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destiny_remy destiny_remy
Posts: 511
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6 years ago
The nurse is preparing to draw blood on a client who is suspected of having systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Before obtaining the specimen, the nurse should ask the client which question?
  1. How long have you had symptoms?
  2. Are you taking oral contraceptives?
  3. Does SLE run in your family?
  4. Are you experiencing pain?

Question 2

The nurse is preparing to give MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) immunizations at a health clinic. A 25-year-old female tells the nurse that she is pregnant. The nurse should tell the client that she cannot receive the immunization at this time because:
  1. the client is too young for the immunization.
  2. the immunization is not effective if the client is pregnant.
  3. the immunization contains the live virus, which could harm the fetus.
  4. the immunization should be given immediately prior to pregnancy.

Question 3

The nurse is preparing to instruct a client scheduled for surgery on how to perform leg exercises. What reasons should the nurse include when explaining the purpose of these exercises to the client? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Maintains muscle tone
  2. Promotes cardiac output
  3. Ensures range of motion
  4. Prevents the development of pneumonia
  5. Reduces the risk for deep venous thrombosis

Question 4

A client is transported to the surgical suite and is greeted by the circulating nurse. What responsibilities will this nurse have when caring for the client? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Positions the client
  2. Prepares the surgical suite
  3. Counts all instruments and sponges
  4. Advocates for the client's safety and well-being
  5. Handles sutures and instruments adjacent to the sterile field

Question 5

A nurse is preparing to discharge a client who has had outpatient surgery. What should the nurse assess before discharging the client?
  1. Family support at home
  2. Understanding of the surgical procedure
  3. Food preferences
  4. Knowledge of sterile technique

Question 6

After abdominal surgery, a client feels bloated and is unable to pass gas. What should the nurse do to help this client?
  1. Press gently on the abdomen to promote expulsion of gas.
  2. Restrict foods to reduce gas production.
  3. Assist with ambulation.
  4. Encourage fluid intake of 3000 mL/day.

Question 7

A postoperative client complains of dizziness when getting out of bed to ambulate. What should the nurse do?
  1. Return the client to bed.
  2. Walk alongside the client.
  3. Administer medication for dizziness.
  4. Have the client use a walker.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Answer: 2

1. Asking about symptoms is done before the physician orders the labs drawn.
2. Oral contraceptives can interfere with the validity of the test and could give a false positive.
3. Discussing family history is completed prior to the decision to obtain laboratory studies.
4. Pain will not affect the results of the lab studies.

The answer to question 2

Answer: 3

1. MMR immunizations are started in childhood.
2. MMR would be effective whether the client were pregnant or not.
3. MMR contains a live virus that could damage the fetus and cause birth defects.
4. The female client is cautioned against pregnancy for 3 months after receiving the MMR because the MMR contains a live virus.

The answer to question 3

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

1. Leg exercises maintain muscle tone, which facilitates early ambulation.
2. As the leg muscles contract and relax, blood is pumped back to the heart, promoting cardiac output.
3. Leg exercises maintain range of motion, which facilitates early ambulation.
4. Deep breathing and coughing exercises help prevent the development of pneumonia.
5. Leg exercises are taught to reduce the risk for developing deep venous thrombosis.

The answer to question 4

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

1. The circulating nurse is a registered nurse who coordinates and manages a wide range of activities before, during, and after the surgical procedure. The circulating nurse positions the client.
2. The circulating nurse is a registered nurse who coordinates and manages a wide range of activities before, during, and after the surgical procedure. The circulating nurse prepares the surgical suite.
3. The circulating nurse is a registered nurse who coordinates and manages a wide range of activities before, during, and after the surgical procedure. The circulating nurse counts all sponges and instruments.
4. The circulating nurse is a registered nurse who coordinates and manages a wide range of activities before, during, and after the surgical procedure. The circulating nurse advocates for the safety and well-being of the patient.
5. The scrub nurse handles sutures and instruments adjacent to the sterile field.

The answer to question 5

Answer: 1

1. Since the client will be discharged to home following outpatient surgery, it is necessary to know who will be available to assist with recovery.
2. Understanding the surgical procedure would be helpful prior to the surgery.
3. Food preferences would not be essential at this time.
4. Knowledge of sterile technique depends upon the surgical procedures.

The answer to question 6

Answer: 3

1. Pressing on the abdomen might cause pain following abdominal surgery.
2. Restricting gas-forming foods prevents gas production, but wouldn't be the best intervention to promote gas expulsion.
3. Ambulation stimulates peristalsis, which will promote gas expulsion.
4. Fluid intake would not promote gas expulsion.

The answer to question 7

Answer: 2

1. Early ambulation encourages healing, return of peristalsis, and reduction of postoperative complications.
2. Walking alongside the client provides support and safety.
3. Dizziness is a common occurrence postoperatively and does not usually require medication.
4. A walker will not reduce the subjective feeling of dizziness.
destiny_remy Author
6 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to explain this, just got my quiz back: Perfect
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