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johnson69 johnson69
Posts: 6
Rep: 3 0
10 years ago
A team of researchers wants to know whether a new crime prevention program is really effective in reducing crime in young adolescents. The researchers find two middle schools, Adams Middle School and Monroe Middle School, which serve similar kinds of students and report similar rates of theft, physical assault, and vandalism. The researchers implement the program at Adams and use Monroe as a control group. Afterwards, they discover that crime has decreased at Adams but not at Monroe. This study is a good example of a(n) _______ design.

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10 years ago

I think. Experiments that take advantage of natural occurrences are quasi-experiments, for example, comparing achievement level of first-born children with that of later-born children; or comparing student performance at two schools, one of which has a lower student-teacher ratio. The experimenter is unable to assign subjects to treatment level - the subjects are already in pre-existing groups.

Quasi-experiments are sometimes called natural experiments because membership in the treatment level is determined by conditions beyond the control of the experimenter (subjects are already in the box). An experiment may seem to be a true experiment, but if the subjects have NOT been randomly assigned to the treatment condition, the experiment is a quasi- experiment (quasi = seeming, resembles).
Tommy pickles
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
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johnson69 Author
10 years ago
Question 1 of 30
0.5 Points
Which one of the following statements reflects what developmentalists mean by the term maturation?
 A.Changes related specifically to children’s physical development   
 B.Changes related specifically to children’s emotional development   
 C.Changes that reflect increasingly appropriate social behavior   
Correct    D.Developmental changes that are controlled largely by heredity   

Answer Key: D
Question 2 of 30
0.5 Points
Many developmental theorists are interested in the influence of “nature versus nurture” in child development. The term nurture refers to:
 A.A child’s characteristics at birth   
 B.Genetically controlled maturational changes   
Correct    C.Environmental conditions that influence development.   
 D.The loving bonds that exist between children and their parents   

Answer Key: C
Question 3 of 30
0.5 Points
Three of the following statements are true regarding the interplay between heredity and environment in child development. Which statement is false?
 A.Certain environmental experiences may have a greater impact at some ages than at others.   
 B.Inherited predispositions have a large influence in some aspects of development, whereas environment is more influential in other aspects.   
 C.Children’s inherited tendencies may make them more or less susceptible to particular environmental conditions.   
Correct    D.Heredity is more influential when children live in extremely impoverished circumstances than when they have good nutrition and other environmental supports   

Answer Key: D
Question 4 of 30
0.5 Points
Only one of the following statements is true about stage theories. Which one?
Correct    A.As children make the transition from one developmental stage to the next, they are apt to display characteristics of both stages for a short period.   
 B.The order in which children progress through various stages of development differs from one child to the next.   
 C.Stage theories largely describe physical development, rather than cognitive or social-emotional development.   
 D.Increasingly, developmentalists are realizing that development is characterized by discrete stages rather than by gradual trends.   

Answer Key: A
Question 5 of 30
0.5 Points
In developmental psychology, a theory can best be characterized as:
 A.A description of the results of a particular research study   
 B.A statement that describes how a particular variable affects children’s development   
 C.An objective measure of how a child behaves in a particular situation   
Correct    D.A general explanation of how and why development occurs   

Answer Key: D
Question 6 of 30
0.5 Points
Which one of the following theoretical perspectives most emphasizes genetic and maturational contributions to children’s development?
Correct    B.biological   
 D.developmental systems   

Answer Key: B
Question 7 of 30
0.5 Points
One characteristic common to all behaviorist theories of development is an emphasis on:
Correct    A.The effect of the environment on development   
 B.The negative emotional repercussions of punishment   
 C.The importance of each and every event in a person’s life   
 D.how one learns by observing the actions of others   

Answer Key: A
Question 8 of 30
0.5 Points
Which one of the following statements best describes a cognitive-developmental perspective of child development?
 A.Children are naturally disposed to think about their environment in particular ways; in a sense, some basic knowledge about the world is “pre-wired.”   
Correct    B.Children actively try to make sense of the world from their experiences with the environment.   
 C.Initially, children unconsciously develop a rather complex and confused view of the world, but this view becomes simpler and more straightforward as time goes on.   
 D.Children repeatedly parrot their parents’ and teachers’ beliefs, eventually adopting these beliefs as their own “knowledge.”   

