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RioNii RioNii
Posts: 268
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A year ago
We have a debate, a 1 on 1 debate and I really cannot get around my side which is Personality because all I see in google or any other platforms sides with Situation. What could be a great introduction for my side which is Personality? It would also help me a lot if articles or links that sides with Personality will be included. I really need a helping hand, please help me. I really need help. Crying Face
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A year ago
Hi RioNii

I'm not understanding what you're debating here. What is personality vs. situation?
RioNii Author
A year ago
Oh I'm sorry sir, it's actually person vs situation sir
A year ago Edited: A year ago, bio_man
Still, I don't get what's being debated. What's the argument being made for each word?
RioNii Author
A year ago
The argument concerning whether the person or the situation is more influential in determining a person's behavior. This is the argument sir
A year ago
Hi RioNii

Use this as a reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person%E2%80%93situation_debate

See if this helps:

The extent to which a person's behavior is influenced by their situation versus their innate qualities can vary depending on a range of factors, such as the person's individual characteristics, the nature of the situation, and the social and cultural context in which the person is embedded.

However, in general, both the person and the situation can have a significant impact on a person's behavior. Some researchers argue that situational factors, such as the environment and social context, play a more important role in determining behavior than a person's individual qualities, while others argue that a person's traits and personal characteristics are more influential.

For example, a person who is naturally shy may behave more confidently and extrovertedly in a social situation where they feel comfortable and accepted, while the same person may exhibit more introverted behavior in a situation where they feel judged or insecure. Similarly, a person who is generally honest may still be more likely to lie or cheat in a situation where they feel it is necessary to do so to protect themselves or achieve a desired outcome.

Therefore, while both the person and the situation can be influential in determining behavior, the degree to which each factor plays a role may vary depending on the specific circumstances.
RioNii Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, RioNii
Thank you very much sir!! But how will that statement be changed in a way that it favors the side of Personality and not Situation sir?
A year ago
Here are some arguments in favor of the person over the situation:

Consistency of behavior: One argument for the importance of person variables over situation variables is that people tend to exhibit a certain degree of consistency in their behavior across different situations. This means that the same person will often behave similarly in different contexts, even when those contexts vary in terms of their situational factors. This consistency implies that individual differences in personality traits and other person variables are a powerful predictor of behavior.

Self-selection into situations: Another argument in favor of person variables is that people often choose or create their own situations based on their personality traits and preferences. For example, an extraverted person may choose to attend a social event, while an introverted person may prefer to stay home. This self-selection means that the situational factors are not independent of the individual's personality and other person variables, and therefore, person variables are still important.

Bi-directional relationship between person and situation: It is also argued that the relationship between person and situation is bi-directional. This means that individuals do not just passively respond to situations, but also actively shape and create the situations they find themselves in. For example, a person with a certain personality trait may be more likely to initiate a conversation with others, thereby creating a social situation that would not have existed otherwise.

The power of individual agency: Finally, a key argument for the importance of person variables is the idea of individual agency, or the capacity of individuals to act independently and make choices that influence their behavior. This agency is shaped by individual characteristics such as values, goals, and self-concept, which in turn shape the ways that individuals engage with the world and the situations they encounter.
RioNii Author
A year ago
Thank you very much sir!!! This will really help me sir, thank you very much sir!!!
A year ago
Make sure to rewrite these ideas, don't take them word for word
RioNii Author
A year ago
If I may, can I just use it as it is sir?
A year ago
If I may, can I just use it as it is sir?

It's best to rewrite the ideas, because this is a public forum, and I don't want any issues for our members
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