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duddy duddy
Staff Member
Posts: 7817
13 years ago

Which of the following is not evidence that charophyceans are the closest algal relatives of plants?

Your Answer:
similarities in cell wall formation during cell division   
Correct Answer:
similar cell wall structure 
Which of the following characteristics of plants is absent in their closest relatives, the charophycean algae?
Your Answer:
sexual reproduction   
Correct Answer:
 alternation of multicellular generations 
   Which of the following is a clade (monophyletic group)?
Your Answer:
 liverworts, hornworts, and mosses   
Correct Answer:
 seedless vascular plants and seed plants 

   Which of the following characteristics do mosses, liverworts, and hornworts share?

Your Answer:
 reproductive cells in gametangia; embryos 
   Which of the following is not common to all phyla of vascular plants?

Your Answer:
 the development of seeds 
   A heterosporous plant species is one that

Your Answer:
 produces microspores and megaspores, which give rise to male and female gametophytes. 
   Which of the following is diploid?

Your Answer:
 a cell that is part of the stalk (seta) of a moss sporophyte 
   Microphylls are characteristic of which types of plants?

Your Answer: lycophytes   Correct Answer: liverworts 

   During the Carboniferous period, the dominant plants were

Your Answer:
 giant lycophytes, horsetails, and ferns. 

   Which of the following is a land plant that produces flagellated sperm and has a sporophyte-dominant life cycle?

Your Answer:

Which of the following is not a difference between algae and plants? (Concept 29.1 )
Your Answer:   Algae lack the same organs (leaves, stems, roots) characteristic of plants.    
Correct Answer:   Plant cells have rigid cellulose walls, and algal cells do not.    

    No. This is a difference between plants and algae.
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Which of the following is not a homology shared by land plants and their closest living algal relatives? (Concept 29.1 )
Your Answer:   the presence of cuticle on the surface of leaves

    Correct. The cuticle helps to protect the plant from water loss, a major problem associated with a terrestrial existence.
_____________________________ ___________
Alternation of generations _____. (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   is distinguished by haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular

    Correct. This is what distinguishes alternation of generations from the condition common to all sexually reproducing organisms that have haploid and diploid conditions.
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Plants undergo alternation of generations in which _____. (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation

    Correct. The life cycles of all plants include a gametophyte (or haploid generation) that alternates with a sporophyte (or diploid) generation.
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Gametangia are_____. (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   the site of development of the fertilized egg in algae    
Correct Answer:   single-celled in algae, multicellular in most plants    

    No. This is true of most plants.
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_____ protect(s) pollen grains from environmental damage. (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   Sporopollenin

    Correct. Sporopollenin, found in the coverings of pollen grains, resists environmental damage.
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Which is a key difference between alternation of generations in plants and sexual reproduction in non-plant organisms? (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   In plants, the haploid and diploid stages are both multicellular.

    Correct. The life cycle of humans, for example, includes a single-celled haploid stage and a multicellular diploid stage.
_____________________________ ___________
The development of the _____ prevents plants from drying out and protects them from microbes. (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   flavonoid    
Correct Answer:   cuticle    

    No. Flavonoids absorb UV radiation and act as signals in symbiotic relationships.
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Which example below is not a clade of vascular plants? (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   bryophytes

    Correct. Bryophytes, including the mosses, are nonvascular plants.
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Which term is most nearly synonymous with land plants? (Concept 29.2 )
Your Answer:   embryophytes

    Correct. All land plants include a multicellular embryo protected within a set of sterile cells.
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The gametophyte stage of the plant life cycle is most conspicuous in _____. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   mosses

    Correct. They have a dominant gametophyte.
_____________________________ ___________
When you see a green, "leafy" moss, you are looking at the _____. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   gametophyte generation

    Correct. The leafy gametophyte is the prevalent generation in the bryophyte life cycle, in contrast with the life cycle of other plants.
_____________________________ ___________
Rhizoids _____. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   anchor the gametophytes of bryophytes

    Correct. Bryophyte gametophytes are anchored by delicate rhizoids—long tubular single cells in liverworts and hornworts or filaments of cells in mosses.
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Which of the following produce eggs and sperm? (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   moss gametophytes

