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rivatayah rivatayah
Posts: 68
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11 years ago
The Founding fathers were very liberal and militant atheists.

I would even say the founding fathers were Communists (liberty for all)

The founding fathers hated religion and were militant atheists, the USA was built by atheism.
@Orange Smith.

I bet you were home schooled, the USA was built on freedom FROM religion, the Founding fathers saw what state religions were doing in Europe.
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11 years ago
Nice try and I appreciated you saying "Americans" hate you.
11 years ago
All I read was:

Aaierjgpiajpgjag[aowgmavsbahjahaet[o aorih[aehi[oeit[hoi[tih[aieoha.

The founding fathers were no such thing. Try and justify it all you want, the founding fathers were religious.

The founding fathers were in NO such way communist, they wanted a society were you can be rewarded for your endeavors and where no corrupt and overpowering government could take them away from you.

Hmmm... Since the founding fathers did not want an overpowering government, I guess that makes them conservatives.

God, your post is so ignorant it's not even funny.

This country was based on religion, explain the American pledge? Or how about the Declaration of Independence?

This country wasn't based on a set-singular-religion, it was based on religious freedom and not just atheism.

Meh, you're likely a troll, but I can't really tell since liberals and trolls sound so much alike.
11 years ago
I disagree with, but don't hate liberals, atheists, deists, federalists or anti-federalists
11 years ago
The Founding Fathers were former Christians who stopped going to Church or were Diests.

Also, freedom from religion does not mean freedom from responsibility. I'm sure you'd probably like that to feel better about your sexual insecurities, but facts are facts regardless of your mating issues.

Communists (laughs)

Communism wasn't even an idea then, and it's also never been successfully implemented even in Cuba or the USSR and it never will be, because the communists, like socialists, don't have the moral discipline to make the necessary sacrifices. In fact, most people become communists or socialists because they want MORE, not less.
11 years ago
I am not sure where you got your information.  Maybe they have different history books now then they did 40 years ago. I guess the left can change history , they have been trying to twist the truth fir years
11 years ago
It wasn't. And communism certainly isn't liberty for all.
11 years ago
Please, you seem such a fountain of information...... NAME the Founding Fathers that were "atheistic"
.....and .....Please, please explain why they repeatedly referred to God so often.... in fact the very first thing they did is to guarantee the right to worship God.....very odd for "athiests'

The leading founding father scholar is generally admitted to be Thomas Jefferson.....yet he owned slaves.....not very liberal of him...... George Washington owned slaves.....
and James Madison....the founding father who originated "separation of church and state".... would appear to be atheistic.....YET he hired the first priest to bless the open of Congress....and if they all were atheistic....WHY did they hire a priest to bless anything?Neutral Face

Please bless me with your wisdom

If America is founded on "freedom FROM religion".....How come my copy of the Constitution says...."Freedom OF Religion" Neutral Face?....
11 years ago
I do not know where you get your information. First off communism wasn't even around back then. If our founding fathers and alot of the American people back then did not like the fact that the British parliament was taking their money or forcing them to share their home and food to British soldiers then I am sure they would hate any power that tried to give their possessions into the hands of the powers to be. Whether it be communism, fascism or another form.
Our founders believed in the idea to allow people to practice their religion or not practice at all. They even mentioned God and sometimes Christianity. George Washington for example said "To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." If you want to gives an example of atheist during that time frame installing a society then I guess you can use the French Revolution. I should mention the powers to be during the French Revolution probably wished they had a chance to cut the head of Marquis de Lafayette (a rich french man who fought in the Revolutionary war and became great friends with George Washington). Marquis de Lafayette wanted France to be a Republic since he was influenced and like how the American Revolution turned out.
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