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Groanier Groanier
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6 years ago
Dual-career families face many challenges concerning the distribution of labor. First, describe the most common distribution found in couples in the United States. Second, describe sex difference in the type of labor done and the reaction to the current level of distribution.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Based on statistics, which 16-year-old male is most likely to die in an incident involving a firearm?
  a. Fred, who is European American
  b. Ned, who is African American
 c. Ed, who is Hispanic American
 d. Ted, who is Asian American

Question 3

Dora is a full-time worker and mother of three. Describe the types of stressors that Dora will have to overcome. How can her employer help reduce her stress?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Wilma is afraid of the pain involved in delivering her baby. Are childbirth classes likely to help her?
  a. Yes, because women who take these courses report experiencing less pain than women who don't.
 b. Yes, because women who take these courses qualify for painkilling medications they would not usually receive.
  c. No, because childbirth courses only make people more knowledgeable about the birthing process and can have no effect on pain.
  d. No, because individuals who know most about the birthing process experience the most pain.

Question 5

In the United States, about ____ out of every 1,000 adolescents dies each year.
  a. 1
 b. 5
 c. 10
  d. 25

Question 6

Twenty-five-year-old Claire and her uncle, 50-year-old Dane, are both about to lose their jobs. How will the impact on their lives and sense of self be similar? In what ways will their reactions likely differ?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

What is expelled during afterbirth?
  a. Fetus
 b. Placenta
  c. Cervix
 d. Ova

Question 8

In order to enhance his baseball performance, Barry has been taking steroids. In recent months, he has begun to experience some medical problems. Which of his problems would be least likely to be the result of steroid use?
  a. Liver damage
 b. Depression
 c. Increased muscle mass
 d. Obsessive-compulsive behavior

Question 9

Compare and contrast gender discrimination, the glass ceiling, pay equity and sexual harassment by defining and providing an example of each concept.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

In the U.S., women do most of the household chores. Recent trends suggest that women have reduced the amount of time they spend on housework while men have increased the amount of time they spend on such tasks. When men do household tasks it is on the weekends, involves specific tasks that they agree to perform, and is largely unrelated to women's employment status. Men are often satisfied with an equitable division of labor based on the number of hours spent while women are most satisfied when men are willing to perform women's traditional chores.

Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3

Being employed and responsible for dependents can lead to higher levels of stress, problems with coping and negative effects on Dora's work. Finding affordable and quality childcare will be a stressor for Dora. Her employer can reduce her stress by being more family-friendly which means providing support and paying attention to the attitudes of its employees. How supervisors act regarding an employee's childcare issues and company benefits that recognize the needs of dependents are two ways that employers can reduce stress. The most important single thing a company can do is allow the employee to leave work without penalty to tend to family needs.

Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

Unemployed people commonly experience a variety of negative effects that range from a decline in immune system functioning to decreases in well-being. Claire and Dane are also likely to have financial and personal issues. As a middle-aged man, Dane is more vulnerable to the negative effects of unemployment. However, women like Claire report more negative effects over time.

Answer to q. 7


Answer to q. 8


Answer to q. 9

Gender discrimination is the act of denying a job to someone solely on the basis of whether the person is a man or a woman. For example, a 25-year-old male was denied a job as a nanny because the family would only hire a female nanny. The glass ceiling is the level to which women may rise in an organization but beyond which they may not go. For example, even though a 40-year-old woman has worked her way up the corporate ladder in her organization, she has been skipped over numerous for a position above the one she currently occupies and only men have been selected. Pay equity can be defined as equal pay for equal work. For example, Jim and Kay are both civil engineers in the same organization, but Jim makes 100/hour while Kay makes 80/hour. Sexual harassment has no universal definition but it ranges from derogatory comments to unwanted sexual advances and threats to sexual assault. For example, after submitting a major project at work, your boss kisses you on the lips.
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