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jojo13 jojo13
6 years ago
Which one of the following is the best example of a cognitive tool?
  a. Use of natural lighting in a studio art class
  b. A jigsaw in a woodworking class
  c. Use of country-western music in an aerobics class
  d. The concept pi (p) in a geometry class

Ques. 2

If you were interested in how a child's culture influences cognitive development, you would be most likely to consider _______ approach to cognitive development.
  a. Piaget's
  b. Vygotsky's
  c. neo-Piagetian theorists'
  d. information processing theorists'

Ques. 3

Ms. Killian and her fourth graders have been growing sunflowers under various conditionsthey have grown sunflowers in different kinds of soil, with different amounts of water, and in varying degrees of sunlight. Below are four statements that Ms. Killian makes related to the sunflowers. Which one is most consistent with the idea of a cognitive apprenticeship?
  a. Who can tell me what photosynthesis is?
  b. How many of you have grown sunflowers at home? How many of you have moms or dads who are gardeners?
  c. This sunflower is taller than that sunflower over there. Let's consider what the growing conditions for the two flowers have been and try to figure out what might have led to the difference we see.
  d. Elaine, please give each plant the same amount of water today that you gave it yesterday. Also, be sure that you keep each plant in the same location, so that the amount of sunlight it gets stays the same.

Ques. 4

Three of the following are examples of communities of practice. Which of the following is not?
  a. Graduate students studying molecular biology
  b. Girls participating in a church youth group
  c. Adult males waiting for a light to change at a street corner
  d. Teachers working at an elementary school

Ques. 5

Which one of the following alternatives is the best example of a socially construction memory?
  a. A father is reading a bedtime story to his young son. In the middle of the story, he stops reading and makes up a different ending to the story.
  b. A teacher says, Once upon a time, a young farmer ... and then asks a student to complete the sentence. The teacher asks another student to provide a second sentence that relates to the first, asks a third student to supply a third sentence, and so on, until a complete story emerges.
  c. As they sip their milkshakes at a local diner, two friends recall and talk about various scenes from a scary movie they've just seen at the movie theater.
  d. As a boy thinks about his childhood he remembers his best friend who moved away.

Ques. 6

Which of the following pairs of concepts reflects the general idea that challenge is important for cognitive development?
  a. Disequilibrium and ZPD
  b. Self-talk and inner speech
  c. Conservation and internalization
  d. Working memory and central conceptual structure

Ques. 7

Nine-year-old Ricky has recently learned how to solve long division problems, and he still struggles with especially difficult problems. At his mother's request, he helps his 8-year-old sister Lucy with the simple long division problems she must do for her math homework. From the perspective of Vygotsky's theory, which one of the following is most likely to result?
  a. Ricky's own long division skills will improve because he will internalize the instructions he gives Lucy.
  b. Ricky will gain nothing from helping his sister because doing long division is outside his zone of proximal development.
  c. Ricky's own long division skills will decrease, because any mistakes that Lucy makes will corrupt his own mathematical thinking.
  d. By helping Lucy with her long division problems, Ricky will be able to practice using the central conceptual structure that underlies his mathematical thinking.

Ques. 8

Mary takes care of several toddlers and preschoolers while their parents work during the day. One warm spring day, she has the children in a fenced-in area behind her home. A large dog comes running up to the fence. As the dog approaches, 2-year-old Todd looks at Mary. When he sees that she appears frightened, he immediately starts to cry. What phenomenon is Todd displaying in this situation?
  a. Zone of proximal development
  b. Social referencing
  c. Accommodation
  d. Assimilation

Ques. 9

Three of the following are definite examples of scaffolding. Identify the situation in which no scaffolding is described.
  a. Ms. Ayotte likes to challenge her students by giving them group research projects. She puts her students in groups of three or four students each, and she gives each student a topic to research. She sends the groups to the school library to find out as much as they can about their topic, and then has each group give a report to the entire class.
  b. Mr. Bender is teaching a unit on beginning tennis. In the early stages of teaching a correct tennis swing, he uses an automatic ball server that serves balls with consistent speed, height, and direction. He also continually reminds students to Keep your eye on the ball and Hold your arm straight. Later in the unit he begins to serve the balls himself, varying the speed, height, and direction of the serves. And he reminds students of what to do much less frequently.
  c. Ms. Carrera helps students solve math word problems by providing visual illustrations of the elements of the problem and by showing them similar problems that have been worked out correctly. As the weeks go by, she provides fewer and fewer visual illustrations and fewer and fewer worked-out examples, until eventually the students can solve the problems without either form of assistance.
  d. Mr. Donaldson's students are just beginning to learn how to take notes in class. For the first few weeks Mr. D. begins class by handing out a detailed outline about the topic for the day. By December he is handing out an outline covering only the main points of the day, encouraging students to fill in the blank spaces on the sheet with ideas relative to each point. By May, students are writing down main points and relevant details on their own.
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6 years ago
Thank you for helping me throughout this difficult semester
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