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Vhansen02 Vhansen02
Posts: 346
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6 years ago
Maggie is a 34-year-old mother of two children. She was told by her physician that she needs her gallbladder removed. Maggie panics and calls her mother saying, Mom, I can't believe this How am I going to live without my liver? You have to have a liver to survive, and the doctor wants to remove it Her mother tells her to calm down and discuss what is going on. Maggie's mother soon realizes that Maggie's liver is fine, but her gallbladder needs to be removed. After Maggie's gallbladder has been removed, what nutrient might she have difficulty digesting?
 a. carbohydrates
  b. fat
 c. protein
 d. vitamins
 e. minerals

Q. 2

Maggie is a 34-year-old mother of two children. She was told by her physician that she needs her gallbladder removed. Maggie panics and calls her mother saying, Mom, I can't believe this How am I going to live without my liver? You have to have a liver to survive, and the doctor wants to remove it Her mother tells her to calm down and discuss what is going on. Maggie's mother soon realizes that Maggie's liver is fine, but her gallbladder needs to be removed. Bile empties from the gall bladder into the ____.
 a. pancreas
  b. liver
 c. duodenum
  d. hepatic duct
  e. jejunum

Q. 3

Maggie is a 34-year-old mother of two children. She was told by her physician that she needs her gallbladder removed. Maggie panics and calls her mother saying, Mom, I can't believe this How am I going to live without my liver? You have to have a liver to survive, and the doctor wants to remove it Her mother tells her to calm down and discuss what is going on. Maggie's mother soon realizes that Maggie's liver is fine, but her gallbladder needs to be removed. What is the main role of the gallbladder?
 a. Digesting starch
 b. Storing bile until needed
 c. Controlling the emptying of the stomach
 d. Sending digestive enzymes to the small intestine
  e. Producing bile

Q. 4

Sue and Juan are newlyweds, and Sue is taking a nutrition course at the local college. She wants to apply the principles that she has learned. Juan is currently a bit overweight and rarely eats a balanced diet. Sue notices that he usually has gas after meals, especially when dairy is present. Lately, he has also been complaining about constipation. Let's see what you can do to assist Sue in her efforts to analyze Juan's digestive problems. Why might Juan have gas after eating dairy products?
 a. He eats dairy products with vegetables at the same meal.
 b. Bacteria in his colon digest the lactose, producing gas.
 c. The lactose from the milk remains in his stomach and creates gas.
  d. His body does not make enough sucrase to digest the dairy sugar.
  e. His body produces too much lactase, resulting in gas formation.

Q. 5

Sue and Juan are newlyweds, and Sue is taking a nutrition course at the local college. She wants to apply the principles that she has learned. Juan is currently a bit overweight and rarely eats a balanced diet. Sue notices that he usually has gas after meals, especially when dairy is present. Lately, he has also been complaining about constipation. Let's see what you can do to assist Sue in her efforts to analyze Juan's digestive problems. Juan frequently acquires the hiccups. What is a common cause for this ailment?
 a. Swallowing air
 b. Withdrawal from smoking
  c. Eating bananas
 d. Drinking hot beverages
 e. Consuming a glass of wine

Q. 6

Sue and Juan are newlyweds, and Sue is taking a nutrition course at the local college. She wants to apply the principles that she has learned. Juan is currently a bit overweight and rarely eats a balanced diet. Sue notices that he usually has gas after meals, especially when dairy is present. Lately, he has also been complaining about constipation. Let's see what you can do to assist Sue in her efforts to analyze Juan's digestive problems. Juan is unsure about topics surrounding gas in the digestive system. What statement about gas is correct?
 a. Gas from swallowed air has a bad odor.
 b. Belched gas leaves through the rectum.
 c. The average adult passes gas twice a day.
 d. Some gas is produced by the bacteria that live in our colon.
 e. Gas produced due to lactose maldigestion is typically accompanied by constipation.

Q. 7

Sue and Juan are newlyweds, and Sue is taking a nutrition course at the local college. She wants to apply the principles that she has learned. Juan is currently a bit overweight and rarely eats a balanced diet. Sue notices that he usually has gas after meals, especially when dairy is present. Lately, he has also been complaining about constipation. Let's see what you can do to assist Sue in her efforts to analyze Juan's digestive problems. To help Juan with his constipation, which action is only advised after other measures have failed?
 a. Take a laxative after consulting a physician.
 b. Eat bran cereal for breakfast and more vegetables throughout the day.
  c. Drink more fluids.
 d. Take a walk at lunchtime and after work every day.
 e. Pay attention to the urge to have a bowel movement.

Q. 8

Sue and Juan are newlyweds, and Sue is taking a nutrition course at the local college. She wants to apply the principles that she has learned. Juan is currently a bit overweight and rarely eats a balanced diet. Sue notices that he usually has gas after meals, especially when dairy is present. Lately, he has also been complaining about constipation. Let's see what you can do to assist Sue in her efforts to analyze Juan's digestive problems. Sue is planning a meal for Juan and wants to avoid any foods that are associated with causing gas. What food would she omit from the meal?
 a. enriched white bread
  b. soda crackers
 c. cabbage
 d. strawberries
 e. white rice
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