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swimgal16 swimgal16
Posts: 549
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6 years ago
The anomalous Zeeman effect occurs because electrons have intrinsic spin, and when placed in a magnetic field, lose their degeneracy for the __________ states with different ________ . Fill in the missing words.
  a.2J + 1, mJ
  b. 2S + 1, J
  c.L + S, l
  d. l + s, s
  e. j - s, mj

[Ques. 2] Choose the statement below that does NOT help explain why the ionization energy of cadmium is so much larger than that of indium.
a.The energy required to remove an electron from a filled subshell is much larger than the energy required to remove an electron from a nearly empty subshell.
  b. The atomic radius of indium is larger than that of cadmium.
  c. Electrons in the 4d subshell spend more time inside the closed shells than does the additional 5p electron and therefore are more shielded.
  d. The additional electron in the 5p subshell is at higher energy and therefore easier to remove from the atom.

[Ques. 3] Some elements like iron, cobalt, and holmium make very good natural magnets. Which of the following statements best describes why?
a.Selection rules for multi-electron atoms tend to maximize electron spin and orbital angular momentum.
  b.Atoms in the crystalline structure of the solid metal tend to antialign their spin and orbital angular momentum.
  c.Large numbers of paired electron spins are essential to good magnets.
  d.The filled s shells with high n and paired electrons create larger atomic radii and therefore the electrons can contribute more to the magnetic field.

[Ques. 4] The anomalous Zeeman effect is different from the normal Zeeman effect because


a.to observe the normal Zeeman effect, the atom must be in a magnetic field, while the anomalous Zeeman effect depends on the external electric field.
  b.the split of energy levels from the anomalous Zeeman effect depends on the Lande g factor and the split from the normal Zeeman effect depends on the gyromagnetic ratio.
  c.the split of energy levels from the anomalous Zeeman effect depends on the intrinsic spin quantum number and the split from the normal Zeeman effect depends on the magnetic quantum number.
  d.the total angular momentum vector only precesses in the anomalous Zeeman effect.

  e. only the normal Zeeman effect depends on the angular momentum L.

[Ques. 5] Following selection rules for multi-electron atoms, imagine a titanium atom in the ground state with two electrons in each of the 3d and 4s shells. In the 3d shell, which of the following scenarios is least likely to be true?
a. The electrons orbital angular momentum is aligned.
  b. The electrons' spins are antialigned to minimize energy.
  c. The spin and angular momentum of the electrons are aligned to minimize energy.
  d. The energy levels of the electrons are split due to LS coupling.
  e. The magnetic quantum numbers of the electrons are either both positive or both negative.

[Ques. 6] Which of the following statements is true about the spin-orbit coupling effects on the transitions of an atom such as sodium? Assume sodium is modeled by a single electron atom.
a.The difference in the energy of a split state does not depend on the electron's angular momentum, but instead the angular momentum of the nucleus.
  b. The differences in energy level transitions are significant enough to change the order of filling of the subshells.
  c.Electrons with a state of l = 0 never have split energy levels.
  d. For single electron atoms (or atoms with one electron outside a filled shell) each nl state is made a doublet.

[Ques. 7] The energy levels of a single-electron atom (or the approximation for one electron outside of a filled shell) can be split due to a relationship between the spin and the orbital angular momentum. Choose the statement that best explains why this occurs.
a.The electron is affected by the magnetic field of the proton, which in the rest frame of the electron is seen as orbiting the electron.
  b.There is a state with lesser energy when the spin magnetic moment of the electron and internal magnetic field of the atom are aligned.
  c.Only in an external magnetic field do the energy levels split due to spin-orbit coupling.
  d.Only in an external electric field do the energy levels split due to spin-orbit coupling.
  e.The total angular momentum component in the z-direction is not quantized and can take on any value as a sum of orbital and spin angular momentum.

[Ques. 8] Although it seems intuitive that electrons in atoms should fill the 1s shell, 2s shell, 2p shell, 3s shell and so on in order of principal quantum number and orbital angular momentum quantum number, this is not the case. For instance, the 4s subshell fills before the 3d subshell. Which of the following statements does NOT help explain why this occurs?
a.Electrons fill the lowest energy levels available to them.
  b.Subshells with low l values have more elliptical orbits, spend more time inside the filled shells, and are at lower energies.
  c.Subshells with higher l values spend less time inside the filled shells and have higher energies.
  d. Electrons fill subshells by order of the subshells with least total electrons first, then subshells with greater number of total electrons.
  e.Electrons in shells with higher energy generally experience less shielding of nuclear charge.

[Ques. 9] Use the Pauli exclusion principle to determine how many electrons can fill a single g subshell.

[Ques. 10] Assuming the Hubble constant is (21 km/s)/(106 ly), what is the recession speed of a galaxy 300 million parsecs away? (1 parsec = 3.26 ly)
 a. 4200 km/s
  c. 640 km/s
  b. 21,000 km/s
  d. 7000 km/s
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