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jayb jayb
12 years ago
Hello everyone,

I am having my intro to human physiology exam in the end of this week,
in order to feel more prepared, I am wondering if anyone has any good sets
of multiple choice questions on muscle physiology?
Questions related to skeletal, cardiac, smooth, myosin, actin, cross bridges, sarcomere would be worthy!
my textbook is by Silverthorn and the publishing is by Pearson.

thank you all!

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12 years ago
No need to post in two different boards, they're all monitored by the same members!
12 years ago
1.   Articulating bones do not allow movements in which of the following type of joint?
   1. enarthrses   2. synarthroses   
   3. arthrodia   4. diarthroses
2.   Light middle region of A band of myofibril is called
   1. M-zone   2. H-zone   
   3. Z-zone      4. I-zone
3.   Knee joint is an example for
   1 .hinge joint   2. ball and socket joint   3. pivot joint   4. gliding joint
4.   Following are the statements about freely movable joint
   1. It is also called diarthroses   
   2. Ends of articulating bones are covered by a layer of hyaline cartilage
   3. In all movable joints synovial capsule and synovial fluid are absent
   1. All are true   2. Only 1 & 2 are true
   3. Only 2 and 3 are true   
   4. Only1 and 3 are true
5.   Joint between cranial bones is
   1 .hinge joint   2. ball and socket joint   3. pivot joint               4. immovable joint
6.   Which of the following joints are seen in appendicular skeleton but not in axial skeleton
   a. enarthoses   b.pivot   c. gliding   
   d. saddle      e. amphiarthroses
   1. all      2. all except c, b   
   3 .all except d, e, b   4. all except d
7.   The swinging movements and the attachment and detachment of the heads of cross bridges from actin filaments is termed as
   1. interlocking mechanism   
   2. walk along mechanism   
   3. big-bang hypothesis   
   4. steady state hypothesis
8.   Read the following statements and choose the correct answer
   I. Bony projection of one bone fits into the socket of other bone is gomphoses
   II. Zig zag lines of the junction of edges of skull bones are sutures
   III. Cartilage tipped adjacent bones are directly articulated with one another in amphiarthroses
   IV. Articulating bones can slide upon one another at arthrodia
   1. all except II are true
   2. all except III are true
   3. all except I are true  4. all are true
9.   Joint between carpal and metacarpal of thumb is
   1. pivot joint   2. gliding joint   
   3. hinge joint   4. saddle joint
10.   Following are the statements about ligament find the correct answer
   I. It connects periostea of two bones   
   II. It provides the free movement of the bones
   III. It is made of irregular dense connective tissue
   1. all except II are true   
   2. all except III are true   
   3. all except I are true     4. all are true
11.   Joint between atlas and axis is
   1. saddle joint   2. pivot joint   
   3. gliding joint   4. hinge joint
12.   Central line of Hensen’s zone in myofibril is
   1. M-line   2. I-line   3. Z-line   4. A-line
13.   Read the following statements about myosin molecules and choose the correct answer
   I. These are present in thick filaments   
   II. All tails are present towards the M-line
   III. ATPase is also present in the head of myosin   
   IV. Three functional domains are head, neck and tail are present in these molecules
   V. Head has a pocket for ATP and a slit for binding with actin of thin filaments
   VI. Hydrolysed ATP causes conformational changes in the head of myosin
   1. I, II, III,V only true   
   2. I, II, IV, V, VI only are true
   3. II, III, IV,V, VI only are true   
   4. all are true
14.   H-zone of  a  myofibril contains
   1. thin filaments and krause’s membrane   
   2. thick filaments and krause’s membrane
   3. thin filaments and M line   
   4. thick filaments and M line
15.   Following are the statements about muscle contraction and choose the correct answer
   I. ATP is the immediate source of energy   
   II. CP or AP is an immediate backup source
   III. The oxidation of glucose and fatty acids are the next source of reserve energy
   IV. ATP & CP are resynthesized by utilizing the energy liberated during the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids
   1 .all are true   2.all except II are true
   3. all except III are true      
   4. all except IV are true
16.   M-line does not  bisects
   1. sarcomere   2. A-band   
   3. H- zone   4 .I-band   
   1) 2   2) 2   3) 1   4) 2   5) 4   6) 2
   7) 2        8) 4         9) 4       10) 2      11) 2      12) 1
                 13) 4     14) 4         15) 1       16) 4
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