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tpost99 tpost99
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6 years ago
Discuss the concept of the culture of poverty and critiques of that idea.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Discuss the caste system in India and compare it to the class system in the United States.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Discuss the difference between social differentiation and social stratification, including the hierarchies of stratification that determine place for indvidiuals, families, and groups within their society.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Conflict theory fails to address which important question?
  a. Does social stratification result in an unequal distribution of rewards?
  b. Does social stratification result in discord and coercion?
  c. Is social stratification a source of societal friction?
  d. Is social stratification universal and necessary?

Question 5

_____ argued that the dominant ideology in any society is always the ideology of the ruling class.
  a. Karl Marx the idea that the social system is flawed.
  b. Edward Banfield the emphasis on changing the correctional system.
  c. Michael Harrington a focus on labeling theory.
  d. Judith Chafel social myths about the degree of control we have over our fate.

Question 6

The _____ perspective assumes that stratification reflects the distribution of power in society and is therefore a major source of discord and coercion.
  a. economic criticizing the penal system.
  b. utility identifying limited employment opportunities.
  c. conflict condemning the school system in the slums.
  d. order pointing out the flaws in the person.
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Feedback: Culture of poverty is the idea that the poor have a value system that keeps them and their children in poverty. Believing that those values are transmitted from generation to generation, culture of poverty theorists say that even if poverty were eliminated, the former poor would probably continue to prefer instant gratification, be immoral by middle-class standards, and so on. From this view, the poor have a subculture with values that differ radically from the values of the other social classes and this explains their poverty. Edward Banfield said the poor focused only on the present and not on the future. Critics of the culture of poverty hypothesis argue that the poor are an integral part of U.S. society; they do not abandon the dominant values of the society, but rather, retain them while simultaneously holding an alternative set of values. This alternative set is a result of adaptation to the conditions of poverty.

Answer to q. 2

Feedback: In a caste system like India's, social rank is determined by birth into a particular social group, which establishes one's social position, work, and range of marriage partners. In a social class system like the United States', people are ranked on the basis of income, occupation, and education, or some combination of those things. Position in a caste system is essentially fixed, while position in a social class system has room for mobility.

Answer to q. 3

Feedback: Social differentiation is the process of categorizing people by age, height, occupation, or some other personal attribute. Social stratification is the system of dividing individuals and groups in a vertical arrangement (hierarchy) that differentiates them as superior or inferior. The hierarchies of stratificationclass, race, gender, and sexualityplace groups, families, and individuals in the larger society. The rewards and resources of society are unequally distributed according to this placement. Most crucially, this social location determines for people the chances for a longer, healthier, and more enjoyable life.

Answer to q. 4

Answer: d. Is social stratification universal and necessary?

Answer to q. 5

Answer: a. Karl Marx

Answer to q. 6

Answer: c. conflict
tpost99 Author
6 years ago
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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