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katt katt
Posts: 334
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6 years ago
Research indicates thst primary-grade teachers do not provide students with adequate practice in reading informational texts.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 2

Students in the middle grades focus mainly on one genre of literature.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 3

Informational reading is an important skill for middle-grade students to develop.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 4

In general, our society has shifted from readers of informational texts to readers of fiction.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 5

How would you apply reading comprehension strategies during a guided reading lesson to support a struggling reader? Describe an activity you would use to support reading comprehension for this student.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Explain how you can help students who have difficulty comprehending stories.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

Justify the practice of teaching and modeling writing fluency, and describe at least three general approaches to support students' writing fluency.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

Define and give at least two examples of each of the following: Consonant digraphs Consonant blends (Clusters) Vowel diphthongs Vowel digraphs
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 9

A child spells the word clap as cap. We can infer that this child ________.
  A) has concept of word
  B) is a pre-phonemic speller
  C) understands beginning and ending features
  D) both A and C

Ques. 10

At the emergent literacy stage, three aspects of word recognition are particularly important. What are they? Explain why word recognition is a necessary prerequisite for understanding what one reads.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Answer: Reading comprehension activities need to promote a student's reading for meaning. The activities a teacher employs require the student to recall prior knowledge, make support, revise predictions, summarize, and apply new knowledge to other texts. Activities suggested in the text to promote comprehension include directed listening thinking activities (DLTA), directed reading thinking activities (DRTA), story/content impressions, retellings, story mapping, and predict-o-grams. All texts used during these activities need to be at the students' instructional reading level.

Answer to #6

Answer: Have them engage in read and retells. Read and retells promote the accurate recall of important elements in a story and the sequential nature of stories. Review basic story elements with students using a familiar story and a chart that names the key story elements. Model a retelling of a story familiar to the students referring to the chart. Then have the student read a different story and have them retell the story individually or in small groups.

Answer to #7

Answer: Providing students with supportive activities that promote writing fluency allows children to develop their writing skills and fosters confidence in writing. Activities that promote writing fluency include but are not limited to talking thoughts, expanding talk, draw write, pattern writing, story/poem maps, sentence for sentence, word walls, give me five, and modeling invented spelling.

Answer to #8

Answer: Consonant digraphs: two consonant letters that represent one sound that is different from either consonant sound (ch, gh, ph, sh, th, wh)
Consonant blends (Clusters): Two or more consonant letters whose sounds are blended together (s + t = st)
Vowel diphthongs: Two vowel letters whose sounds are blended together (oi as in boil, oy as in toy, ou as in shout, ow as in cow)
Vowel digraphs: Two vowel letters that represent one vowel sound (ai as in paid, ay as in say, eat as in meat, ee as in meet, oa as in boat, ow as in grown, ew as in new)

Answer to #9


Answer to #10

Answer: Phonics, spelling, and sight vocabulary: if we do not recognize enough of the words in a text, we cannot understand or appreciate fully what the author of the text has written.
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