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ccnnieeee ccnnieeee
Posts: 21
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5 years ago
According to your text, the old social contract was an implied agreement between an employer and and employee that stated as long as an employee showed commitment to their employer and put in a hard day's work, the employer would reward the employee with lifetime job security and a reasonable pension.

The new social contract breaks with this understanding. Employers are no longer able to provide so much security to their employees and employees have the freedom to change employers for any reason.  

This cultural change has significantly impacted American culture. Think about how this change has impacted the auto industry right here in Michigan.

Based on your experience, what are the benefits and weaknesses of both contracts? Which appeals to you more when looking ahead to your professional life?

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5 years ago
Based on your experience, what are the benefits and weaknesses of both contracts? Which appeals to you more when looking ahead to your professional life?

Social security is beneficial for both parties: the employer and the employee. By providing health benefits to the employee, the employee will more dedicated be dedicated to maintaining their quality of work. For example, if the employer offers health benefits, these benefits provide support to help resolve or manage problems that can interfere with an employee's ability to perform his or her work. Therefore, good health leads to higher productivity.

In some cases, benefits outweigh salary, especially in the case of dental care. Most dental procedures are expensive, and even with a high paying salary, many of these procedures are unaffordable. As a result, the employer can rest assure that while they're not paying the highest salary, their employees will be satisfied with the perks of maintaining their job status to continue receiving these benefits - even if another company is offering a higher paying salary, but with fewer benefits.
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