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yjiang5 yjiang5
Posts: 575
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6 years ago
A patient states, I told my husband I wouldn't buy as much prepared food snacks, so I will go the grocery store to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.
  When using the Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change, the nurse identifies that this patient is in which stage of change?
  a. Preparation
  b. Termination
  c. Maintenance
  d. Contemplation

Question 2

A patient who was admitted to the hospital with hyperglycemia and newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus is scheduled for discharge the second day after admission. When implementing patient teaching, what is the priority action for the nurse?
  a. Instruct about the increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
  b. Provide detailed information about dietary control of glucose.
  c. Teach glucose self-monitoring and medication administration.
  d. Give information about the effects of exercise on glucose control.

Question 3

A patient is diagnosed with heart failure after being admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and fatigue. Which teaching strategy, if implemented by the nurse, is most likely to be effective?
  a. Assure the patient that the nurse is an expert on management of heart failure.
  b. Teach the patient at each meal about the amounts of sodium in various foods.
  c. Discuss the importance of medication control in maintenance of long-term health.
  d. Refer the patient to a home health nurse for instructions on diet and fluid restrictions.

Question 4

After the nurse provides dietary instructions for a patient with diabetes, the patient can explain the information but fails to make the recommended dietary changes. How would the nurse evaluate the patient's situation?
  a. Learning did not occur because the patient's behavior did not change.
  b. Choosing not to follow the diet is the behavior that resulted from learning.
  c. The nursing responsibility for helping the patient make dietary changes has been fulfilled.
  d. The teaching methods were ineffective in helping the patient learn the dietary instructions.

Question 5

In what order will the nurse perform these actions when doing a physical assessment for a patient admitted with abdominal pain? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice A, B, C, D.)
  a. Percuss the abdomen to locate any areas of dullness.
  b. Palpate the abdomen to check for tenderness or masses.
  c. Inspect the abdomen for distention or other abnormalities.
  d. Auscultate the abdomen for the presence of bowel sounds.

Question 6

A patient with newly diagnosed colon cancer has a nursing diagnosis of deficient knowledge about colon cancer. The nurse should initially focus on which learning goal for this patient?
  a. The patient will select the most appropriate colon cancer therapy.
  b. The patient will state ways of preventing the recurrence of the cancer.
  c. The patient will demonstrate coping skills needed to manage the disease.
  d. The patient will choose methods to minimize adverse effects of treatment.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

The patient's statement indicating that the plan for change is being shared with someone else indicates that the preparation stage has been achieved. Contemplation of a change would be indicated by a statement like I know I should exercise. Maintenance of a change occurs when the patient practices the behavior regularly. Termination would be indicated when the change is a permanent part of the lifestyle.

The answer to question 2

When time is limited, the nurse should focus on the priorities of teaching. In this situation, the patient should know how to test blood glucose and administer medications to control glucose levels. The patient will need further teaching about the role of diet, exercise, various medications, and the many potential complications of diabetes, but these topics can be addressed through planning for appropriate referrals.

The answer to question 3

Principles of adult education indicate that readiness and motivation to learn are high when facing new tasks (such as learning about the sodium amounts in various food items) and when demonstration and practice of skills are available. Although a home health referral may be needed for this patient, teaching should not be postponed until discharge. Adult learners are independent. The nurse should act as a facilitator for learning, rather than as the expert. Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate usefulness. Long-term goals may not be very motivating.

The answer to question 4

Although the patient behavior has not changed, the patient's ability to explain the information indicates that learning has occurred and the patient is choosing at this time not to change the diet. The patient may be in the contemplation or preparation stage in the Transtheoretical Model. The nurse should reinforce the need for change and continue to provide information and assistance with planning for change.

The answer to question 5

C, D, A, B
When assessing the abdomen, the initial action is to inspect the abdomen. Auscultation is done next because percussion and palpation can alter bowel sounds and produce misleading findings.

The answer to question 6

Adults learn best when given information that can be used immediately. The first action the patient will need to take after a cancer diagnosis is to choose a treatment option. The other goals may be appropriate as treatment progresses.
yjiang5 Author
6 years ago
I wanna give this person a hug.
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