Answer Key: B
Question 9 of 30
0.5 Points
Which one of these is central to a cognitive process approach to child development?
 A.How children learn from observing others   
 B.How children learn from what others tell them   
 C.What consequences follow children’s behaviors   
Correct    D.How children’s thinking changes over time   

Answer Key: D
Question 10 of 30
0.5 Points
Three of the following statements reflect developmentally appropriate practice. Which one does not?
 A.Look for and build on children’s existing talents.   
 B.Work hard to help children acquire more advanced ways of thinking as quickly as possible.   
 C.Keep in mind that the “weaknesses” of children and adolescence may serve a developmental purpose.   
Incorrect    D.Use the universals of development to form general expectations about children and adolescents, but expect diversity at every turn.   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Accepting children where they are and introducing tasks of increasing complexity that can be achieved with hard work and modest support is a developmentally appropriate practice instead of working to achieve more advanced ways of thinking in a rapid manner.
Text Reference: See From Theory to Practice p. 29
Question 11 of 30
1.0 Points
You attend a workshop in which a science educator proposes that children’s understanding of science progresses through a series of qualitatively distinct stages. Without knowing anything else about this individual, you might reasonably guess that he or she takes a _______ approach to child development.
 A.developmental systems   
Correct    B.cognitive-developmental   

Answer Key: B
Question 12 of 30
1.0 Points
After teaching kindergarten for fifteen years, Ms. Donnellen will be teaching third grade next year. She knows she must rethink her approach to teaching, because kindergartners and third graders tend to think very differently. Ms. Donnellen is taking a _______ approach to child development.
 B.developmental systems   
Correct    C.cognitive-developmental   
 D.social learning   

Answer Key: C
Question 13 of 30
1.0 Points
Ms. Luo is puzzled by Amanda’s fearful reactions to men. Amanda is generally a very friendly child, and so her fear of men seems out of character. Ms. Luo wonders if Amanda may have had a traumatic experience with her father or with another man when she was younger. Ms. Luo’s hypothesis illustrates a _______ approach to child development.
Correct    A.psychodynamic   
 D.cognitive process   

Answer Key: A
Question 14 of 30
1.0 Points
Mr. Milligan rewards his first graders with scratch-and-sniff stickers when they exhibit appropriate behavior in the classroom. Mr. Milligan’s classroom management strategy is most consistent with which one of the following theoretical perspectives of development?
 A.developmental systems   
 B.cognitive process   
Correct    D.behaviorist   

Answer Key: D
Question 15 of 30
1.0 Points
A teacher says to you, “I never believe my students have learned something new until I see their behavior change.” Without knowing anything else about this teacher, you can guess that he or she agrees with the _______ perspective of development.
Correct    A.behaviorist   
 C.cognitive process   

Answer Key: A
Question 16 of 30
1.0 Points
Dr. Penrose is studying the reflexes that infants exhibit at or shortly after birth. He speculates about the ways in which these reflexes might be, or perhaps were at one time, important for infants’ survival. Dr. Penrose’s approach illustrates which one of the following theoretical perspectives?
Correct    A.biological   
 D.developmental systems   

Answer Key: A
Question 17 of 30
1.0 Points
Which one of the following best illustrates a qualitative (rather than quantitative) change in development?
 A.Between ages 11 and 13, Bunny grew 4 inches taller and gained 15 pounds.   
 B.After attending last night’s concert, Penny changed her mind about who her favorite band is.   
Correct    C.Micha used to be puzzled by statements such as “Look before you leap” but now understands their underlying meanings.   
 D.Mason has a much larger vocabulary than he did last year.   

Answer Key: C
Question 18 of 30
1.0 Points
Which one of the following best illustrates a quantitative (rather than qualitative) change in development?
 A.Five-year-old Mercedes has finally learned how to carry a tune.   
 B.As a 15-year-old, LaRue has started to grow facial hair.   
 C.Beth used to be shy around her peers, but now she’s very outgoing and makes friends easily.   
Correct    D.Robert knows many more addition facts than he did a few months ago.   

Answer Key: D
Question 19 of 30
1.0 Points
Which one of the following statements best illustrates a universal in development as developmentalists define the term?
 A.In their pretend play, girls tend to enact domestic scenarios (e.g., “house”), whereas boys are more likely to enact superhero scenarios (e.g., “Batman”).   
 B.Children in some cultures learn that it’s rude and disrespectful for a child to initiate a conversation with an adult.   
Correct    C.Young children show similar patterns in their language development regardless of the specific language they learn.   
 D.Children are most likely to appreciate the importance of reading and writing if the people around them read and write frequently.   

