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cdsuavet cdsuavet
Posts: 489
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6 years ago
While assisting in the emergency removal of a small toy from a young child's piriform recess, the attending physician asks you to tell him what nerve might be injured if the mucosa lining the recess is penetrated. You reply the:
  A) vagus nerve.
  B) glossopharyngeal nerve.
  C) lingual nerve.
  D) internal laryngeal nerve.
  E) spinal accessory nerve.

(Question 2) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to a tracheostomy?
  A) It is safer to do in infants than adults because the esophagus is more offset and thereby less likely to be injured.
  B) The isthmus of the thyroid gland is typically divided or retracted.
  C) Care must be taken to avoid transecting an artery that is sometimes present and runs immediately superficial to the trachea.
  D) Care must be taken to avoid transecting the inferior thyroid veins.
  E) It is typically performed through a portion of the first four tracheal segments.

(Question 3) As the bolus of food enters the oropharynx during swallowing, all of the following actions occur except:
  A) the infrahyoid muscles act to depress the larynx.
  B) the oropharynx is closed off from the nasopharynx.
  C) the oropharynx is shortened.
  D) the soft palate is elevated.
  E) the constrictor muscles contract.

(Question 4) In the last part of the nineteenth century, a German/British laryngologist named Felix Semon formulated a medical law that now bears his name, Semon's Law.
  The law states that in any injury of a certain nerve, the abductors of the vocal cord become affected sooner than the adductors. The nerve that Semon's Law refers to is the:
  A) superior laryngeal.
  B) recurrent laryngeal.
  C) internal laryngeal.
  D) external laryngeal.
  E) glossopharyngeal.

(Question 5) Which of the following associations pertaining to the muscles of the larynx is incorrect?
  A) posterior cricoarytenoid muscleswiden rima glottidis
  B) cricothyroid musclesraise pitch of voice
  C) thyroarytenoid muscleslower pitch of voice
  D) lateral cricoarytenoidadduct vocal folds
  E) transverse and oblique arytenoid musclesrelax upon swallowing

(Question 6) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to aspiration of a foreign body?
  A) Contact with the mucosa of the vestibule of the larynx will induce laryngeal musculature spasm.
  B) Contact with the mucosa of the vestibule of the larynx will cause violent coughing.
  C) A Valsalva maneuver may be used to dislodge the foreign body.
  D) In extreme cases a needle cricothyrotomy permits rapid entry of air into the trachea.
  E) Death will occur in approximately five minutes if the airway is fully obstructed.

(Question 7) Which of the following is incorrect for the cricoid cartilage?
  A) It comprises the only complete cartilaginous ring of the airway.
  B) It articulates with the arytenoid cartilages.
  C) It is an attachment of the vocal ligaments.
  D) It is connected via a ligament to the thyroid cartilage.
  E) It is connected via a joint to the thyroid cartilage.

(Question 8) During a surgical procedure to excise a malignant thyroid gland, the surgeon asks you why she is not removing the posterior part of the patient's thyroid gland. Your correct response is:
  A) so that the patient does not develop tetany.
  B) to avoid damage to the trachea .
  C) because it is only the posterior part of the gland that produces calcitonin.
  D) to avoid damage to the inferior laryngeal nerve.
  E) to avoid excessive bleeding.

(Question 9) While assisting a surgeon excising a malignant thyroid gland, the surgeon asks you why she is ligating the inferior thyroid artery so far from the gland.
  You correctly respond by stating that she is doing this to avoid injuring which of the following nerves?
  A) sympathetic trunk
  B) superior cardiac nerve
  C) phrenic nerve
  D) external laryngeal nerve
  E) recurrent laryngeal nerve

(Question 10) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the thyroid gland?
  A) Its secretions are controlled by sympathetic fibers derived primarily from the inferior cervical ganglion.
  B) Its isthmus usually lies anterior to the 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings.
  C) It is typically drained by three pairs of veins.
  D) It receives blood via branches of both the subclavian and external carotid arteries.
  E) It may become abnormally enlarged, resulting in a goiter.
Read 56 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
1) Ans: D

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2) Ans: A

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3) Ans: A

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4) Ans: B

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5) Ans: E

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6) Ans: C

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7) Ans: C

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8) Ans: A

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9) Ans: E

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10) Ans: A
cdsuavet Author
6 years ago
I can see it now, thanks for clarifying
6 years ago
Make sure to mark the topic solved
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