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Odiseizam Odiseizam
Posts: 146
11 months ago Edited: 11 months ago, Odiseizam
Is there any devoted Historian on the forum around?, coz this kind of question asks for comparative historical knowledge so would be demystified the same as probable or false!

1. in my opinion the answer hang somehow inbetween, coz most of those who were after social justice or seeking workers rights simply nor have nor seek some neopagan idolatry!

2, yet the roots of particular idolatrous elites pushed inertia towards socialism and communism as utopianism, and however we would like to hide that inheritance we cant!, simply neopaganism consumed all humanist and enlightenment era vibe thus many elites incorporated own marks in "their" right or left systems!

3. eventually masses didnt care about eventual esotery behind the scenes but simply embraced workers enlightenment what eventually reached even level of holiday mostly mids the commie and ex-commie realm as victory over bourgeoisie!

4. while on west coz socialism didnt reached fulfillment (promptly stalled so would be seen on east as experimental phase) so practically there is not seen as holiday but MayDay is the day for workers strikes and cryout for end of exploitation and getting at least normal working week,

5. altho unlike the western workers who march peacefully the western leftwing anarchists use the chance for provoking unrests and street riots seeking end of capitalism - altho defacto stirred and misused by the western secrete service in own skims!

6. in essence if neopaganism is common utopian niche behind the enlightenment era then as liberalism from christrian refrain whether in capitalist or socialist form and its neoliberal or commie extremes it has defacto not just neopagan but in case of MayDay even ancient molochian connection!

Post Merge: 11 months ago

2, yet the roots of particular idolatrous elites pushed inertia towards socialism and communism as utopianism, and however we would like to hide that inheritance we cant!, simply neopaganism consumed all humanist and enlightenment era vibe thus many elites incorporated own marks in "their" right or left systems!

Now how to explain this hypothesis but through mosaic reasoning!, first of all by attempting to point that those (as elites) who standardized mayday as workers day were in "their" roots indeed neopagans [1][1] and from such pivot to grasp the recognition exactly of 1st of May as workers day, what if was tradition in question then 21st April would be pivot [2] but obviously "someone" didnt had have that in mind, altho it could be said that I am projecting that the reason is neopagan mood of the socialist international elites that by subversion implanted occult semiotic twist [3][3][3] what to the fooled masses even nowadays is not anyhow problematic, yeah now many are brainwashed to follow even dont wanted to, still except logic by analogy I dont have clear facts but how to expect someones clear admission when the very elites behind "socialism" were covert neopagans altho acting atheists so would keep the masses more easily obedient or better said enslaved by "egalite" ideology!, also another pivot that points to "their" neopagan stamina (altho many think that "they" were solely rationalist reductionist atheist band of socialists commies and anarchists) is the existance of particular utopian enlightenment agenda for reaching superhumanity and heaven'on'earth!, so saying that "they" emerged accidentally as popular movement that brought spontaneously the enlightenment revolution is far from reality!, yeah go organize some revolution without particular financial backing, undoable even nowadays when exist means for quick mobilization like soc.nets what about earlier, hm maybe the jasmin revolutions were spontaneous, or probably DonaldT stirred the 6th jan storming of dc congress and that wasnt rigged infiltration by cia so he would be framed etc. etc. spins of "theirs" for achieving some goal through infiltration subversion intimidation and alike skims in "their" western secret service playbook!

