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Bryzgalov Bryzgalov
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6 years ago
A 25-year-old woman who is scheduled for a routine gynecologic examination tells the nurse that she has had intercourse during the last year with several men. The nurse will plan to teach about the reason for
  a. contraceptive use.
  b. antibiotic therapy.
  c. Chlamydia testing.
  d. pregnancy testing.

Question 2

A 24-year-old patient with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is being treated with oral antibiotics as an outpatient. Which instruction will be included in patient teaching?
  a. Abdominal pain may persist for several weeks.
  b. Return for a follow-up appointment in 2 to 3 days.
  c. Instruct a male partner to use a condom during sexual intercourse for the next week.
  d. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use may prevent pelvic organ scarring

Question 3

The nurse is caring for a 20-year-old patient with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) requiring hospitalization. Which nursing intervention will be included in the plan of care?
  a. Monitor liver function tests.
  b. Use cold packs PRN for pelvic pain.
  c. Elevate the head of the bed to at least 30 degrees.
  d. Teach the patient how to perform Kegel exercises.

Question 4

A female patient tells the nurse that she has been having nightmares and acute anxiety around men since being sexually assaulted 3 months ago. The most appropriate nursing diagnosis for the patient is
  a. anxiety related to effects of being raped.
  b. sleep deprivation related to frightening dreams.
  c. rape-trauma syndrome related to rape experience.
  d. ineffective coping related to inability to resolve incident.

Question 5

Which statement by the patient indicates that the nurse's teaching about treating vaginal candidiasis has been effective?
  a. I should clean carefully after each urination and bowel movement.
  b. I can douche with warm water if the itching continues to bother me.
  c. I will insert the antifungal cream right before I get up in the morning.
  d. I will tell my husband that we cannot have intercourse for the next month.

Question 6

A 49-year-old woman is considering the use of combined estrogen-progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HT) during menopause. Which information will the nurse include during their discussion?
  a. Use of estrogen-containing vaginal creams provides most of the same benefits as oral HT.
  b. Increased incidence of colon cancer in women taking HT requires more frequent colonoscopy.
  c. HT decreases osteoporosis risk and increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.
  d. Use of HT for up to 10 years to prevent symptoms such as hot flashes is generally considered safe.

Question 7

A 47-year-old woman asks whether she is going into menopause if she has not had a menstrual period for 3 months. The best response by the nurse is which of the following?
  a. Have you thought about using hormone replacement therapy?
  b. Most women feel a little depressed about entering menopause.
  c. What was your menstrual pattern before your periods stopped?
  d. Since you are in your mid-40s, it is likely that you are menopausal.

Question 8

When caring for a 58-year-old patient with persistent menorrhagia, the nurse will plan to monitor the
  a. estrogen level.
  b. complete blood count (CBC).
  c. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GNRH) level.
  d. serial human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) results.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Chlamydia testing is recommended annually for women with multiple sex partners. There is no indication that the patient needs teaching about contraceptives, pregnancy testing, or antibiotic therapy.

The answer to question 2

The patient is instructed to return for follow-up in 48 to 72 hours. The patient should abstain from intercourse for 3 weeks. Abdominal pain should subside with effective antibiotic therapy. Corticosteroids may help prevent inflammation and scarring, but NSAIDs will not decrease scarring.

The answer to question 3

The head of the bed should be elevated to at least 30 degrees to promote drainage of the pelvic cavity and prevent abscess formation higher in the abdomen. Although a possible complication of PID is acute perihepatitis, liver function tests will remain normal. There is no indication for increased fluid intake. Application of heat is used to reduce pain. Kegel exercises are not helpful in PID.

The answer to question 4

The patient's symptoms are most consistent with the nursing diagnosis of rape-trauma syndrome. The nursing diagnoses of sleep deprivation, ineffective coping, and anxiety address some aspects of the patient's symptoms but do not address the problem as completely as the rape-trauma syndrome diagnosis.

The answer to question 5

Cleaning of the perineal area will decrease itching caused by contact of the irritated tissues with urine and reduce the chance of further infection of irritated tissues by bacteria in the stool. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 1 week. Douching will disrupt normal protective mechanisms in the vagina. The cream should be used at night so that it will remain in the vagina for longer periods of time.

The answer to question 6

Data from the Women's Health Initiative indicate an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and breast cancer in women taking combination HT but a decrease in hip fractures. Vaginal creams decrease symptoms related to vaginal atrophy and dryness, but they do not offer the other benefits of HT, such as decreased hot flashes. Most women who use HT are placed on short-term treatment and are not treated for up to 10 years. The incidence of colon cancer decreases in women taking HRT.

The answer to question 7

The initial response by the nurse should be to assess the patient's baseline menstrual pattern. Although many women do enter menopause in the mid-40s, more information about this patient is needed before telling her that it is likely she is menopausal. Although hormone therapy (HT) may be prescribed, further assessment of the patient is needed before discussing therapies for menopause. Because the response to menopause is very individual, the nurse should not assume that the patient is experiencing any adverse emotional reactions.

The answer to question 8

Because anemia is a likely complication of menorrhagia, the nurse will need to check the CBC. Estrogen and GNRH levels are checked for patients with other problems, such as infertility. Serial hCG levels are monitored in patients who may be pregnant, which is not likely for this patient.
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6 years ago
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