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Bailey Bailey
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6 years ago
J.M.'s eCG results show normal sinus rhythm with no stsegment or other changes. you meet with J.M. to formulate a plan of care
  Name at least four nutritional interventions.
  List at least six psychological aspects of the plan of care for J.M.

Question 2

You review her admission laboratory studies. an electrocardiogram (eCG) has also been ordered.
  Admission Lab Work
  Sodium 135mEq/L
  Potassium 3.4mEq/L
  Chloride 99mEq/L
  Magnesium 1.5mEq/L
  Bloodureanitrogen 18mg/dL
  Creatinine 1.0mg/dL
  Hemoglobin 11g/dL
  Hematocrit 35
  Which laboratory results might be of concern at this time? Explain your answers.
  What clinical symptoms of anorexia nervosa, if present, should have the highest priority?
  Explain your answers.

Question 3

You are a nurse on an inpatient psychiatric unit. J.M., a 23-year-old woman, was admitted to the psychiat-ric unit last night after assessment and treatment at a local hospital emergency department for blacking out at school.
  she has been given a preliminary diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. as you begin to assess her,
  you notice that she has very loose clothing, she is wrapped in a blanket, and her extremities are very thin.
  she tells you, I don't know why I'm here. they're making a big deal about nothing. she appears to be
  extremely thin and pale, with dry and brittle hair, which is very thin and patchy, and she constantly com-plains about being cold. as you ask questions pertaining to weight and nutrition, she becomes defensive
  and vague, but she does admit to losing some weight after an appendectomy 2 years ago. she tells you
  that she used to be fat, but after her surgery she didn't feel like eating and everybody started comment-ing on how good she was beginning to look, so she just quit eating for a while. she informs you that she
  is eating lots now, even though everyone keeps bugging me about my weight and how much I eat. she
  eventually admits to a weight loss of about 40 pounds and I'm still fat.
  Using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fifth Edition (DSM-V) criteria,
  how is the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa determined?
  Identify eight clinical signs or symptoms of anorexia nervosa. Place a star or asterisk next to
  those that J.M. has.
  What other disorders might occur along with anorexia nervosa? Name at least four.
  How does bulimia nervosa differ from anorexia nervosa?
  Name five behaviors that J.M. or any other patient with anorexia may engage in other than
  What common family dynamics are associated with anorexia nervosa?

Question 4

As you go in to give R.B. his medication, he speaks to you in fragmented sentences. Is that a bird? the little flowers jump up and down. What says the moon?
  Before you can say anything, he asks, do you see
  that bird over my bed? she is telling me not to leave this room. If I move she will swoop down and try to
  peck at my eyes. Be careful
  Is he having a delusion or a hallucination? Explain your answer.
  Which responses by the nurse are appropriate? Select all that apply.
  a. I don't see a bird over your head, but I can understand how that would be upsetting to
  b. There is no bird over your bed.
  c. Tell me more about what you are seeing.
  d. The voice you are hearing is part of your illness. It can't hurt you.
  e. I'll come back to talk to you when you are settled down.

Question 5

R.B. is started on olanzapine (Zyprexa). you inform R.B. and his family about the common side effects of the atypical antipsychotics.
  What are the common side effects of atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine (Zyprexa)?
  Select all that apply.
  a. Tardive dyskinesia
  b. Drowsiness
  c. Dry mouth
  d. Palpitations
  e. Nausea
  f. Weight gain
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1   Refer to a registered dietitian (RD) for medical nutrition therapy. Calories should start at basal
needs of 300 to 400 kcal/day, and the diet should be referred to as low calorie.Gradually increase to
1200 kcal/day or more.
 Sit with the patient during mealtimes; don't prompt to eat. Normal conversation can help increase
 Discuss food choices.
 Weigh each morning after voiding, in hospital gown with the patient's back to the scale.

