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fireguy1 fireguy1
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11 years ago
I want to be a neonatal surgeon, where is the best place for me to do undergrad? and what should i major in?
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11 years ago
Depends on where you live.  UCLA and UCSD have very nice med schools in california.  They are difficult to get into but they are very nice for both med school and undergrad.  Major doesn't really matter.  Anything that is related to the sciences is a good idea.
11 years ago
You are confusing a residency program with a medical school.  Medical school does not teach you a medical specialty.  All physicians go through the same basic education--two years of basic sciences and two years of clinical rotations.  If they successfully complete that, they select a medical specialty that they wish to pursue and apply to the programs that offer that training.

Your best school will always be your own state university.  Two reasons:  As a state resident, it will be your lowest tuition cost and as a resident, you will be given admission preference by an admission committee (which is a law, by the way).

Potential medical students always want to go to the best school, yet 99.9% of them don't have a clue about the medical education system.  Many succumb to believing that one school is better than the other because of a magazine 'ranking' the schools, yet they have no clue what criteria was used in that ranking process.  The truth of the matter is that those "Big Name" schools get their reputations from the residency programs conducted at the medical centers that share the name.  Of course, having a well known name is something the schools capitalize on (as every medical school, at its heart, is a business).  But every semester of each school year is scrutinized by the accrediting authority for medical schools.  Any deviation, good or bad, is immediately analyzed.  Each medical school uses standardized exams that are scored by the accrediting authority--so they know if there is even a subtle change in teaching efficacy.  If something good is happening, all medical schools adopt that process.  If something isn't working right, that affected school immediately rectifies the problem (usually that scenario is related to the quality of the instructor).  This whole process is done to assure the students, the schools and the medical community that an education at Po Dunk U is of the same quality as High and Mighty U.

Once you get into medicine you'll learn that nobody cares where you did your undergrad or med school.  Everybody in medicine understands that that's just basic training.  All anybody in medicine cares about is where you did your residency.  That's where you want to focus your energy--getting into the best residency program for the specialty that interests you.  I use the field of Emergency Medicine to make the next point--don't be surprised if the best residency program for your specialty is not at a Big Name institution.  I used to work at Johns Hopkins and everybody knows that Johns Hopkins is world renowned.  Johns Hopkins does have an Emergency Medicine residency program.  But it's not known as being the best residency program for Emergency Medicine--it's just an average program.  The best Emergency Medicine program is offered a couple of miles down the road at the University of Maryland.  The University of Maryland and UCLA are known as the two best residency programs for Emergency Medicine.  Having either of those on your resume will get you an extra $25 grand a year on your first job offer.  Having Johns Hopkins on your resume will only get you a standard offer.

The "Best Residency" programs are constantly changing due to the change in Program Directors.  If you want to know where the best programs are, research who are the current and past Presidents of that specialty's medical board and see where they are based.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg....
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