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Jjmcadoo Jjmcadoo
Posts: 594
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6 years ago
According to research studies, what law enforcement measures are effective in reducing crime?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are the possible explanations for the higher involvement in crime by teens and young adults?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are the effects of the introduction of three-strike policies?
  What will be an ideal response?

Why is the office of prosecuting attorneys such a powerful position in the criminal justice system?
  What will be an ideal response?

Who are likely to be victims of crime?
  What will be an ideal response?

Differentiate between primary deviance and secondary deviance.
  What will be an ideal response?

What are the arguments in favor of legalizing victimless crimes?
  What will be an ideal response?

What measures are needed to fight globalized crime and cybercrime?
  What will be an ideal response?

Janis is conducting a study on judicial reforms in the criminal justice system of her county. She is most likely to recommend ________.
  a. increasing the number of programs that provide job training for the unemployed
  b. narrowing the discretionary options of prosecutors and judges
  c. improving surveillance through better street lighting
  d. rehabilitating criminals through the imposition of military discipline

Which of the following measures is shown to be effective at reducing crime?
  a. intensive police patrols of crime hot spots
  b. neighborhood watch programs
  c. arresting juveniles for minor offenses
  d. longer prison sentences
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6 years ago
1) According to research studies, more intensive police patrols of crime hot spots, devoting resources to arresting serious repeat offenders and police efforts to seize guns carried in public are effective in reducing crime. Computers and other modern technologies enable police forces to locate and arrest the relatively small number of people who commit large numbers of robberies and burglaries. Putting these people in jail has a much bigger impact on the crime problem than imprisoning someone who commits a crime only occasionally.

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2) It may be that young people are more likely to be arrested for committing a crime than older people. Or it may be that older people are actually less likely to engage in criminal activity. Young people's higher rates of criminal conduct may be due to opportunity and physical capability: Young people are more likely to commit visible offenses, such as property crimes and robbery, than hidden crimes such as embezzlement, price fixing, or corporate malfeasance. In addition, young people have the strength, agility, and stamina to commit crimes such as burglary and robbery.

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3) Current research suggests that three-strike policies have not reduced the crime rate. However, the laws have produced more crowded court dockets and local jails because suspects who come under three-strike legislation, facing life in prison without parole, are more likely to go to trial rather than plea bargain. In addition, in some states, it has produced more prison crowding as more people are sent to prison for longer periods.

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4) Prosecuting attorneys have the power to determine which cases will be pursued and with how much vigor. Most importantly, prosecuting attorneys are political figures and have a keen awareness of how they achieved their positions in the first place. To keep influential groups or their elective constituencies happy, prosecutors exert enormous pressure on the police.

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5) Males and blacks are considerably more likely to be victims of crime. Black males are eight times more likely to be the victims of homicide than white males, and black females are four times more likely to be victims than white females. For some crimes, such as robbery and larceny, poorer households were more likely to be victimized, whereas the affluent were more likely to experience auto theft. Offenders are often the victims of other criminals.

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6) According to labeling theory, the violation of social norms in which a person is not caught or is excused rather than labeled as a deviant is known as primary deviance. Secondary or career deviance is the deviant behavior that a person adopts in response to the reaction of others to his or her primary deviance.

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7) One of the controversies about having victimless crimes on the books is whether the government ought to be controlling what some people feel are personal or moral issues, such as gambling, drug use, or prostitution. A second controversy is that, because victimless crimes are illegal, people sometimes commit additional crimes, called secondary crimes, while committing the victimless crime. Finally, victimless crimes are related to public corruption in that bribes are sometimes given to the police or other public officials to ignore the illegal flow of drugs, sex, or gambling.

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8) First, police and detectives must be highly educated and technologically sophisticated in order for them to understand the crimes they confront and how to catch the criminals. Second, our understanding of crime fighting must encompass a global view of law enforcement.

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9) Answer: b

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10) Answer: a
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