 The initial focus is on stabilizing her physical condition and immediately addressing any acute
psychiatric symptoms, such as suicidal ideations.
 Approach the patient calmly and in a matter-of-fact manner.
 Reward for weight gain.
 Discuss minimal weight gain weekly that is acceptable to the patient.
 Encourage patient to set realistic and attainable goals for weight.
 Go over laboratory values with patient and importance of normality.
 Discuss with patient the willingness to work on self-esteem and body distortion issues.
 Discuss the importance of physical activity but that limitations are necessary.
 Remain nonjudgmental.
 Work on assertiveness skills with the patient.
 Encourage patient to participate in the treatment plan.
 Encourage participation in group therapy.
 Provide individual therapy after discharge.
 Praise successes and give immediate positive feedback, focusing on health promotion and
wellness. Often, patient privileges are linked to weight gain and adherence to the treatment plan.
 Monitor all trips to the bathroom, especially after eating, to prevent self-induced vomiting.

The answer to question 2  None of her laboratory values is dangerously low. However, the low Hgb and Hct may reflect a
deficiency in protein and iron. The potassium level is slightly lower than normal and should be
watched carefully.

 Malnutrition has long-term implications for disease and poor health.
 ECG changes could be life-threatening.
 Electrolyte imbalances need to be corrected, especially decreased K, Na, Cl, and Mg.
 Fluid balance needs to be corrected, and the patient might need to be treated for kidney damage
or failure.

The answer to question 3   Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to a significantly low body weight in
the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health
 Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight
 Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of
body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body

 Emaciated and malnourished appearance
 Hypotension (She has been blacking out, which can indicate hypotension. No vital signs were
provided, but students might star this item.)
 Dysrhythmias, bradycardia
 Pale conjunctivae and mucous membranes
 Poor skin turgor and muscle tone
 Peripheral edema
 Excessive hair loss and dryness
 Cold extremities
 Yellow skin
 Headaches, sore throat, vague physical complaints
 Chronic urinary tract infections
 Memory deficits
 Depressed immune system
 Obese or overweight person: electrolyte imbalance, hypothermia, weight loss of more than 2
pounds per week, perception of being obese despite weight loss

 Major depression
 Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other anxiety disorders
 Bulimia nervosa
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
 Eating disorders not otherwise specified
 Binge-eating disorder
 Cardiac dysrhythmias

 Anorexia nervosa is refusal to maintain body weight at a minimum level for age and height or
failure to gain weight during a period of growth, resulting in body weight less than 85 of what
is expected. The person has an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though the
person is underweight. The person may have a persistent inability to recognize the seriousness
of the very low body weight and extreme weight loss. Some types of anorexia nervosa involve
periods of binging and purging behaviors.
 Bulimia is characterized by recurrent periods of binge eating and recurrent, inappropriate
behaviors to prevent weight gain (such as self-induced vomiting; use of laxatives, enemas, and
diuretics to lose weight; fasting; or excessive exercise). This cycle occurs, on average, at least once a
week for 3 months.

 Excessive daily exercise
 Binging and purging
 Intense food rituals
 Use of diuretics
 Laxative or enema abuse
 Wearing loose clothing
 Withdrawal from social activities

 Middle- or upper-class background
 Passive father and dominant mother
 Expectations of perfection
 Overly dependent child
 Vague personal boundaries
 People pleasers
 High academic standards
 Sexual abuse

The answer to question 4  He is having a hallucination. Hallucinations involve perceiving a sensory experience for which there
is no external stimulus (he sees a bird over his bed and hears it talking to him). A delusion is a false
belief that a person thinks is true even with evidence to the contrary. For example, a person sees a
bed and becomes fearful because he believes it is his coffin.

Answer: a, c, d
Keep a calm demeanor and stay with the patient. If you do not understand what R.B. is saying, you
need to let him know. It is important to be gentle but clear. Tell R.B. that you are not understanding
him, and that you would like to be able to understand him. It is important not to negate what R.B. is
experiencing, yet you need to offer what you perceive. Tell him, I do not see a bird over your bed,
but I can understand how that would be upsetting to you. Do not argue with the patient. Notify the
physician if his behavior becomes aggressive.

The answer to question 5  Answers: b, c, f
Common side effects include drowsiness, agitation, insomnia, headache, dry mouth, and
weight gain.
Bailey Author
6 years ago
Smiling Face with Open Mouth that's the expression my face made when I got the notification email
6 years ago
glad I put that smile on your face Happy Dummy
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