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roltschj roltschj
Posts: 537
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6 years ago
The term gender refers to the _____ differences between men and women.
  a. physical
  b. social and cultural
  c. economic
  d. biological

Question 2

The term _____ refers to the biological differences between females and males determined by chromosomes, hormones, and external and internal anatomy.
  a. sex
  b. gender
  c. gender role
  d. sex role

Question 3

Discuss the relationship between racial conflict and economic conditions.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Identify the deficiency theories and discuss how they explain the systematic disadvantaging of certain sectors of the population. Add the sociological criticisms of these theories.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Discuss how health disparities are affected by social conditions such as race.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Discuss the concept of racialethnic groups. What are four groups in the United States that have been constructed as both racially and culturally distinct?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Discuss the changing social definitions of race.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 8

Which term refers to the belief that race no longer matters in people's experiences?
  a. Color-blind racism
  b. Institutional racism
  c. Affirmative action
  d. Social utility
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Answer: b. social and cultural

Answer to q. 2

Answer: a. sex

Answer to q. 3

Feedback: Racial conflict is often associated with uncertain economic conditions. Lack of jobs, housing, and other resources can add to fear and minority scapegoating on the part of Whites. In Florida and many parts of the West and Southwest, perceptions that Cubans, Mexicans, and other Hispanics are taking jobs from Anglos have touched off racial tensions. Racial tensions often erupt in violence between Whites and minorities, and among minorities themselves as individuals compete for a shrinking number of jobs and other opportunities. The number of hate groups in the United States grew by 66 between 2000 and 2010, a time marked by the 20072009 recession. At the same time, African Americans and Latinos are more likely to be economically disadvantaged than Whites or Asians.

Answer to q. 4

Feedback: Deficiency theories propose that some groups are disadvantaged because, when compared with the majority, they are deficient in some important way, either biologically (genetically inferior) or culturally. Critics include proponents of bias theories, who say that disadvantaged groups are victims of the prejudices against them held by the dominant group. Structural discrimination theorist say that deficiency theories and bias theories are both wrong, because they emphasize the individual over the social organization. They make a distinction between individual racism (related to prejudice and individual behavior that harms other individuals or their property) and institutional racism (a complex pattern of racial advantage built into the structure of society; a system of power and privilege that advantages some groups over others).

Answer to q. 5

Feedback: Research finds that health disparities are affected by social conditions. On virtually every measure of health, racialethnic minorities are disadvantaged. Environmental racism is the disproportionate exposure of some racial groups to environmental toxic substances. Racial minorities are more likely than other groups to live near hazardous waste facilities. Those living in high opportunity neighborhoods, which are typically White, can expect to live up to 20 years longer than residents of a low opportunity neighborhood in the same city.

Answer to q. 6

Feedback: The term racialethnic group refers to groups that are socially subordinated and remain culturally distinct within U.S. society. It includes (a) the systematic discrimination of socially constructed racial groups and (b) their distinctive cultural arrangements. The categories of African American, Latino, Asian American, and Native American have been constructed as both racially and culturally distinct. Each group has a distinctive culture, shares a common heritage, and has a common identity within a larger society that subordinates it. The racial characteristics of these groups have become meaningful in a society that continues to change.

Answer to q. 7

Feedback: Race is a socially constructed invention used for socially marking groups based on presumed physical differences. While races are thought to be physically distinguishable populations that share a common ancestry, races per se do not actually exist; what persists is the idea that they do. At different times in U.S. history, many of the people considered White today and thought of as the majority group are descendants of immigrants who at one time were believed to be racially distinct from native-born White Americans, the majority of whom were Protestants. Racial categories vary in different regions of the country and around the world. Someone classified as Black in the United States might be considered White in Brazil and Colored in South Africa.

Answer to q. 8

Answer: a. Color-blind racism
roltschj Author
6 years ago
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