to the neonate. The baby does not need to be isolated. The baby's temperature will be checked routinely and evaluated for signs of infection. This response would be inappropriate.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1

A lack of protein prolongs inflammation and impairs the healing process. The nurse should encourage high-protein food choices in the diet. If carbohydrates are limited, the body will use protein to meet caloric needs. This would impair healing. Vitamin E is not identified as a vitamin to promote wound healing. Restricting caloric intake could further compromise this patient and delay healing.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1

Helper T cells stimulate B cells to make antibodies to specific antigens. These cells then have a memory of exposure, which will lead to a quick response if another exposure occurs. In this scenario, the wife must have had a previous exposure to the same virus that caused the patient's cold, and because of this memory, the body immediately responded by eliminating the cold virus. Suppressor T cells stop the immune process and would not kill virus cells. Phagocytosis of the virus by neutrophils is an antibody-mediated response. This scenario describes a cell-mediated immune response. Cytokines are chemical messengers produced by cells to either increase the flow of white blood cells to a body area or coat an antigen to encourage phagocytosis.

The answer to question 7

Correct Answer: 1

Bone marrow is soft organic tissue found in the hollow cavity of the long bones, particularly the femur and humerus, as well as the flat bones of the pelvis, ribs, and sternum. Bone marrow produces and stores hematopoietic stem cells, from which all cellular components of the blood are derived. Because the patient has fractured ribs, femurs, and one humerus, the nurse should monitor the patient's complete blood count daily. Food rich in iron should not be limited. Performing passive range of motion to the unaffected extremities or keeping the patient on bed rest will not improve the patient's immunologic status

The answer to question 8

Correct Answer: 1

The cell-mediated response has memory, and subsequent exposures to an antigen result in a more rapid and effective inflammatory response. This memory provides the basis for skin testing. A patient previously exposed to tuberculosis develops a more pronounced inflammatory response when minute amounts are injected under the skin. The other choices are characteristics of an antibody-mediated immune response.
broncena Author
6 years ago
I'm still confused, but thanks for answering correctly
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