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grodriguezz grodriguezz
Posts: 529
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6 years ago
Jack has just returned from the hospital where his father is recovering from a heart attack. The doctors told Jack that his dad's atherosclerosis is very serious. Jack and his wife, Melanie, are worried about Jack's father and also are starting to think about Jack's risk of having heart disease in his lifetime. He sets up an appointment at his doctor's office and has his blood lipid levels evaluated for the first time. Let's see if you can answer some of the questions that Jack and Melanie have.Which choice would be best in order for Jack to lower his LDL cholesterol without decreasing his HDL cholesterol?
 a. Reduce exercise.
 b. Eat an atherogenic diet.
 c. Switch back to butter instead of margarine.
  d. Eat cashews and use olive oil.
 e. Eat more trans fats when possible.

Q. 2

Weight management professionals currently have and use ethic or racially specific BMI tables.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 3

Jack has just returned from the hospital where his father is recovering from a heart attack. The doctors told Jack that his dad's atherosclerosis is very serious. Jack and his wife, Melanie, are worried about Jack's father and also are starting to think about Jack's risk of having heart disease in his lifetime. He sets up an appointment at his doctor's office and has his blood lipid levels evaluated for the first time. Let's see if you can answer some of the questions that Jack and Melanie have. Jack's results from his blood lipid level test are as follows: Total cholesterol 255 mg/dL LDL 145 mg/dL HDL 40 mg/dL Triglycerides, fasting 220 mg/dL Which statement accurately describes Jack's test results?
 a. His total cholesterol is in the desirable range.
 b. His LDL cholesterol puts him at high risk for CVD.
  c. His triglycerides are in the desirable range.
 d. His HDL is borderline for high risk for CVD.
 e. His ratio of LDL to HDL is optimal.

Q. 4

Morbidity and mortality are two terms that have the same meaning.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 5

Jack has just returned from the hospital where his father is recovering from a heart attack. The doctors told Jack that his dad's atherosclerosis is very serious. Jack and his wife, Melanie, are worried about Jack's father and also are starting to think about Jack's risk of having heart disease in his lifetime. He sets up an appointment at his doctor's office and has his blood lipid levels evaluated for the first time. Let's see if you can answer some of the questions that Jack and Melanie have.Jack lacks control over which risk factor?
 a. obesity
 b. genetics
 c. stress
 d. atherogenic diet
 e. physical inactivity

Q. 6

According to the NHANES data, white women generally have higher rates of obesity than racial-ethnic minority women.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 7

Which dietary change would be most effective for lowering one's LDL?
 a. Replacing monounsaturated fats with saturated fats
 b. Replacing polyunsaturated fats with hydrogenated fats
 c. Choosing whole milk instead of a soda beverage
 d. Choosing broiled salmon instead of a bacon burger
 e. Replacing two glasses of water with two glasses of red wine per day

Q. 8

Weight management professionals should adopt neutral terminology.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 381
Rep: 8 0
6 years ago
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grodriguezz Author

6 years ago

I appreciate what you did here, answered it right Smiling Face with Open Mouth

2 hours ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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