Answer Key: C
Question 20 of 30
1.0 Points
Many psychologists are concerned about whether certain aspects of development are marked by universality or diversity. Which one of the following statements illustrates diversity?
 A.Children almost always first sit, then walk, then run.   
Incorrect    B.Children think in increasingly logical ways as they get older.   
 C.By interacting with their physical environment all children learn that things always fall down, never up, when released.   
 D.On average, teenagers who live in middle-income neighborhoods have better study skills than those who live in low-income neighborhoods.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: The environment (nurture) influences heavily aspects of diversity in development. In cognitive development, diversity tends to be more common.
Text Reference: See Basic Issues in Development, p. 7
Question 21 of 30
0.5 Points
Three of the following statements describe ethical practices in developmental research. Which one does not?
 A.Children participate in studies voluntarily, and only with their parents’ consent.   
 B.Researchers put the welfare of participants ahead of any desire to learn new information about child development.   
Correct    C.Researchers can publish data about specific participants in local newspapers if the descriptions are flattering ones.   
 D.Researchers inform participants’ families about the results and conclusions of their research.   

Answer Key: C
Question 22 of 30
0.5 Points
Three of the following are typical components of the scientific method in developmental research. Which one is not typical?
 A.Designing a study that addresses a particular research question   
 B.Collecting data from children who have agreed to participate in the study   
 C.Drawing conclusions from patterns observed in the data   
Correct    D.Keeping the results and conclusions secret for at least five years   

Answer Key: D
Question 23 of 30
0.5 Points
Developmental researchers sometimes conduct interviews to learn more about children or adolescents. Three of the following are accurate statements about interviews. Which one is inaccurate?
 A.The quality of the data they yield depends on the researcher’s interviewing skills.   
 B.They are most likely to be productive when youngsters feel safe and comfortable.   
Correct    C.They take very little time relative to other data-collection techniques.   
 D.They allow researchers to probe youngsters’ reasoning about a topic in depth.   

Answer Key: C
Question 24 of 30
0.5 Points
In developmental research, the sample is:
Correct    A.Those individuals who are asked to participate and choose to do so   
 B.The entire group about which the researcher is interested, including both participants and nonparticipants in a particular study   
 C.The setting in which the research participants spend significant amounts of time, such as the classroom   
 D.A subset of research participants whose data are particularly interesting or valuable to the outcome of the study   

Answer Key: A
Question 25 of 30
0.5 Points
Researchers often gain useful information from observation of children and adolescents. Three of the following suggestions are likely to improve the quality of observational data. Which one is unlikely to do so?
 A.Keep a detailed record of what you see.   
 B.Discuss your observations with other researchers.   
 C.Carefully define the behaviors you want to categorize.   
Correct    D.Begin data collection almost as soon as you enter the research setting.   

Answer Key: D
Question 26 of 30
1.0 Points
Imagine that you want to find out which extracurricular activities in a community’s after-school programs are of most interest to teenagers. Which data collection technique would be most useful for this purpose?
Correct    A.a self-report questionnaire   
 B.an Apgar scale   
 C.a measure of habituation   

Answer Key: A
Question 27 of 30
1.0 Points
Which is not one of the general steps of the scientific method?
 A.collecting data   
 B.posing a question   
 C.analyzing data   
Correct    D.selecting a sample   

Answer Key: D
Question 28 of 30
1.0 Points
A team of researchers wants to know whether a new crime prevention program is really effective in reducing crime in young adolescents. The researchers find two middle schools, Adams Middle School and Monroe Middle School, which serve similar kinds of students and report similar rates of theft, physical assault, and vandalism. The researchers implement the program at Adams and use Monroe as a control group. Afterwards, they discover that crime has decreased at Adams but not at Monroe. This study is a good example of a(n) _______ design.
Incorrect    B.experimental   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: The schools were existing groups. There was no random assignment for treatment and control groups which makes this a quasi-experimental design.
Text Reference: See Analyzing Developmental Research, p. 46
Question 29 of 30
1.0 Points
Dr. Fitz wants to know which of three health programs is most effective in promoting children’s physical well-being. With the consent of both the children and their parents, children who regularly attend a community center are randomly assigned to one of three 8-week programs. After the programs have ended, Dr. Fitz assesses the children’s general physical well being. Dr. Fitz’s study can best be classified as which one of the following?
Incorrect    D.quasi-experimental   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Three programs (interventions) were studied. The children were randomly assigned to three groups. The effects of the programs were assessed to measure the effects upon the children. This reflects an experimental design.
Text Reference: See Analyzing Developmental Research, p. 45
Question 30 of 30
1.0 Points
Which one of the following conclusions can be firmly drawn only from an experimental study?
 A.Children grow taller as they get older.   
Incorrect    B.Boys are more likely than girls to engage in physical aggression.   
 C.Some drugs administered during pregnancy affect a child’s prenatal development.   
 D.Children’s muscular coordination and physical endurance improve as they grow older.   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: The drugs are the treatment which are the aspect of the environment that are being manipulated by the researcher.
Text Reference: See Analyzing Developmental Research, p. 45
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