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Bladson Bladson
Posts: 101
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3 years ago

"Though legal scholars dispute the constitutionality of the death penalty, two major Chicago newspapers favor reinstating capital punishment in Illinois, and they seem to know what they're talking about. Thus, capital punishment should be reinstated in Illinois" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalization
weak analogy
false cause
appeal to ignorance
appeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"It is overly pessimistic to think that a nuclear war could destroy all human life on Earth. That's because a lifestyle coach that I met at Jane's party last night said he has substantial evidence against it" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalization
weak analogy
false cause
appeal to ignorance
appeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"The rate of organ donation in Spain is very high. The fact that the average Spanish family owns so many TVs must be responsible for that" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"A black cat passed me as I walked by your house. I got hit by a car just five minutes later. So the cat must have caused my bad luck!"
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"No evidence was found of covert C.I.A. support of rebels in Chechnya. So we may conclude with confidence that there was no involvement by the C.I.A in the civil strife in Chechnya" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Tuberculosis is produced by lack of fresh air. After all, tuberculosis patients who spend time in mountain resorts often experience at least a brief period of remission" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalization
weak analogy
false cause
appeal to ignorance
appeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"An outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in the local cotton mill, which is filled with cotton. Therefore, it is cotton that is responsible for the outbreak" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Ever since the assassination of President Kennedy, all attempts to prove that his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone have been inconclusive. Thus, it is reasonable to believe that Oswald was part of a larger conspiracy" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority.
4 points 


The crime rate in Washington, D.C., fell steadily during a six-month period when followers of an Indian holy man, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, practiced meditation at a school he founded there. So, there's no question about it: it was the meditating that caused the crime rate to fall in Washington" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Retired persons in the United States are unhappy about the level of assistance they receive from Social Security. After all, a report just published by the American Association of Retired Persons surveyed 30 retirees in all parts of the country and they all agreed that their Social Security benefits were insufficient" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Since the public officials accused of involvement with a money-laundering scheme have failed to provide conclusive evidence that they were not involved in the operation, it is reasonable to suspect their involvement" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"I should stop using Facebook. According to my hairdresser, members of Facebook are at risk from hackers who sometimes use the site to steal the identities of members" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"In North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana it is possible to drive for a hundred miles without meeting a car and speed limits on the interstate highways are unnecessary. In New Jersey there are cars everywhere and you cannot drive anywhere without meeting other cars. Yet New Jersey is similar to North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, in that it also has interstate highways. Thus speed limits in New Jersey are equally unnecessary" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"This recipe for carrot cake calls for fresh carrots. But I don't have any carrots in the kitchen now. I do have garlic, though, so I'll use that. Carrots are vegetables, and so is garlic. Therefore, if carrots work in this recipe, so should garlic" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"There have been as many as three recent examples of perfectly sane people who got themselves acquitted of murder by pleading "not guilty by reason of insanity." Thus the "insanity" defense is nothing more than a legal technicality that allows dangerous criminals to evade the law" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Herbert is a pet, and loves going to the park. Olivia is a pet, and loves going to the park. My cat Tilda is a pet, so she'll love going to the park, too" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Nobody has proven that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. Therefore he's innocent of that crime" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Nobody has proven that Donald Trump didn't collude with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. Therefore he's guilty of that crime" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"My conservative uncle, Bob, recently said that there's no way Donald Trump paid off his mistress to keep her silent during the 2016 election. Therefore Donald Trump didn't pay off his mistress" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"All religious groups in the United States oppose drinking. I base this on the fact that Mormons are a religious group in the United States, and oppose drinking, and the same is true for the Amish and the Mennonites. " commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Mormons are a religious group in the United States, and oppose drinking. The same is true for the Amish and the Mennonites. Therefore the Catholics, another US religious group, oppose drinking too" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Sailboats are capable of travel without needing gas. Bicycles are also capable of travel without needing gas. Thus airplanes are also capable of travel without needing gas" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"South Carolina is a southern state and both its senators are Republicans. The same is true for Mississippi and Texas. Therefore Alabama, which is also a southern state, has two Republican senators" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"South Carolina is a southern state and both its senators are Republicans. The same is true for Mississippi and Texas. Therefore all southern states have two Republican senators" commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority
4 points 


