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Derar Derar
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6 years ago
The nurse is performing an assessment on the patient who is in bilateral Buck traction. Which finding indicates the need to reposition the patient?
  a. The patient's heels are not touching the surface of the mattress.
  b. The elastic bandages need to be re-wrapped.
  c. The patient's feet are against the foot-board.
  d. The weights are hanging free.

Question 2

The nurse notes that the HbA1c level of an assigned patient demonstrated a drop from 9.4 to 5.4. What can the nurse infer from these findings?
  a. The patient's blood glucose control has improved over the last several months.
  b. The patient has been less compliant with the prescribed treatment regimen.
  c. The patient is experiencing a reduction in insulin sensitivity.
  d. The patient has less need for insulin.

Question 3

The nurse is performing the Aldrete scoring system. Which factor(s) must be assessed? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Activity
  b. Circulation
  c. Presence of wound drainage
  d. Level of consciousness
  e. O2 saturation

Question 4

The home health nurse assesses the patient with Parkinson disease who just started taking carbidopa-levodopa. The nurse should be alert for which side effect(s)? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Urinary retention
  b. Pruritis
  c. Diaphoresis
  d. Orthostatic hypotension
  e. Pink urine

Question 5

The patient in a long arm cast (from below the shoulder to the wrist, with a 90-degree elbow flexion) complains of a burning sensation over the elbow. The nurse's initial intervention should be:
  a. Elevate the casted arm on pillows.
  b. Check to see if the cast is properly sup-ported.
  c. Notify the charge nurse of developing pressure ulcer.
  d. Cut a window in the cast.

Question 6

A patient with an immune deficiency disorder has been admitted to the medical unit due to a current infection and weight loss of 12 of his body weight. Which nutritional intervention is most appropriate for this patient?
  a. Fat
  b. Vitamin C
  c. Vitamin B12
  d. Protein

Question 7

The nurse is performing a neurological assessment on a patient who was just transferred from the PACU following abdominal surgery. Which action(s) correctly demonstrate(s) knowledge of a neurological assessment? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Asking the patient to spell his name.
  b. Asking the patient to identify where he is.
  c. Noting if the patient can identify the sen-sation of touch.
  d. Asking the patient to move his arms and legs.
  e. Assessing the patient's pupils for response to light.

Question 8

Which layer of the heart contains muscle fibers that contract to pump blood?
  a. Myocardium
  b. Endocardium
  c. Epicardium
  d. Pericardium

Question 9

Which reason best explains why diabetics are prone to infection?
  a. High glucose levels provide an environ-ment conducive to bacterial growth.
  b. Atherosclerotic vascular changes decrease blood supply to tissues.
  c. Diabetics display abnormal phagocyte function.
  d. Diabetics display decreased leukocyte function.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1  C
When the patient's feet are against the footboard, the traction is ineffective. The heels should be off the surface of the mattress to reduce the threat of pressure ulcer. The weights should be hanging free.

The answer to question 2  A
HbA1c is a diagnostic assessment used to review blood glucose levels retrospectively. A reduction in the value indicates improved glucose control by the patient. There is no evidence of insulin sensitivity. The need for insulin is not decreased in this patient.

The answer to question 3  A, B, D, E
The Aldrete scoring system requires that the nurse assess activity, circulation, respiration, level of consciousness, and oxygen saturation.

The answer to question 4  A, C, D
Carbidopa-levodopa may cause urinary retention, diaphoresis, and orthostatic hypotension. The medication should not cause itching, and it may turn the urine dark.

The answer to question 5  B
The initial intervention should be to assess for adequate support to the cast, then elevate the limb for 30 minutes. If the pain has not diminished, document the intervention and notify the charge nurse.

The answer to question 6  D
Foods high in protein will not only help with increasing weight but will aid in synthesizing needed antibodies for this condition. Fats, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 will not address either the need for weight gain or antibody synthesis.

The answer to question 7  B, C, D, E
The level of consciousness, orientation, sensory status, motor skills, and pupillary responses are all integral components of the neurological assessment. Asking the patient to spell his name is not an assessment of neurological status, particularly immediately following surgery.

The answer to question 8  A
The myocardium is the middle layer of muscle fibers of the heart that contract to pump blood. The endocardium is the lining of the inner surface of the heart chambers, the epicardium is the outer layer of the heart muscle, and the pericardium is the membranous sac that surrounds the heart.

The answer to question 9  B
The primary reason for increased risk of infection in diabetic patients is the hyperglycemic envi-ronment. Lesser risk factors include atherosclerotic vascular changes, abnormal phagocyte func-tion, and decreased leukocyte function.
Derar Author
6 years ago
Thank you for your assistance, again and again
6 years ago
My pleasure
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