So seen as zionist ideal socialism was indeed influenced by kabbalists and "they" by their persian influence if not inheritance [4][5][6] what could be interpreted more than easily as correlation towards standardization of 1st of May as international socialist day [6][6][6] altho if we go by such logic then eg. greeks were also burning for such ultra wrong neopagan worship [6][6][6] and like that influenced also later renaissance neopagan revival that was entering western european realm through venetians at least from south thus it could be as well more southern hermeticist influence instead kabbalistic through rosicruians on north yet shallow projecting can also bring shallow correlation eg. as wrong tradition passed by greek line mids the revival of neopaganism in middle age european elites [7] yet if is indeed found the hidden esoterical devotion of the zionist elites even as commies [8][5] then suddenly its not so hard to be grasp the probable correlation of socialism with "them" but also possible spin of 1st of May as prime day for celebration of socialists that mids commie circumstances and one'world'government as fulfillment of "their" zionist kabbalist eschatology in "their" earthly utopia its logical all to bow to the false prophet [9][9] that actually is also prophesied that will be case in The Bible Revelation too!, now how difficult is to be seen this kind of global subversion infiltration and coercion by trickery as much as possible "workers" to embrace MayDay as their day I cant say, yet knowing how nothing is accidental on this World will say with ease do debate these correlations as Christians and the time in which You live ... and hm to some extent an modern way of sacrificing children is by abortionism [10][10] altho there are other ways too like wars especially when waged not in selfdeffence but from any wrong will reasons needs lusts convictions [11][11][11]

Hm, I know this is controversial hypothesis, and workers around the world are not directly involved in eventual such neopagan skim, but it do sounds risky!, not that we cant change that habit as potentially wrong tradition, but that asks for demystification will by historians foremost and right after politicians!, btw its one thing eg. when Christianity tried to suppress pagan traditions in those that freely embraced Jesus Christ [12] but completely disastrous when by trickery "someone" is trying to kneel others on small door to dive in apostasy altho per'se the same is not perceived as probable yet if such celebrating sprang from neopagan socialist elites then the causality is clear and it will reach those that embraced it!, so be careful what when You are celebrating!

Post Merge: 11 months ago

6. in essence if neopaganism is common utopian niche behind the enlightenment era then as liberation from the christrian refrain (whether in capitalist or socialist form and its neoliberal or commie extremes) it has defacto not just neopagan but in case of MayDay even ancient molochian connection!

Think this projecting could get probable as if it could be making from Marijuana Legalization an socialist skim so cia and mi5 would portray potheads as commies Slight Smile maybe now normies [1]-[1][1]-[1] hm can we expand such hypothesis even further as apocalyptic hypothesis hm probably yes in form like indeed there is CBD conspiracy so little as possible useless eaters would have chance to survive "their" malthusian plots, dont know just whether to laugh or turn depre Slight Smile I mean we can see conspy vibe around every global event yet that dont means that indeed there is plot!, yet also we need to grasp that in 19th century indeed those neopagans among the global elites were truly devoted utopians and did everything by "their books" what seen from kabbalist or freemasonic angle has far greater planning than simple swap of Christianity by revolutions simply asked for complete subversion of the hearths of Man, altho as we can see in that didnt succeeded, hm maybe "they" think now could have better chances with the advancement of synthetic biology and possibilities of dna programming!?, hm did "they" became virus to "their" own wrong utopian will or just stuck in germ theory Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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Odiseizam Author
11 months ago
I'll need to emphasize again the swiss congress logo so would point to the certain esoterical vibe of socialists [1][1] and like that trying to align possible link to pagan tradition as nepoagan repackaging!, that eg. for the early Christians was undoubtfully devil worshiping as spring festive towards summer solstice [2][2][2] that Christians did try to remove it by substitution altho we can argue also how much earlier the same approach was done by Hebrews while trying to squize out the pagan influences from their neighbors even tho not rarely that is used for leveling of True Israel as same like all the rest in apostasy or idolatry drown religious cults hm how to explain to people what is Living Faith and how exactly taste Grace in Fulness yet many would prefer to choke by the pagan neopagan or atheist phantasm even till level of deist selfidolatry what eventually is secure path even to blasphemy and like that certain secured oblivion [3][3][3] yep be savvy not to fell on spins eg. as suggested in the last footnote that can be used as gaslighting so You would be deceived how Christianity is also pagan and/or eg. on contrary projected how socialism is per'se atheist, hm just when see the adoration of the cult of the body by commies or the promiscuity as award for living, where family is obsolete but orgies normal (not just mayday but every day ecstasy) then its obvious to whom how "they" bow!, hm about this I've recently had have heard and didnt knew that eg. bolsheviks (driven probably by enlightenment libertarian blueprint for reconstructing the ancient eros as main reward part of "their" utopian republic) with clear consciousness employed promiscuity till extremes immediately after the revolution hm practically were rolling trial&error of employed utopianism altho the very spirit of "theirs" was decadent as construct of the "enlightenment era" [4][5][6][6][6] now how enlighteners were adoring promiscuous liberty probably is known tho as antichristian hype that era was by default securing path towards occult sex worship in one or another way what eventually as decadent even envisioned as transhumanist posthuman shift of desires lusts and pleasure wherever cyborgs wanted to implant sensory reward even in "their" ear drums eventually will lead to wide decadence and as consequence to dystopia instead utopia ~ what about when such inertia was pushed by utopians that were confined to the hardship and evils of romanticism when masculinity restrained from any christian refrain normally will burst in irrational orgiastic celebrations (exactly as "they" saw themselves like animals (now say hackable one) that exist solely coz indulgence in epicurean hedonistic lusty ideal i.e. the apotheosis of heaven'on'earth) hm elites were choking in it surely ~ "for domestic society the doctrine of almost all naturalists is
that marriage is only a civil contract, and may be lawfully broken by the will of the contracting parties
" [6][7][8][9] ~ but what is interesting is that for the common people it was given workers day celebration so would be aligned altho still not ready for full disclosure!, while the neopagan neoplatonist neognostic adepts as newagers were surely celebrating molochian dionisian saturnalian or promethean "future luciferian festive" of MayDay!, what would be even more logical if we know that the enlightenment era which was the pivot for the rise of "their" utopian agenda towards one'world'governement with one'love'religion was undoubtfully neopagan in all its spins and skims ~ altho per'se to all people wasnt given same level of revelation and many of "their" followers were thrown in atheist lobotomy coz smooth manipulation altho surely that vibe has another philosophical line yet it was cleverly taken and implanted in socialist and commie experiments when released, maybe so would be seen how such deist chase for apotheosis will end up, tho it could be as well moment of error and/or freestyle spill in "their" new'age'realm!