"Breaking mirrors is responsible for my bad luck. Every time I've broken a mirror, I've had terrible luck." commits the fallacy of
hasty generalizationweak analogyfalse causeappeal to ignoranceappeal to unqualified authority


The claim "God created dinosaur bones to test our faith; no dinosaurs actually existed" is
4 points 


The claim "Michael Jordan scored the largest number of points in a single basketball game in recorded history" is
4 points 


The claim "The Sun is eight light-minutes away from the Earth" is
4 points 


The claim "The dead speak to us through the weather patterns" is
4 points 


The claim "Hallucinogenic mushrooms can relieve symptoms of depression" is
4 points 


The claim "My accountant, Lucas, flew from New York to Paris in one hour" is
4 points 


The claim "The sky is blue" is
4 points 


The claim "No bird is capable of flight" is
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation is simpler? Phenomenon: a sudden remission of cancer in a patient.
Explanation 1: this is part of the natural cycle of the disease.Explanation 2: this is the result of taking an elixir with healing properties unknown to science.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation is simpler? Phenomenon: the survival of a group of sailors whose ship sank at sea.
Explanation 1: quick action by a group of magical dolphins saved them.Explanation 2: quick action by the Coast Guard rescue team.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation is simpler? Phenomenon: there's a bed bug mattress on the street in front of your building.
Explanation 1: a neighbor down the street must have dragged it in front of your building.Explanation 2: someone in your building has bed bugs and they disposed of their mattress in front of your building.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation is simpler? Phenomenon: Sally has a headache.
Explanation 1: Sally is dehydrated.Explanation 2: Sally has advanced brain cancer.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation is simpler? Phenomenon: your professor arrived on time for class today.
Explanation 1: your professor traveled to class via subway.Explanation 2: your professor traveled to class via helicopter.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation has greater scope? Phenomenon: After consuming peanuts during his hiking trip in the woods, George got itchy skin and hives, and his throat was swollen, making it difficult for him to breathe.
Explanation 1: George must have walked through poison ivy, which usually causes itchy skin and hives.Explanation 2: George has a peanut allergy, which usually causes itchy skin, hives, swelling in the throat, and difficulty breathing.
4 points 


For the following phenomenon, which explanation has greater scope? Phenomenon: at the end of the semester, Chris found his grades slipping in every class that involved math.
Explanation 1: the professors in each of these classes must be bad at teaching math.Explanation 2: Chris has dyscalculia, a learning disability that makes it harder to process mathematical information.
Read 976 times
2 Replies

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3 years ago
Step-by-step explanation


1. Appeal to Unqualified Authority


Fallacies of Relevance > Appeals to Authority


An appeal to an Unqualified Authority looks much like a legitimate appeal to authority, but it violates at least one of the three necessary conditions for such an appeal to be legitimate:

1. The authority is an expert in the area of knowledge under consideration.

2. The statement of the authority concerns his or her area of mastery.

3. There is agreement among experts in the area of knowledge under consideration.

- Though Two Major Chicago Newspapers favor capital punishment and they seem to know what they are talking about they are not the right authority to validate that Capital Punishment must be reinstated in Illinois.

2. Appeal to Unqualified Authority


Fallacies of Relevance > Appeals to Authority


An appeal to an Unqualified Authority looks much like a legitimate appeal to authority, but it violates at least one of the three necessary conditions for such an appeal to be legitimate:

1. The authority is an expert in the area of knowledge under consideration.

2. The statement of the authority concerns his or her area of mastery.

3. There is agreement among experts in the area of knowledge under consideration.

-A lifestyle coach is not an authority regarding nuclear war. He does not even experience nuclear war.

3.False Cause

A false cause fallacy occurs when someone incorrectly assumes a causal relationship between two things; the name of the fallacy is fairly literal. Any time someone thinks, "A causes B," without a sufficient reason to believe that B is truly caused by A, it's an example of the false cause fallacy.

