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dakota98 dakota98
Posts: 500
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6 years ago
According to projected population trends, which group in Texas is projected to be the largest in twenty years?
  A) Anglos
  B) African Americans
  C) Hispanics
  D) Asians
  E) Foreign-born Texans

 Q. 2

Why did very few ads for the presidential candidates in the 2012 election air in Texas?
  a. Neither of the major-party candidates had enough money to air many ads in a state as large as Texas.
  b. Republican nominee Mitt Romney was expected to easily win the state.
  c. Neither of the major-party candidates cared about Texas since it has so few electoral votes.
  d. The Federal Election Commission permits candidates to only air ads on national broadcasts.

 Q. 3

Why is the horse race approach to covering a campaign often criticized?
  a. It seeks to emphasize the negatives of a candidate, such as a verbal slip-up, rather than the positive.
  b. It focuses too much on a candidate's past rather than on the current campaign.
  c. The focus is on campaigns, polls, money raised, and personalities rather than substantive issues.
  d. It neglects the workings of a campaign and focuses solely on the issues.

 Q. 4

Which of the following statements does NOT describe the current economy of Texas?
  A. It is highly diversified with far less dependence on petroleum and agriculture.
  B. There are thirteen distinct economic regions in the state.
  C. It usually lags behind the national economy.
  D. It is a major player in the global economy.
  E. It is dominated by the Central Texas triangle.

 Q. 5

Some people, such as the late CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, believe that declining objectivity in television coverage of political campaigns and an increasing number of ads __________.
  a. are destroying Americans' interest in politics and turning more people cynical
  b. have allowed political campaigns to become more interactive with the people
  c. are allowing Americans to gain more insight into candidates on a wide range of issues
  d. have served to increase the caliber of those who seek elected office

 Q. 6

Which group reported the lowest per capita and household incomes in 2008?
  A. Anglos
  B. Hispanics
  C. African Americans
  D. Asian Americans
  E. Persons of two or more races

 Q. 7

How have wealthy candidates such as Bill Clements and Clayton Williams used their money on television to advance their campaigns?
  a. It has allowed them to enhance their image and become famous within the state.
  b. They were able to buy their elections by flooding television channels with ads.
  c. Through the use of expensive hour-long infomercials, they were able to prove their capabilities.
  d. It has allowed them to influence public policy without even being in office by attacking competitors.

 Q. 8

Which of the following is an example of a feel-good advertisement spot put out by a campaign?
  a. showing the candidate visiting sick children
  b. an ad featuring an endorsement by a labor union or trade association
  c. showing an opponent littering
  d. exaggerating an opponent's stance on an issue
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2

Answer: b

Ans. to #3

Answer: c

Ans. to #4


Ans. to #5

Answer: a

Ans. to #6


Ans. to #7

Answer: b

Ans. to #8

Answer: a
dakota98 Author
6 years ago
What an excellent community, thanks for answering
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