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megnogz megnogz
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
All substances are potentially toxic, but are hazardous only if consumed in sufficiently large quantities.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

Lead usually poisons a person slowly rather than all at once.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 3

Canned foods have an infinite shelf-life.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

Sue is the mother of a 2 year old named Tara. Sue wants to protect Tara from pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful contaminants on the food she serves her daughter. She is committed to only purchasing organic foods and preparing them in a healthy manner. Let's see if Sue knows as much as you do by answering the following questions. Mary tells Sue there are some benefits to the use of pesticides for farmers. All of the following are examples of these benefits except:
 a. Pesticides can boost crop yields.
  b. Pesticide use contributes to the relatively low cost of fruits and vegetables.
  c. Pesticide use allows for a wide variety of crops to be grown.
  d. Some pesticides like DDT remain active for years and so do not need to be reapplied.

Q. 5

Sue is the mother of a 2 year old named Tara. Sue wants to protect Tara from pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful contaminants on the food she serves her daughter. She is committed to only purchasing organic foods and preparing them in a healthy manner. Let's see if Sue knows as much as you do by answering the following questions. While food shopping, Sue sees a label on a package of graham crackers that reads product made with organic ingredients.. What does this mean?
 a. It means the graham crackers contain between 70 and 95 percent organic contents.
  b. It means the graham crackers contain 95 percent organic ingredients.
  c. It means the graham crackers contain no added preservatives but may have been irradiated.
  d. It means the wheat and sugar used to make the graham crackers were grown without pesticides but may contain genetically engineered products.

Q. 6

Sue is the mother of a 2 year old named Tara. Sue wants to protect Tara from pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful contaminants on the food she serves her daughter. She is committed to only purchasing organic foods and preparing them in a healthy manner. Let's see if Sue knows as much as you do by answering the following questions. Sue's brother, Manuel, says she is going overboard by insisting that everything Tara eats is labeled organic.. A disadvantage of buying certified organic foods that he mentions is that:
 a. more synthetic fertilizer residues will end up in waterways.
  b. farmers may follow less humane animal welfare standards.
  c. organic farming methods lead to improved soil fertility.
  d. the food may be fertilized with improperly composted animal manure containing harmful organisms.

Q. 7

Sue is the mother of a 2 year old named Tara. Sue wants to protect Tara from pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful contaminants on the food she serves her daughter. She is committed to only purchasing organic foods and preparing them in a healthy manner. Let's see if Sue knows as much as you do by answering the following questions. Which would not be a recommended way for Sue to reduce pesticide consumption?
 a. Rinse produce with water and scrub with a brush.
  b. Trim fat from meat and remove skin from poultry.
  c. Eat only few types of produce to ensure safety.
  d. Peel produce to which wax has been applied.
  e. Discard the outer leaves of lettuce.

Q. 8

Sue is the mother of a 2 year old named Tara. Sue wants to protect Tara from pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful contaminants on the food she serves her daughter. She is committed to only purchasing organic foods and preparing them in a healthy manner. Let's see if Sue knows as much as you do by answering the following questions. Sue is concerned about pesticide contamination of the produce she purchases. Which of the following would you say to Sue?
 a. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the health risks posed by pesticide residues are significant.
  b. The American Cancer Society says that consumers should only buy foods labeled organic to adequately protect their health.
  c. The risk of not eating fruits and vegetables for fear of consuming pesticide residues far outweighs the slight risk associated with these substances.
  d. The amount of pesticides permitted allows for a small margin of safety.
  e. All of the above are valid comments.
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4 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 361
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
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megnogz Author
6 years ago
Dude, you're awesome. I wish I had you as my teacher!
6 years ago
Come to the forum always, I'll be around to assist you again
4 years ago
thank you
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