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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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4 years ago
In this gel, the smallest fragments are (picture71)
(A) at the top of the gel, near the wells
(B) at the bottom of the gel, furthest from the wells
(C) at the left side of the gel
(D) at the right side of the gel
(E) randomly scattered from top to bottom in each lane

Restriction enzymes cut samples of DNA into fragments by first (pic72)
(A) binding to specific sequences of nucleotides
(B) oxidizing the DNA
(C) heating the DNA to its denaturation point
(D) breaking peptide bonds
(E) unwinding the DNA

Which of the following is the most probable explanation for the different numbers of fragments in the different lanes?(pic73)
(A) There were more EcoRI cut sites than HaeIII or HindIII cut sites.
(B) There were more HaeIII cut sites than EcoRI or HindIII cut sites.
(C) There were more HindIII cut sites than HaeIII or EcoRI cut sites.
(D) A stronger voltage was applied to the first lane.
(E) Different buffers were used in the different lanes.

Which of the following best explains why a pictorial presentation of the biomass at each trophic level of an ecosystem is a pyramid?
(A) The loss of iron from an ecosystem
(B) The amount of energy passed from one trophic level to the next
(C) The number of predators in the ecosystem
(D) The chemical compounds in an ecosystem are recycled
(E) The average size of the individuals in each species

The original description of the pathway shown above is attributed to (pic74)
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) James Watson and Francis Crick
(C) Hans Krebs
(D) Robert Hooke
(E) Melvin Calvin and Andrew Benson

A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) Bleeding gums
(B) Decreased metabolic rate
(C) Increased body temperature
(D) Increased respiratory rate
(E) Weight loss

Which of the following structures is correctly paired with its function?
(A) Alveolus .. locomotion
(B) Cilium .. impulse transmission
(C) Sarcomere .. nutrient uptake
(D) Neuron .. gas exchange
(E) Nephron .. filtration

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4 years ago
In this gel, the smallest fragments are (picture71)
(A) at the top of the gel, near the wells
(B) at the bottom of the gel, furthest from the wells
(C) at the left side of the gel
(D) at the right side of the gel
(E) randomly scattered from top to bottom in each lane

Restriction enzymes cut samples of DNA into fragments by first (pic72)
(A) binding to specific sequences of nucleotides
(B) oxidizing the DNA
(C) heating the DNA to its denaturation point
(D) breaking peptide bonds
(E) unwinding the DNA


Which of the following is the most probable explanation for the different numbers of fragments in the different lanes?(pic73)
(A) There were more EcoRI cut sites than HaeIII or HindIII cut sites.
(B) There were more HaeIII cut sites than EcoRI or HindIII cut sites.
(C) There were more HindIII cut sites than HaeIII or EcoRI cut sites.
(D) A stronger voltage was applied to the first lane.
(E) Different buffers were used in the different lanes.


Which of the following best explains why a pictorial presentation of the biomass at each trophic level of an ecosystem is a pyramid?
(A) The loss of iron from an ecosystem
(B) The amount of energy passed from one trophic level to the next
(C) The number of predators in the ecosystem
(D) The chemical compounds in an ecosystem are recycled
(E) The average size of the individuals in each species

The original description of the pathway shown above is attributed to (pic74)
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) James Watson and Francis Crick
(C) Hans Krebs
(D) Robert Hooke
(E) Melvin Calvin and Andrew Benson

A diet with insufficient iodine will most likely lead to which of the following symptoms in an individual?
(A) Bleeding gums
(B) Decreased metabolic rate
(C) Increased body temperature
(D) Increased respiratory rate
(E) Weight loss

Which of the following structures is correctly paired with its function?
(A) Alveolus .. locomotion
(B) Cilium .. impulse transmission
(C) Sarcomere .. nutrient uptake
(D) Neuron .. gas exchange
(E) Nephron .. filtration
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