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smcc617 smcc617
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6 years ago
Transdisciplinary teams make decisions:

a. by voting
  b. collaboratively
  c. based on the team leaders opinion
  d. through a process outlined in IDEA 97

[Ques. 2] Which of the following is not a characteristic of collaboration?

a. co-equal parties
  b. shared responsibility
  c. joint decision-making
  d. top-down management

[Ques. 3] Describe the differences between formal and informal supports for families.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 4] Describe Blacher's three stages of adjustment, through which families of a child with a disability move.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 5] How does family functioning style help each family access and use resources?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 6] Describe the concentric circles embedded in Bronfenbrenner's model of ecological units.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 7]

As a professional, it is important for you to include your own values in decision making about services and
  support for families

  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

[Ques. 8] All professionals should develop cross-cultural competence
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

[Ques. 9] Family-professional-community collaboration should extend into adulthood
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

[Ques. 10]

The amount of support provided for parents of children who are disabled is the most important factor to
  consider when providing assistance

  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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6 years ago
1)  b

2)  d

3)  Describe the differences between formal and informal supports for families.
Informal supports are naturally occurring events in life that address instrumental, emotional, and
informational needs. Informal support refers to interactions with extended family, neighbors, church
members, close friends, and other individuals and organizations that offer friendship and assistance in
problem-solving, recreation or just conversing about day-to-day happenings. Formal support refers to
the interaction between families and professionals from institutions or agencies that assist people with
disabilities and their families to live in the community. Formal supports include a range of material
goods and services like therapy delivered by a speech/ language professional, assistance in filling out
forms for social security benefits, provisions of equipment, or legal advice on establishing guardianship.

4)  Describe Blacher's three stages of adjustment, through which families of a child with a disability move.
The three stages are: 1) emotional crisis characterized by shock, denial, disbelief, (2) a period of
alternating feelings of anger, guilt, depression, grief, lowered self-esteem, rejection of child, and over
protectiveness, and (3) acceptance

5)  How does family functioning style help each family access and use resources?
Each family has its own way of dealing with life events. This unique combination defines the family's
style of working together. In essence, family functioning style includes the strengths and capabilities of
families and the manner in which these abilities are used to secure or create resources.

6)  Describe the concentric circles embedded in Bronfenbrenner's model of ecological units
At the innermost level is the developing child and his or her nuclear family members (mother, father, and
siblings). This family unit is embedded in broader ecological sub-units consisting of extended family,
friends, and other close, personal acquaintances. These sub-units are further embedded in the larger
social units, including social organizations, the parent's place of work, and professional helpers, and

7)  F

8)  T

9)  T

10)  F
smcc617 Author
6 years ago
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