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biolove biolove
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Posts: 1723
12 years ago
Psychology, 10/E

Carole Wade, Dominican University of California
Carol Tavris, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science

1.   Tabula rasa was a term Watson used to describe human nature.  The term means:
   a.   natural selection.
   b.   blank slate.
   c.   innate characteristics.
   d.   genetic leash.

2.   _______________ attempts to tease apart the relative contributions of heredity and environment.
   a.   Nativism   c.   Evolutionary psychology
   b.   Empiricism   d.   Behavioral genetics

3.   _______________ are rod-shaped paired structures made of DNA that are located in the nucleus of the cell.
   a.   Genes   c.   Chromosomes
   b.   Genomes   d.   Genetic markers

4.   Which of the following is NOT a reason that the frequency of genes in a population may change over many
   a.   mutation   c.   copying errors
   b.   crossover of genetic material   d.   addition of new amino acids

5.   Which of the following is NOT an innate human characteristic?
   a.   the ability to walk on two legs   c.   basic computational skills
   b.   a sucking reflex   d.   an interest in novelty
6.   Surface structure refers to:
   a.    the way a sentence is actually spoken.
   b.   the rules of grammar.
   c.   how the sentence is understood.
   d.   core features of all languages.

7.   Sociobiologists predict that, compared to males, females:
   a.   are more likely to be polygamous.   c.   are more likely to choose a young, attractive mate.
   b.   are more likely to be monogamous.   d.   are more likely to be promiscuous.

8.   Which of the following is NOT an argument used by critics of evolutionary explanations of courtship and
   mating behaviors?
   a.   Sexual attitudes and practice vary considerably within a culture.
   b.   On questionnaires, both sexes rate kindness, understanding, and intelligence above physical qualities
      and financial status.
   c.   Similarity and proximity are the strongest predictors of mate selection.
   d.   People’s responses on questionnaires correspond with their actual behavior.

9.   _______________ is an estimate of the proportion of the total variance in a trait that is attributed to genetics.
   a.   Heritability   c.   Evolutionary psychology
   b.   Nativism   d.   The nature effect

10.   Which of the following is an advantage of genetic testing?
   a.   Genetic information could be used to discriminate against an individual.
   b.   Knowing a genetic risk could result in a self-fulfilling prophesy.
   c.   Genes can absolve a person of responsibility.
     d.    Knowing that a child’s disorder is genetic can keep a parent from experiencing unnecessary guilt.

Chapter 3 – Quick Quiz 2

1.   Which of the following is true about nativism?
   a.   It emphasizes the role of experience.
   b.   It emphasizes the role of our genetic nature.
   c.   It was espoused by John B. Watson.
   d.   It is the prominent position in psychology today.

2.   _______________ emphasizes the evolutionary mechanisms that might help explain similarities in behavior.
   a.   Nativism   c.   Evolutionary psychology
   b.   Empiricism   d.   Behavioral genetics

3.   _______________ are the functional units of heredity that code for the structure of proteins.
   a.   Genes   c.   Chromosomes
   b.   Genomes   d.   Genetic markers

4.   Evolutionary psychologists view the mind as:
   a.   a general-purpose computer.
   b.   a collection of specialized mental modules.
   c.   an inherited language acquisition device.
   d.   a result of our environment and experience.

5.   Which of the following does NOT support the existence of an innate capacity for children to acquire language?
   a.   Children in different cultures go through similar stages of linguistic development.
   b.   Children not exposed to adult language do not develop language skills.
   c.   Adults do not consistently correct their children’s syntax.
   d.   Children combine words in ways that adults never would.

6.   _______________ is the founder of the field of sociobiology.
   a.   Charles Darwin   c.   John B. Watson
   b.   Edward O. Wilson   d.   Noam Chomsky

7.   Sociobiologists predict that, compared to females, males:
   a.   are more likely to be monogamous.
   b.   are more likely to be promiscuous.
   c.   are more likely to choose a partner who is stable and secure.
   d.   are more likely to be discriminating in their choice of a mate.

8.   Which of the following statements of heritability is true?
   a.   Heritability is a measure of the genetic contribution to a particular trait for an individual.
   b.   The best way to estimate heritability is to study blood relatives who share a particular trait.
   c.   An estimate of heritability will apply regardless of environment.
   d.   Heritability can help explain differences within groups.

9.   Estimates of the heritability of intelligence:
   a.   increase with age.   c.   do not change with age.
   b.   decrease with age.   d.   explain differences between groups.
10.   Which of the following is NOT associated with reduced mental ability?
   a.   poor prenatal care   c.   stressful family circumstances
   b.   malnutrition   d.   having a mentally ill sibling
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