Odiseizam Author
11 months ago Edited: 11 months ago, Odiseizam
"for domestic society the doctrine of almost all naturalists is that marriage is only a civil contract, and may be lawfully broken by the will of the contracting parties"

This quote sounds bit awkward coz dont have essentially nothing wrong as lawful statement, yet I am here projecting how emphasis is thrown on the marriage as mere deal between interest parties that as reductionist as it sounds give notion that it could last interchangeably in one month or even day many times, if we know what bolsheviks have in mind when promoted the concept of "free love" when I guess even swinging was accepted as nondeviant occurrence coz sex was perceived as mere physical thing thus deprived from sexual morality it can take whatever communal form , the difference tho with capitalism is that for entering swinging house its charged entrance fee, altho bolsheviks didnt reached such standardization and practically with the removal of leninists and trotskists new stalinist spin of marxism emerged in ussR what for many looks like heresy [1][1]  altho defacto if were left unrestrained the bolshevik ideals for free "love" around [2][2][2] but also nonexistence of violent crime [3][3][3] which by "them" was norm only in the capitalist realm while in the commie that is obsolete coz all are equal and share everything then in what would had have turn ussR like that can be projected only in horror scifi as technocratic transhumanist utopia, what simply is destined to collapse coz Life as Existence is driven by the spiritual world yet many still are fooling themselves that such utopia is possible, the sad thing is that all that was going through many wrong trial&error phases as scientific dictatorship!
Odiseizam Author
11 months ago Edited: 11 months ago, Odiseizam
In the continuation of the first post above where is suggested connection with zionism kabbalah and socialism to the pagan fertility cult (tho I'll say sex cult coz the worship is not on the family and offspring but on the phallus) it could be noticed that zionism as fruit of the enlightenment era is also tied to freemasonry, again [1][1] ; and having in mind that freemasonry is also resting on the same neopagan repackaging of the pagan sex cults [2] its obvious that we are speaking about celebration of MayDay as "their" holiday altho as all "their" esoteria covertly slipped on the world stage so would pull even Christians in "their" supposedly workers right day, probably as prime elites back then in the eruoatlantic realm "they've" hope in the next phase it will be only introduced merging of "their" esoterical and the workers social celebrating, what seen from "their" perspective is logical way for swaying masses indirectly into own mythos, here I just cant discern whether secularism was imposed for deprograming from Christianity and then after as tabula rasa masses to be pulled in "their" cauldron, or secularism was flushed by jesuits mids the enlightenment era through jacobins so would be diverted the rise of freemasonry after "they" succeed to hijack most of the euroatlantic realm by indebting even vatican [3]

