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11 years ago
I still need help. I'm trying to write a true story about what really happened in our every day use of the calendar system that when the Julian Calendar was introduced in 46 BC, the length of the solar year changed from 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes and 27.4 seconds since 4200 BC to 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 59 seconds or got shorter by 28.4 seconds total in 4,154 years. I'm also writing about things that could've happened in mother nature and how it could would be calculated. In full seconds total, it was only 31,556,939 seconds precisely. The thing is I need help checking my calculations to see if they're accurate as if we're pretending the things that could've happened truly happened but didn't. The Julian year was 365 days and 6 hours and with the year 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 59 seconds long at the time, it originally contained an error of 11 minutes and 1 second per year which today it is known as an 11 minute and 15 second error approximately, thus the length of the year now has gotten 14 seconds shorter or is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 45 seconds. A total of 661 seconds then, and 675 seconds now error. The old error was a day in more than 130 years. Now it's about a day in slightly less than 128 years due to the changes in speed of axial rotation and the revolution around the Sun. Precession of perihelion is your best guess and it includes tidal friction from the Moon and Sun as well. In over 2 millenniums, the length of the year decreased by 14 seconds while the length of the day also increased by about 0.03 seconds. Now here comes the fun part.

Ignore any source telling you that the length of the day in 1820 was precisely 86,400 seconds. Pretend it's not true but was actually 86,400 seconds in 46 BC when the Julian Calendar was introduced and in that last year of confusion. Because in over 2 millennia, the days have gotten longer by about 0.03 seconds, the days are now about 86,400.03 seconds which means a leap second could be added every 33.34 days or about 1 time a month. Without the precession of perihelion occurring since 46 BC and the days are now 86,400.03 seconds long, the length of the year would now be about 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 48 seconds or 31,556,928 seconds long approximately. This is because when the days increase and the length of the year remains the same, you end up with fewer solar days in the year or fewer solar seconds. The 31,556,939 atomic seconds remain the same though. If the Earth maintained its rotational speed and its same length of axial rotation since 46 BC regardless of whatever the Sun or Moon were doing and whatnot, the length of the sidereal day would remain the same but because of precession of perihelion, the length of the solar day would still become longer because the solar years are becoming shorter and the farther or faster anything goes around the Sun in a day with a forward motion of rotation, the more or longer it has to spin around on its axis to complete a solar day. But if it tried to keep the same 86400 second length of solar day and sped up as it danced around in its orbit around the Sun, the length of the sidereal day would diminish. The length of the solar year would now be about approximately 365 solar days 5 hours 48 minutes and 56 seconds long. But actually about down to 55.9572705 to 55.957271 seconds long on average. Is this correct for what could've happened and do they perfectly agree with each other. I used my calculator to write up what could've happened too and I'm still stuck in the same story from yesterday on what really happened. I actually began that on Friday and I'm finishing it up about the part that 10 days were skipped when switching from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar and the reason why when it could've been 12 because the Julian Calendar actually accumulated 12 days by the 16th century. Just 10 days since the Council of Nicaea, however that's pronounced since AD 325. To get the seconds in over 2 millenniums, I took 15 microseconds per year times 2000 years and divided it by 1,000,000 because a microsecond is 1/1,000,000th of a second and ending up with 0.03. Then I took the number of seconds in the year in 46 BC and divided it by 86,400.03 seconds and I expected to get a smaller number of days in the year and that's what I received. I then counted that the years have gotten 14 seconds shorter approximately since then with the precession of perihelion combined with the slowing down of Earth's axial rotation due to tides and received 31,556,928 seconds if perihelion precession didn't exist and the other way around if the Earth kept the same rotational rate about 31,556,936 seconds per year even if precession of perihelion did exist.
Oops. I meant to make this a question with an actual question mark. Is this correct for what could've happened and do they perfectly agree with each other?
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11 years ago
Yes, it does appear that you have researched it, and calculated correctly.
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