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Aakashtamang619 Aakashtamang619
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6 years ago
An older man has Alzheimer disease, and his wife says he is up and wandering around the house at night. Which intervention should the nurse implement to increase the man's duration of sleep?
  a. Instruct the wife to increase his daily physical activity.
  b. Collaborate with the health care provider to administer a hypnotic medication.
  c. Teach the wife how to apply a vest re-straint during sleep.
  d. Help the wife plan daily periods for nap-ping and activity.

Question 2

Which is a true statement about mobility and safety for older adults?
  a. Use of restraints on older patients helps prevent injuries from falls.
  b. Falls that do not cause physical injury are not significant.
  c. The get-up-and-go test provides a measure of a client's energy and initiative.
  d. Lowering the bed and fluorescent tapes are interventions to increase safety.

Question 3

Which of the following is a true statement about sleeping in older adults?
  a. Older adults tend to fall asleep quickly but are awakened throughout the night.
  b. Sleep disturbances in the older adult can be caused by cardiovascular disease, arth-ritis, or diabetes.
  c. Benzodiazepine agents are the medica-tions of choice for sleep disorders.
  d. Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can alleviate sleep disturbances caused by depression.

Question 4

An older female resident in the residential facility keeps a large collection of personal items and photos of her late husband on her bedside table, but the nursing assistant and the resident argue about this frequently.
  Why should the nurse intervene between the res-ident and the nursing assistant? a. The resident is attempting to maintain her sense of personal space.
  b. The resident needs to accept the reality of her spouse's death.
  c. The resident's argumentative nature can indicate early dementia.
  d. The clutter from all the personal items is a safety and liability risk.

Question 5

Which of the following statements is true about relationships of older adults?
  a. Loneliness is evidence of self-centeredness and an unwillingness to love.
  b. A person may be lonely even when sur-rounded by other people.
  c. Hostile behavior indicates that a person prefers to be left alone.
  d. A pet cannot substitute for human atten-tion.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Regular exercise can help increase the duration of sleep during the night. Adding a new medica-tion to the existing pharmacotherapy can increase adverse drug interactions and complicate the problem; the existing therapeutic regimen can be already contributing to the problem. Adminis-tering a hypnotic medication is the therapy of last resort and can be ineffective. The nurse avoids recommending the use of restraints; restraint use is associated with an increased incidence of in-jury and accidents. In addition, restraints can be an ineffective therapy and can contribute to hos-tility and combativeness. Excessive napping during the day may be contributing to the problem.

Answer to #2


A Incorrect. Restraints have been shown not to increase safety and may contribute to morbidity and mortality.
B Incorrect. Even if a fall does not cause injury, it can contribute to fear of falling, inhibiting activities of daily living.
C Incorrect. The get-up-and-go test, in which the person rises from a straight-backed chair, walks 10 feet, returns, and sits down, assesses balance and gait.
D Correct. Adjusting bed height to match the length of the resident's lower leg and marking the path from bed to toilet with bright fluorescent tape are some of many possible interventions to improve residents' safety.

Answer to #3

All of these physical problems, as well as arthritis, can contribute to sleep disorders. It takes older adults more time to fall asleep, and older adults are awakened throughout the night more fre-quently than younger people. Benzodiazepines should not be used to induce sleep; these sub-stances are highly addictive, and if their administration is suddenly withdrawn, then rebound in-somnia can occur. In addition, older adults who take benzodiazepines for sleeping are more likely to experience a hangover after waking that can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. In addition to alleviating depression that causes sleep disorders, SSRIs can have a stimulating effect that, in itself, interferes with the sleep cycle.

Answer to #4


A Correct. A thoughtful nurse respects and supports the resident's boundaries.
B Incorrect. Even if this were true, the resident's grief process and personal space should be respected.
C Incorrect. The resident's behavior can be understood as a healthy defense of personal space.
D Incorrect. This is probably the nurse assistant's rationale, but the assistant should realize that the resident is entitled to personal use of personal space.

Answer to #5

The mere presence of other people, without significant personal exchange, does not prevent or alleviate loneliness.
Loneliness is evidence of the capacity to love. Hostile behavior can be a sign of loneliness. Pets can provide comfort, touch, affection, and an opportunity to care for another being.
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