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heyoplshelp heyoplshelp
Posts: 520
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6 years ago
Two police officers are called to investigate a domestic abuse incident. When police arrive, they find a married couple engaged in a physical fight where the man is on top of the woman and he is holding her down by the shoulders while she is scratching his face and arms with her fingernails.
  After separating the two, both are assessed for injuries and an ambulance is summoned to the scene. The man has multiple scratches on his face, his neck, and on his arms. His eye is severely injured.
  The woman has what appears to be a black eye and her clothes are torn and barely cover her underclothes. The woman stated that he insisted on sexual relations and began pulling off her clothes and she kicked him in the groin and tried to run away. He caught up to her and started to pull off her clothes and she was trying to fight him off. She also tells police that she does not want to press charges.
  The man told the officers that his wife was angry at him and he just wanted to have a little fun. Things got out of hand and she kicked him in the groin. He said that he just was trying to keep her from hitting him so he pushed her down. He doesn't know how her eye got injured but insists that he is the victim by saying, Look at me Look at what that B_ _ _ H did to me
  Who should police arrest in this situation?
  A) The wife should be arrested since she started the incident with violence.
  B) The husband should be arrested because he is the primary physical aggressor.
  C) Both should be arrested since both were involved in mutual combat.
  D) None should be arrested since neither wants the other to be arrested.

(Question #2) Two officers have been dispatched to investigate a report of a domestic disturbance at a home. After officers have entered the location of the domestic violence call and have secured the area, the investigation begins. The first rule is to interview the suspect and victim separately. One officer is about to interview the suspect. What should the police officer do?
  A) Read the Miranda warnings to the suspect.
  B) Arrest the suspect.
  C) Remove the suspect from the home and conduct the interview while the suspect is locked in the back of the squad car.
  D) Interview the suspect without reading the Miranda warnings.

(Question #3) In 1984, a study in Minneapolis was conducted to study different police responses in domestic abuse cases. The city was divided into three different responses. One response was to arrest, plus a night in jail. Another response was advising the couple to calm down and a third was ordering the suspect to leave his home for six hours.
  What did this controversial study reveal?
  A) There was no difference in the rate of future violence in any of the approaches used by the police.
  B) A night in jail cut in half the risk of repeat violence against the victim in the following six months.
  C) Advising the couple to calm down cut in half the risk of repeat violence against the victim in the following six months.
  D) Ordering the suspect to leave his home for six hours cut in half the risk of repeat violence against the victim in the following six months.

(Question #4) A man and a woman get into an argument in a bar. The man says to the woman, You're jealous and you're fat The argument escalates and the woman kicks the man in the groin and punches him in the face, resulting in a broken nose.
  Police are called in to investigate and they interview the victim, the suspect, the suspect's girlfriends, several men that were sitting at the same table as the victim, the female bartender, and a couple unknown to anyone else in the bar.
  Who is the best witness (or witnesses) in this incident?
  A) The victim
  B) The men sitting at the table
  C) The bartender
  D) The couple unknown to anyone else in the bar

(Question #5) Police arrive at the scene of an altercation where six members of two rival gangs are brawling in a grocery store parking lot. Several of those involved in the fight have suffered nonlife-threatening injuries.
  Of the following, what should the officers do first?
  A) Provide medical aid to injured people.
  B) Protect the crime scene.
  C) Control and disarm those involved in the altercation.
  D) Separate suspects.
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6 years ago
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heyoplshelp Author
6 years ago
This is very helpful, my teacher this year is not good
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