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prashantakerkar prashantakerkar
Valued Member
Posts: 1645
4 years ago


Can Mixed 11 players football matches be played across nations?

11 Mixed players : 6 Male, 5 Female Or 5 Male, 6 Female Football players.

For examples :

England v/s France
France v/s Germany
England v/s Germany
and other nations.

Can this become a popular football game in future?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Read 667 times
14 Replies
Prashant S Akerkar

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Trusted Member
4 years ago
This will *never* happen. Here's a simple case study:

When the US women's national soccer team (with Mia Hamm on the team) was getting ready for the Women's World Cup that they won, they scrimmaged with the US boys 15 and under national B team. The women lost both games by the average score of 5-0.

There have been women who played some professional games in ice hockey (on a men's team).  But that never lasted an entire season and was not at the NHL level.

In tennis or golf, the current top females would not be able to beat the current top male competitors.  

In men's basketball, the NBA, I can't think of a woman who would be able to hold her own on the team and earn real playing time.

There are women's professional soccer, basketball, ice hockey and softball leagues. The women play competitively and enjoy their games. However, they do not make much in the way of earnings, as all athletes are paid a percentage of the earnings of the league, and the women's leagues don't make that much.

Try this. Pick a team sport:

Soccer, American football, basketball, ice hockey:

Pick a league:

English Premier league, NFL, NBA, NHL

What woman would be able to earn her way onto any of those teams in those top leagues and make a meaningful contribution to the team?

It is the best of the best of the best for the males on those teams.

Why wait for the one or two females who may be able to play competitively on those top teams? Why not merely support the female leagues in those sports?
Valued Member
4 years ago
Thank you.

I feel it would be a fair & just football game for both sides representing their nations since there are equal gender in both the teams participating in the football match.

Example :

England v/s France.

Note :

England will have 6 Male Football players & 5 Female Football players.
France will have 6 Male Football players & 5 Female Football players.

Equal Gender in both the teams will lead to a fair football match between the two nations.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
Trusted Member
4 years ago
Still best to have to separate leagues. Can you imagine during intermissions, how would men and women talk within the same locker room? Team members need to communicate, the sex difference makes it impossible.
Valued Member
4 years ago

I feel this should not be any issue or problem since in corporates and offices, both the genders interact and collaborate with each other in team meetings.

So similarly both the gender football players in each team can interact with each other during half time for strategic discussions with respect to football match progress.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
Trusted Member
4 years ago
On the field yes, but off the field, what about the lockerroom? a women wouldn't feel comfortable undressing in front of a male player
Valued Member
4 years ago

This should not be any issue as there can be separate locker rooms for both the male and female football players of each team.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
Trusted Member
4 years ago
How do you propose the coach be at 2 places at once? how's that possible
Valued Member
4 years ago

It's a good point which you mention.

I feel the respective coaches of both the teams will take a team meeting before the match, during the half time & after the match gets over for analysis in two different Rooms dedicated to the two different teams participating in the football game.


Room 1 - England 11 Mixed players team members with their coach and substitutes players.

Room 2 - France 11 Mixed players team members with their coach and substitutes players.

We have to add the equal substitutes gender players in each team's also which are primarily used by teams for replacements during the match.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
Trusted Member
4 years ago
another issue, there's usually only one team captain, so does that mean there needs to be 2?
4 years ago
another issue, there's usually only one team captain, so does that mean there needs to be 2?

I'm not taking sides, but there can be co-captains.
Valued Member
4 years ago

I feel if I am not wrong there is only a single captain for each side leading the team.

I feel there are no vice captains in football as we do have vice captains in cricket game.

In this case there are four permutations & combinations.

1 England Team Male Captain v/s France Team Male Captain
2 England Team Female Captain v/s France Team Male Captain
3 England Team Female Captain v/s France Team Female Captain
4 England Team Male Captain v/s France Team Female Captain.

All four possibilities are there but perhaps the Best could be Male captain v/s Male captain and Female Captain v/s Female captain for both the teams in Mixed 11 players football matches.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
4 years ago
Most players would object to these changes, especially in countries that advocate gender equality (which include most European and North American countries). The league would be dubbed sexist if these were the rules. I'll conclude that while such thing is possible, it's highly unlikely to happen.
Valued Member
4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, prashantakerkar


Can we forward this inputs to FIFA World Cup Organisers ?

In Cricket we have the ICC.


Notes :

These are the additional Mixed 11 players football matches to be organised.

The existing Men & Women football matches will continue with the same rules as they were before.

We are applying the same football rules to Mixed 11 players football matches.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
Prashant S Akerkar
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