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JCat JCat
Posts: 347
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6 years ago
Allie is an exceptionally quiet and shy student in third grade. Allie's teacher suggests that Allie use self-monitoring in an attempt to increase the number of productive comments she makes during class discussions and the goal that Allie will agree to make five comments every twenty minutes. In general, this goal is
  a. appropriate, as the quick increase in the frequency of Allie's participation will likely significantly enhance the class's conversation.
  b. appropriate, as twenty minutes is a brief time period so Allie won't struggle with the issue of delayed gratification.
  c. inadvisable, as the expectation that Allie so quickly make so many comments may lead to anxiety and ultimately cause the plan to fail.
  d. inadvisable, as by third grade, Allie should be able to demonstrate self-monitoring over a longer period of time.

Ques. 2

Barnes Middle School has an increasing problem with low attendance. Which of the following would most likely be successful in encouraging attendance
  a. Communicating with parents about attendance and providing a contact person for parents to call
  b. Giving detention to students with more than 6 unexcused absences
  c. Giving perfect attendance awards at the end of the school year
  d. None of the above

Ques. 3

Max is constantly out of his seat, going back and forth to the garbage can to throw things away. His constant movement has become a distraction to the class. As part of the problem solving discussion you have with him, you say, Is this behavior helping you? Is it helping your classmates? He says, Yes, because it keeps my desk and our classroom neat, and when things are neat, it's easier to work. At this point, the most appropriate response from you would likely be
  a. That's very considerate of you. But try to think about going to the garbage can when you won't be interrupting the lesson, okay?
  b. That's a good point. But when you are constantly out of your seat, it causes some difficulty for me because it means you're not listening, and it can be a distraction for the other students.
  c. You shouldn't worry about cleaning up the other students' areaswe want them to clean up their own areas. It's part of their responsibility as members of our class.
  d. I can tell you like a really clean area. But it's really hurting you. Your grades are slipping because you're not paying attention, and that means you may miss important information.

Ques. 4

The presence of rules does not mean that classrooms are not ________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 5

By ignoring minor misbehaviors and praising positive behaviors, these teachers hope that negative behaviors will lessen and ________ behaviors will increase.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 6

The use of individual behavior change plans is most likely to be successful when all but which of the following elements are true of the classroom situation?
  a. Instruction is matched to student needs, interests, and abilities.
  b. Class interactions indicate the ongoing presence of supportive interpersonal relationships.
  c. Teachers incorporate behavior management methods that are proven effective in the classroom.
  d. Teachers quickly engage the assistance of the school administration and counseling staff in confronting ongoing behavioral challenges.

Ques. 7

Teachers need to develop their own rules for the beginning of school, at least until the students can be involved in making rules or until they learn ________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 8

The most central reason for utilizing a problem solving approach to reduce unproductive or disruptive student behavior is
  a. to increase academic achievement by decreasing time lost through management concerns.
  b. to identify students who would benefit from intervention to address major skill deficits or personality disorders.
  c. to teach students new skills that lead to a reduction in the occurrence of persistent learning and behavior problems.
  d. to build teacher-student relationships in a way that students behave appropriately because they don't wish to disappoint their teacher.
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6 years ago
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JCat Author
6 years ago
Electric Light Bulb All of these are right, thanks!
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Thank you
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