Here need to emphasize be careful not to fell in shallow demystification of historical sources i.e. always have high skeptic bar till dont get the big picture, also not rarely there are side kicks that can mislead eg. some correlates even the etymology of the word mason as derived from mayday but solely so would dig up supposed continuation to local paganism [4] yet what has no logic if we know the freemasonic esotery about the universal architect or the solomons temple architect, altho not sure whether per'se the same is derived from kabbalism or later deism used the story so would construct own mythos once rosicrucians decided to enact own religion now known as freemasonry!?, religion which by all its hidden esotery again and again in secluded way points that is sex worshiping cult that in concealed way as such is revealed even to the freemasonic adepts [5] while only the elites has true understanding whats actually is at stake in that onion shaped secrete in secrete cult!, actually if go by this logic it could be said that alchemists spinned six as sex by kemetic syncretism not sure just whether that aligns with the roman group of languages even earlier [5] hm similar strange analogy can seen in other but opposite etymological semiotics [5] altho this is pure observation and some studied thing ... And maybe all this will sound to many as some conspy logic, still one need to be aware how conspy indeed were acting freemasons so would crush if not substitute Christianity thus indeed acted covertly by infiltration and by gradual inversion of the system the culture and the religion [5]

Eventually in its core beliefs attempting to revive the pagan sex worship at the beginning in the renaissance as trend for the aristocratic elites while after the enlightenment era as awakened eros of antiquity on the platter for mass degustation [6][6][6] what little by little brought ultraliberal consumption that lead neopaganism to succeed in flushing on west even plain cultural acceptance of sexual revolution in '60s (as promiscuity without guilt) what in '70s was completed by legalization of abortion (as sex without responsibility) [6][6][6] and through promiscuity abortion sexploitation attempting to give final blow to Christianity, and isnt nowadays paradox how decadence is normal commercial or cultural hype as if secularism removes the guilt for sinful life while still living mids Christian community!?, what in the beginning of the past century was maybe not so plain as trend and mainly flushed through sport nakedness i.e. olympic games became covertly indoctrinating mean for mass revival of the pagan mythology and glorification of the ancient eros, and suddenly praising the cult of the body became norm i.e. finally with the olympic games was established new covert sex cult on mass level (tho the hype began bit differently [7][7]) when little by little the "sex taboos" were "collapsing" and masses embracing public nakedness as normal occurrence while promiscuity became trend, which nowadays got its boost on steroids through the soc.net lobotomy [7] altho the same it could be seen as euroatlantic commie skim in form of cultural marxism [7] or an malthusian hype of euroatlantic determinist for stopping the global population growth by promiscuity and postponing marriage ("promiscuous intercourse to such a degree as to prevent the birth of children" [7]), eventually all as motives comes from one and the same euroatlantic neopagan kitchen that strive by freemasonic deist blueprint to bring superhumanity and heaven'on'earth, what probably "they" hope will be reached if enough Grace is lost due to decadence and that to provoke chaos after what "they" would reveal "their" utopian'new'atlantis!, tho as we can see still havent fried everyone nor can, maybe reason plus so would be hived coz push'of'button stimulation among other!, anyway when nowadays became very normal hype pornography and orgies or its imposed homosexuality as mainstream altho subcultural emergence then dont need to wait to see whether that idolization of sexual lusts will reach legalization of bestiality and marching around with "their" animal lovers!, still we can hope that such ultraliberal skim for dechristianization eventually will fall under its weight coz now cant stop in its own pervert vibe!, eventually cyborg enhancements or sexbots will expose the full grotesqueness of praising bodily lusts when emotions will be stimulated probably by genetic tweaks too but what coz will need huge time till reach stable version in all its wrongness will provoke huge misery upon those eager to taste sexual upgrades till "perfect stimulation", but what actually many cant grasp is that lusts are food for demons-anathema-to-them thus once idolized sexual pleasures are becoming slaves to them yet coz like that are harming the Nous as spiritual eye of the soul but also loosing Grace as consequence emotions dont fireback as used to coz what not rarely cross in various deviances so would sense some stimuli and avoid frigidity or impotence, yeah addict is addict but the bodily depend on their own dope!

