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unistudentguy unistudentguy
Posts: 551
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6 years ago
A patient has a 0.40 air-entrainment mask on and is not tolerating it well at this time because of claustrophobia. A nasal cannula is placed on the patient. What liter flow should be set to match the appropriate FIO2?
  a. 2 c. 4
  b. 3 d. 5

Q. 2  A patient is receiving supplemental oxygen via a 30 air-entrainment mask set at 8 L/min. The respiratory therapist must increase the supplemental oxygen to 40. To maintain the same total output, the flow rate must be increased to _____ L/min.
  a. 10 c. 16
  b. 14 d. 18

Q. 3  A home care patient calls to inform the respiratory therapist that his transtracheal catheter acci-dentally fell out last night and that he was unable to reinsert it. The patient should be told to:
  a. insert a dilating or stenting device.
  b. continue attempts to reinsert the catheter.
  c. use a nasal cannula and call his physician as soon as possible.
  d. use a nasal cannula until another transtra-cheal catheter is delivered to the home.

Q. 4  ______ law states that the degree to which a gas enters into a physical solution in body fluids is directly proportional to the partial pressure of gas to which the fluid is exposed?
  a. Dalton's c. Gay-Lussac's
  b. Henry's d. Boyle's

Q. 5  A 60-year-old man with a 90 pack-years smoking history arrives in the emergency department on a nonrebreathing mask with an SpO2 of 88.
  The arterial blood gas results at this time indicate a pH of 7.38, PCO2 of 58, and partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of 54. Which action should the respiratory therapist take at this time?
  a. Keep the nonrebreathing mask on the pa-tient.
  b. Administer an 80:20 heliox concentration.
  c. Place a nasal cannula set at 6 L/min.
  d. Place an air-entrainment mask on the pa-tient that delivers 0.40 FIO2.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: D
5 L/min  4 = 20. 20 + 20 = 0.40 FIO2.

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: D
The output for the 30 air-entrainment mask set at 8 L/min is 72 L/min, because 30 has nine total parts multiplied by 8 L/min, which equals 72 L/min. The total output for 40 should, therefore, be 72 L/min. There are four total parts in 40 multiplied by an unknown flow that equals 72 L/min. 4X = 72. X is equal to 18 L/min.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: D
Without the transtracheal catheter in place, this patient is not receiving any supplemental oxygen. To avoid hypoxemia, the patient must use a back-up delivery device. The most appropriate device in this situation would be a nasal cannula. The patient must call the physician for follow-up im-mediately.

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: B
Henry's law is used to explain the changes in the PaO2 that occur with exposure to elevated am-bient pressure. The law states that the degree to which a gas enters into physical solution in body fluids is directly proportional to the partial pressure of gas to which the fluid is exposed.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: D
An air-entrainment device is the best delivery device for a patient with chronic obstructive pul-monary disease because of its ability to provide a precise FIO2. The other choices have a greater likelihood of causing CO2 retention and knocking out the patient's hypoxic drive.
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6 years ago
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