    Correct. They produce gametes: eggs and/or sperm.
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Fertilization in moss occurs when sperm swim from a(n) _____ and down the neck of a(n) _____. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   antheridium ... archegonium

    Correct. A sperm, produced in the antheridium, swims through a film of moisture to an archegonium and fertilizes the egg.
_____________________________ ___________
The gametophyte generation of a moss _____. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   is haploid

    Correct. The leafy haploid gametophyte is the prevalent generation in the bryophyte (moss) life cycle, in contrast with the life cycle of other plants.
_____________________________ ___________
How are gametes produced by bryophytes? (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   by meiosis of sporophyte cells    
Correct Answer:   by mitosis of gametophyte cells    

    No. This results in the production of spores.
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In mosses, haploid _____ directly produce buds that grow into gametophores. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   protonemata

    Correct. Spores germinate by mitotic division, forming small, green, threadlike haploid protonemata that eventually form buds that become gametophores.
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Which structure of a bryophyte sporophyte is specialized for gradual spore discharge? (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   peristome

    Correct. In most moss species, the upper part of the capsule has a ring of teeth known as the peristome, which is specialized for gradual spore discharge.
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Which structure of a bryophyte sporophyte serves as a protective cap on an immature capsule? (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   calyptra

    Correct. The calyptra is a cap of protective tissue found on an immature capsule. The cap is shed when the capsule is ready to release spores.
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What structures allow plants to readily take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   stomata

    Correct. Because plants are covered with a waxy cuticle, diffusion of carbon dioxide into the leaf interior must be facilitated through stomata, tiny pores that allow for gas exchange.
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Sphagnum is a _____ that forms extensive deposits of undecayed organic material. (Concept 29.3 )
Your Answer:   moss

    Correct. Deposits of undecayed organic material are known as peat.
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In the life cycle of a fern, the multicellular male gametangium (the sex organ that produces sperm cells) is called a(n) _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   antheridium

    Correct. The male gametangium (the sex organ that produces male gametes, or sperm) is called an antheridium.
_____________________________ ___________
In the life cycle of ferns, the multicellular female gametangium (the sex organ that contains an egg) is a(n) _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   archegonium

    Correct. The female gametangium (the sex organ that produces female gametes, or eggs) is called an archegonium.
_____________________________ ___________
Ferns and mosses are limited mostly to moist environments because _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   they have swimming sperm

    Correct. Both types of plants have flagellated sperm.
_____________________________ ___________
The "dots" on the underside of a fern frond are spore cases; therefore, what is true of the plant to which the frond belongs? (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   It is a sporophyte.

    Correct. The spots on the underside of reproductive leaves are sori, which release spores, indicating the parent plant is a sporophyte, or spore-producing organism.
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Where would you find a fern gametophyte? (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   on moist soil

    Correct. Fern sperm use flagella to swim through moisture to fertilize the egg. The small heart-shaped gametophyte grows on or just below the soil level in moist areas.
_____________________________ ___________
Fern gametophytes are _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   produced from haploid gametes    
Correct Answer:   free-living, multicellular organisms    

    No. Gametophytes produce gametes.
_____________________________ ___________
To examine meiosis in ferns, you would study _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   the sporangia

    Correct. The mature diploid sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis. These spores are encased in sporangia.
_____________________________ ___________
Vascular tissues of plants include _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   xylem for conducting water and minerals, and phloem for conducting dissolved organic molecules

    Correct. Vascular tissues include xylem for conducting water and minerals, and phloem for conducting organic molecules like sugars. Lignin is a strengthening polymer found in the walls of cells that support and conduct.
_____________________________ ___________
Heterosporous plants produce _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   megaspores that develop into female gametophytes and microspores that develop into male gametophytes

    Correct. Notice that the female is larger than the male.
_____________________________ ___________
In sporophyte ferns, the leaves are _____. (Concept 29.4 )
Your Answer:   megaphylls

    Correct. Many ferns have leaves, commonly called fronds, that are subdivided into leaflets.
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- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science

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