-The fact that the average Spanish family owns so many TVs is not the reason why the rate of organ donation in Spain is High

4.False Cause

A false cause fallacy occurs when someone incorrectly assumes a causal relationship between two things; the name of the fallacy is fairly literal. Any time someone thinks, "A causes B," without a sufficient reason to believe that B is truly caused by A, it's an example of the false cause fallacy.

-A passing black is not the reason why I got hit by a car

5.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-there insufficient evidence that will prove that the CIA was not involve in the internal strife in Chechnya.

6.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-spending time in mountain resort does not guarantee(insufficient cause) Tuberculosis patients to experience brief period of remission

7.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-Cotton as the cause of Ebola Virus outbreak in the cotton mills is insufficient evidence.

8.Appeal to Ignorance

An appeal to ignorance fallacy (also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam) is when a speaker uses lack of evidence as proof that a claim is true.

-being inconclusive in ALL attempts in proving that Lee Oswald acted alone in assassinating the president is not enough reason to believe that he is part of a larger conspiracy

9.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-practicing of meditation in Washington D.C may lower the rate of crime but it is not enough to steadily lower the crime rate for the past six months.

10.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-A survey from 30 retirees does not confirm that all the retirees in United States are not happy about their level of assistance.

11.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-Insufficient evidence in proving that they are not involve in money laundering does not mean that they are involved.

12.Appeal to Unqualified Authority


Fallacies of Relevance > Appeals to Authority


An appeal to an Unqualified Authority looks much like a legitimate appeal to authority, but it violates at least one of the three necessary conditions for such an appeal to be legitimate:

1. The authority is an expert in the area of knowledge under consideration.

2. The statement of the authority concerns his or her area of mastery.

3. There is agreement among experts in the area of knowledge under consideration.

-Hairdressers are not the authority for the issue of Facebook hack.

13.Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-Eventhough New Jersey  is the same as North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana when it comes to interstate highways. New Jersey cannot be in analogy to these states when it comes to car traffic because there are other factors that affect the traffic and not only having interstate highways.

14.Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-Carrots and garlic are both vegetables but you cannot make analogy as to use garlic for substitute to making carrot cake because garlic does not share same characteristics with carrots with regards to taste and flavor which is necessary for making cake.

15.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-Three people being acquitted of murder for the reason of insanity does not guarantee that you will evade the law.

16.Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-Eventhough Herbert, Olivia and Tilda are all pet, it does no guarantee that Tilda loves going to the park same as Herbert and Olivia. Being pet as the only connection among them.

17.Appeal to Ignorance

An appeal to ignorance fallacy (also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam) is when a speaker uses lack of evidence as proof that a claim is true.

-Since nobody has proven that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians it does not necessarily mean that he did not and is innocent of the crime.

18.Appeal to Ignorance

An appeal to ignorance fallacy (also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam) is when a speaker uses lack of evidence as proof that a claim is true.

-Since nobody has proven that Donald Trump did not colluded with the Russians it does not necessarily mean that he did and is guilty of the crime.

19.Appeal to Unqualified Authority


Fallacies of Relevance > Appeals to Authority


An appeal to an Unqualified Authority looks much like a legitimate appeal to authority, but it violates at least one of the three necessary conditions for such an appeal to be legitimate:

1. The authority is an expert in the area of knowledge under consideration.

2. The statement of the authority concerns his or her area of mastery.

3. There is agreement among experts in the area of knowledge under consideration.

-Uncle Bob is not the right authority to say that Donald Trump did not pay off his mistress during 2016 election.

20.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-Mormons, Amish and Mennonites are not the only religious group in United States. Therefore you cannot generalize that all religious groups in U.S  are opposed to drinking just like these three.

21.Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-Even though Catholic is a religious group like Mormons, Amish and Mennonites it does not necessarily mean that they have the same preaching and teaching. Thus, Catholics cannot be liken to Mormons, Amish and Mennonites  as they are opposed to drinking.

22.Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-Airplanes are like Sailboat and Bicycle in terms of mode of trasportation. However, even though they share the same category we cannot say that airplanes are like sailboat and bicycle that do need gas for travel because airplanes are engine-powered which mean in need gas to run unlike sailboat and bicycle that can be operated without it.

