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Types of Reactions and Equilibrium

Uploaded: 2 years ago
Contributor: Dymondmonae
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   anim_type_reactions_equilibrium_answer_key (1).doc (93.5 kB)
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Types of Reactions and EquilibriumTo complete this worksheet, select: Module: Foundations Activity: Animations Title: Type of Reactions & Equilibrium Introduction1. Describe the relationship between chemical bonds and chemical reactions. How is energy involved? In chemical reactions bonds are broken and new bonds reformed.Bonds represent a form of stored potential energy.When bonds are broken energy is released and the energy is used to make new bonds. 2. Define reactants and products of a chemical reaction. Use water production as an example. H2 + O22H2O Hydrogen and oxygen are the reactants and water is the product. Activation Energy3. Define energy of reactants, activation energy, and energy of products. Activation energy is the minimal amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to occur.The energy of reactants is the amount of energy that is absorbed for the chemical bonds to become unstable and the energy of products is the amount of energy that is required to form new bonds.Factors Influencing Bond Formation4. Explain how these two factors affect bond formation. temperature – As temperature rises, particles of matter move more rapidly.As a result, the higher the temperature the greater the force of molecular collision thus increasing the chance for a chemical reaction. concentration –The greater the number of particles in a confined space, the greater the chance they will collide and cause a chemical reaction. Activation Energy and Reactions5. Why is increasing temperature or concentration not compatible solutions for increasing chemical reactions within living things? Increased temperatures may damage cells and tissues. Increased concentrations will interfere with fluid movements between compartments within the body. Enzymes6. What type of molecule are enzymes? What is their function? Enzymes are proteins and may consist of two parts –the protein component, called an apoenzyme, and a non-protein component, called a cofactor.Enzymes as a group are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions. 7. Define substrate. The Substrate is the moleculethat the enzyme can specifically bind to and is involved in the reaction. 8. What is the enzyme active site? This is the site on the the enzyme that binds to the substrate. 9. Describe enzymatic breakdown of sucrose. The enzyme sucrase will hydrolyze sucrose into a mole of glucose and a mole of fructose Sucrasesucrose + water --------- glucose + fructose Types of Reactions - Synthesis10. a.What occurs during a synthesis reaction? In a synthesis reaction water is removed by dehydration and the reactants then bind together. b. Use dipeptide synthesis as an example. Glycine + Alanine Glycylalanine + H2O c. Why is this called a dehydration synthesis? Because water is removed and small molecules are combined to form larger moleculesTypes of Reactions - Decomposition11. a. What occurs during a decomposition reaction? Large molecules are split into smaller atoms, ions or molecules b. Use dipeptide decomposition as an example. Glycylalanine + H2O Glycine + Alanine c. Why is this called hydrolysis? Because water is added back into the reaction and larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones.Types of Reactions - Exchange12. a. What occurs during an exchange reaction? Atoms of reactants molecules are broken apart chemically and then exchanged to form new molecules. b. What importance do exchange reactions have in the body? In living systems exchange reactions provide a basis for items like water and carbon dioxide to form buffer systems such as bicarbonate.Hydrolysis of ATP13. Use the ATPADP reaction as an example. (The key is what happens to the water molecule.) ATP + H2O + ATPaseADP+Phosphate group +energy Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium 14. a. What occurs during a reversible reaction? Reversible reactions allow the reactants and products to react in both directions. b. What is equilibrium? Chemical equilibrium is when there is a balance of reactant and products such that quantities of both remain the same. c. Use carbon dioxide and carbonic acid in solution as an example of equilibrium. CO2 + H2OH2CO3

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