Now not all relations to MayDay are freemasonic but usually neopagan hype, and if I have to pick which event is most famous I'll say its "MaDa" as largest techno gathering that since '90s was building momentum of becoming prime electronic festival in Europe [8] thus think in the spirit of this age when workers rights are somehow raised beyond the past century exploitation now this could have the potential to be new reinstallment towards adoration of decadence (tho we need to wait and see whether global stagflation will be released so workers would rise again) still as event it got overshadowed by the mass attendance of Love Parade [8] altho it has space to reemerge as largest coz after the Duisburg tragedy LoPa faint away for good [8] so if You witness ahead some sudden burst in that festival check this math!, and even tho there are many continental events with similar hype, still all those far from the potential of MayDay as electronic music festival, which even it wasnt meant to reach such level obviously was stimulated towards by particular spiriT that looms in the hearths of euroatlantic neopagans and/or devotees to music hedonism (not sure just how is easier to reach which end of that common stick for adoring "open love") actually the electronic music as step towards embracing homo'silicone transhumanism aligns smoothly with the deist (freemasonic) ideal for superhumanity and heaven'on'earth for which surely hedonism is the reward as earthly apex of bodily pleasures among which sex normally is highest for freemasonic deists which surely have put effort to stir even earlier similar inertia (since the hippie era festivals when mainly hinduistic spin was also poured like deprograming of Christians [9][9][9] almost as ordered by the motherboard [9][9][9]) yeah hippies were Trial1.0 what got new pitch with the rave era T1.9 as mass recycle of Souls on small door what in its most commercial form was praised by electronic festivals!, yet again above all that neopagan spirit dont needs some centralized planning or stiff regulation so would hijack many but for start what is important is the rejecting of Christian Moral and embracing ultraliberal mindset then the rest reconnects among itself as bikini energy shared by different factions ideas trends agendas among euroatlantic neopagans whatever so sex would be idolized as much as possible!, practically subversion for "them" is needed coz still Monotheism is main tradition for Many thus only way for hijack is by trickery [10][10] yet as could be seen in that "they" havent achieved ultimate victory over Christianity so the next phase is bringing Christians to universalism as some say by another shock&awe spin first through world wars and next alien hype [11][11]][11] wonder as continual preparedness programing did the same became imbued in the electronic music subculture by accident coz the earlier scifi narrative and even earlier robot hype [12][12][12] thus as electronic instruments by default glued to it, or actually it was stimulated to merge with!?, hm maybe this sounds vague as claim coz the prime accent in electro went on sexploitation promiscuity and free love, yet its noticeable through its extreme of electronic subculture what would be the Trans Scene where reached strange mix of plain paganization and cyborgization of the psychodelic narrative (interestingly what was not case with the hippie era earlier but started to pop up later with the electrofunk and disco) and to be even more hilarious all that is heavily tied to hallucinogen drugs just like was case in paganism so easier the worshipers would fell in trance and connect with "aliens"!, hm did AldousH doors of perception could envisioned electro music or his hallucinating was tied to classical music!?
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Now seen as local traditional celebration maybe MayDay is nowadays deprived from pagan worship, and pushed more like respect to the cultural heritage, actually as such present in many places, as in western [1][1] so as in eastern european tradition [1][1] still from Christian perspective it should be given emphasis that what looks on first hand as benign event it can actually end up in wrong hands day after, probably not so huge risk for the most people but from soteriological aspect it can become individual and communal risk coz unintentionlly it could be invoked instead to be chased like that evil spirits [1][1] what altho its not empirically proven yet if indeed the Spiritual World is basis for this then the same have effect on our well being and causality, tho by the aristotelian logic it takes time [2]