23..Weak Analogy

A weak analogy occurs when a person draws a comparison between two concepts, situations, or things to link them together in an argument, even though the connection between the two is not strong enough to make the case.

-South Carolina, Mississippi and Texas all share the same characteristic which is having two Republican senator. They are also all southern states. However, we cannot assume that since Alabama is a southern state, it also has two Republican Senator. The link is not strong to make a strong argument.

24.Hasty Generalization

Is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

-Even though South Carolina, Mississippi and Texas all share the same characteristic which is having two Republican senators and also they are southern states, It does not necessarily mean that all southern states have two Republican Senator because South Carolina, Mississippi and Texas are not the only state in southern part and also there is insufficient evidence to prove the conclusion that All southern states have two Republican Senators.

25. False Cause

A false cause fallacy occurs when someone incorrectly assumes a causal relationship between two things; the name of the fallacy is fairly literal. Any time someone thinks, "A causes B," without a sufficient reason to believe that B is truly caused by A, it's an example of the false cause fallacy.

-Breaking mirror is not responsible for you having terrible luck. There is no causal relationship between the two.



From Omphalos Hypothesis that God only created dinosaur bones and not dinosaur cannot be put into test since we cannot confirm if Dinosaur really existed as per Omphalos Hypothesis.


We can see records from NBA if Michael Jordan really scored the largest number of points.


Science can prove the Sun's light distance from earth.


There is no evidence to prove that weather patterns are the way dead speak to us. On the other way around, We cannot ask the dead to confirm if it is true.


We can conduct experiments to prove that Hallucinogenic mushroom can relieve symptoms of Depression.

6.My accountant, Lucas, flew from New York to Paris in one hour

Since it is about physics it belong to conservative logic. The speed of airplane can be computed base from the factors involve in physics such as velocity, acceleration, air resistance.

Conservative logic is a comprehensive model of computation which explicitly reflects a number of fundamental principles of physics, such as the reversibility of the dynamical laws and the conservation of certain additive quantities (among which energy plays a distinguished role)

7.The sky is blue

This is Non Conservative because sky being blue is not with a scope of fundamental principles of Physics thus Conservative Logic.

8.No bird is capable of flight

This is Non Conservative because flight of the bird does not involve in fundamental principles of Physics thus Conservative Logic.

9.Phenomenon: A sudden remission of cancer in a patient

Explanation 1: this is part of the natural cycle of the disease

it is simpler compare to explanation 2 because explanation 2 involves Elixir which is unknown to science and yet to be proven.

10.Phenomenon: the survival of a group of sailors whose ship sank at sea.

Explanation 2: quick action by the Coast Guard rescue team.

It is simpler to understand explanation 2 because explanation 1 deals with magical dolphins.

11.Phenomenon: there's a bed bug mattress on the street in front of your building.

Explanation 2: someone in your building has bed bugs and they disposed of their mattress in front of your building.

It is simpler to understand explanation 2 because explanation 1 deals with the neighbor dragging the mattress in front of another building rather than dispose it in front of their building.

12.Phenomenon: Sally has a headache.

Explanation 1: Sally is dehydrated.

It is easy to comprehend that Sally got dehyarated only that ais why she is having headache compare to she has brain cancer.

13.Phenomenon: your professor arrived on time for class today.

Explanation 1: your professor traveled to class via subway

It is easy to understand that the professor traveled to class via subway rather than him being on a helicopter because it is not usual for a professor to travel via helicopter.

14.Phenomenon: After consuming peanuts during his hiking trip in the woods, George got itchy skin and hives, and his throat was swollen, making it difficult for him to breathe

Explanation 2: George has a peanut allergy, which usually causes itchy skin, hives, swelling in the throat, and difficulty breathing.

It deals a greater scope that he is having peanut allergy because poison ivy only cause skin irritations and not difficulty for breathing.

15.Phenomenon: at the end of the semester, Chris found his grades slipping in every class that involved math.

Explanation 1: the professors in each of these classes must be bad at teaching math.

It deals a greater scope that the professors must be bad at teaching rather than Chris having Dyscalculia because if professors are bad at teaching there can arise another problem not only to Chris but to other student as well.
2 years ago
Question 5,6,7,9 and 11 are wrong
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