Needless to say but those who are acquainted with paganism are aware of the side effects (however interpret them as good or bad) the problem tho from Christian aspect is that what european ethnicities were praising as pagan new year or  romans were celebrating as floralia [1][1] or greeks dyonisian spring festival [1][1] it was finally buried and so masses would be swayed simply was substituted with Christian Celebration yet people kept the informal traditions that tho by the Catholic Church were suppressed heavily while kept alive in the Protestant Realm but also Slavic Realm in this last case coz Orthodox Church was far more patient coz needed to keep cohesion of the empire, guess it was important heresies not to burst while customs were left to exist!, but after few centuries neopaganism atheism and seculirism per'se now we are seeing rebranding of those customs in festive spectacles what as I am projecting it could be misused having in mind the neopagan will of euroatlantic deterimnists, or how indifferent we are as Christians mids neoliberal capitalism and secular plutocracy when it could be sold whatever for gold altho fog!

Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
And altho archaic pagan traditions are echoed in that spring myth, still freemasons made specific syncretization of various pagan systems [1][1] that could be aligned to 1st of May by two streams in both cases through FriedrichWS i.e. by kabbalist line and the babylonian tradition passed to khazars evolving in its own enlightenment hype [2][2][2] and/or through the greco-roman line and the worship of greek demetra or its counterpart roman bona'dea [3][3][3] altho many have notion that eg, JWS was not devoted freemason [4] altho its obvious "they" are waiting "their" freemasonic messiah [5] or as "they" epitomize it as isis or prometheus [6] so 1st of May its "their" celebration indeed, which by various spins was implanted among different groups eg. like atheistic marxists probably coz later aligning once "their" phoenix would rise from the ashes by "them" envisioned as ordo'ab'chao process i.e. through controlled chaos like nuclear ww3 to reach new'world'order!, and lets hope People will wake up in time so at least would not take part in such arrangements!
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Some extra elaboration how euroatlantic neopagans got grip on our modern world and from behind the scenes stir all the global agendas as inheritors of humanism and the enlightenment era which culmination towards "their" neopagn ideal for superhumanity and heaven'on'earth could seen in the footnotes of these 11th footnotes, and be patient when making mindmap while doting the correlation between modern science and humanism or other isms of "theirs" coz its word for covert infiltration tho masked by secularism so it would be hard to cut "their" knot or better said matrix of neopagan rule idealism and agendas!, and if succeed to cut "their" matrix just then can be understood how so 1st of may is "their" hype!

but mechanistic and atomization hype of humanism [11][11][11] dont leaves huge room for this

Here is also archived link to the quoted thread [1][1] so would underline the notion there - that its easy to be seen the background in/from particular events once we've become aware who are "they" as shadow'power'elites which unnoticeably are laying path towards specific agendas and goals i.e. through dialectic spins of problem solution skims trying to push all in "their" mold!, eg. by rolling and leaving ultraliberalism to burst long and wide day after (due to the havoc that will follow coz no-regulation) to be imposed totalitarian technocratic rule!, tho that is just one skim of neopagan spin for reaching total brutal control above all (in as "they" believe "theirs" euroatlantic realm!), hm if "they" could have smacked JFK with ease [2] and even till these days to act innocent while the case closed > then what about with ease to be exposed "their" current agendas mostly pushed by trickery, yeah go puzzle out how who what has pushed around in "their" mosaic!, altho the recent homo'silicone'agenda is finally revealed as fix, altho when earlier was propagandized by transhumanists among the academia it was looking like fringe hype of some eccentrics, while now suddenly its mainstream agenda even worst covertly pushed as biotech hiving through the m'rna jabs in the recent s'c'2 now obviously plandemix [3][3][3] that tho still its perceived by the masses at best as some future possibility yet we are already pushed in it altho in its first phase for ultra panopticon street and social control just going more and more upgraded waiting to become regular normal hype of full IoB man'machine'merger what is imposed as inevitable alike "resistance if futile" borg meme of bilderborgs&co [4] so go deny the notion that we have work with extra organized neopagan utopians, which if couldnt peddle for hiving by plandemix probably next will try by real or unreal "alien" disclosure so would introduce "their" utopian n'w'o [5][5][5] which utopianism its not something new nor secular hype but from the enlightenment era inherited and followed the new'atlantis'blueprint for chasing utopia till apotheosis [6][6][6] we need just to be F by wef and as fooled again and again to keep calm obedient and pleased that "they" didnt already nuked us all!, hm dont need to wonder that such ordo'ab'chao scenario is also part of "their" dialectic bag of solutions!
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
eg. by rolling and leaving ultraliberalism to burst long and wide (due to the havoc that will follow coz no-regulation) day after to be imposed totalitarian technocratic rule!

Without doubt this quote currently rings "their" bell, at least the past plandemix as attempt for mass hiving (of at least western population) through the mandatory bionic jabs points to it!, i.e. for instigating secured long lasting technocracy its not enough a.i.surveillance of prism type but its needed prison hype in form of thought police, guess not just coz policing reasons but also as "they've" already employed complete mirrored virtual reality coz stable simulation data feed [1][1] altho as skim surely have potential for various other purposes eg. like micro managed social engineering and/or risk management for eventual societal collapse due to whatever future natural political or even aetheral catastrophes!, the problem is that behind "them" driving force is "the wrong spirit in this world" if we have in mind "their" neopagan essence!, and surely for most of people its difficult to be seen "their" true pivot mids "their" forest, especially difficult coz its important for "them" first to impose total control over the broilers by technocratic means [1][1] so by ease would reach next level as "they" see it like androgen superman [2][2][2] but exactly that androgen skim reveals "their" true pivot, hm as if indeed Man is the reward for nephilims so would burst free in this World, but if we know that we have The Gift of Free Will then such thesis is mirage of the events in our reality!, simply the complex intertwined free will causality  leads to various wrong lusts of Man that open door like that for fallen-angels-anathema-to-them to mess with our reality through possessed elites which indoctrinated by clannish neopagan inheritance even dont want to slip in "their" ancestors agendas, but eventually even "they" are called on Repentance thus its left even the final hour for at least some of "them" to escape the clannish traps and reach Redemption and Salvation thus it is as it is i.e. its not in question "alien" conspiracy but Our Chance for Equal Right to Salvation as elites so as commoners that will accept The Truth through Jesus Christ ...

Now altho in this thread prime topic is "1st of may" and its show some probable connection between paganism and neopaganism on the surface, still think that "their" prime festive it will not be tied in the end to such standardization coz it will need to push further with "their" infiltration once people awaken for "their" skims so most probably will reenact other similar skims!, piratically the esoteric core of "these" neopagans as euroatlantic determinists are tightly dependen on "their" system of belief what gives "them" purpose even "they've" lost it!, so we dont need to be blinded by fear from 1st of may as if it was friday 13th superstition (hek what to say those that are born on such day surely they will start rolling eyes if someone project them that if anyhow celebrate that day risk at least labeling, practically if we get enslaved by such projected fears will stumble every next time on even more hilarious superstitious fears!, thus seen this from such perspective this thread should serve as clearing up the notion that indeed exist such standardized neopagan vibe that is prepared as pivot towards "their" superhumanity and heaven'on'earth!, altho even unwillingly what about willingly participating in "their" skims its maybe silly that that is case when embracing "1st of may" as holiday but its existing risk if as workers day tied many to vibrate that day in joint happiness aligned to "their" wonnabe socialism of pentagrams and roses!, tho its not mine to judge "them" yet enough aware for the skim so as Christian would distance myself from whatever tied to "them" in this case celebration of anathemago!

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