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jayb jayb
12 years ago
Hello everyone,

I am having my intro to human physiology exam in the end of this week,
in order to feel more prepared, I am wondering if anyone has any good sets
of multiple choice questions on muscle physiology?
Questions related to skeletal, cardiac, smooth, myosin, actin, cross bridges, sarcomere would be worthy!
my textbook is by Silverthorn and the publishing is by Pearson.

thank you all!
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Valued Member
12 years ago
1) Identify the FALSE statement.
A) There are only three types of muscle tissue in the human body.
B) Skeletal muscle is always striated.
C) Smooth muscle is often present in the walls of hollow organs.
D) Skeletal muscle contraction is always under conscious control.
E) Skeletal muscle contraction is not directly influenced by hormones.

Answer:  D

2) Which statement about cardiac muscle is FALSE?
A) It is found only in the heart.
B) It is classified as a striated muscle.
C) It is controlled involuntarily.
D) It can contract spontaneously.
E) It is easily fatigued.

Answer:  E

3) The origin of a particular skeletal muscle is defined as
A) the attachment site to the less movable bone.
B) the attachment site to the more movable bone.
C) the embryonic structure from which it initially developed.

Answer:  A

4) In the arm, the biceps brachii is a flexor whereas triceps brachii is an extensor. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) The biceps brachii is the primary muscle responsible for movement of the hand and forearm towards the shoulder.
B) The triceps brachii is the primary muscle responsible for movement of the hand and forearm towards the shoulder.
C) Theses muscles are an example of antagonistic muscles.
D) A and C
E) B and C

Answer:  D
5) The purpose of transverse tubules is to
A) ensure a supply of Ca2+ ions through the muscle fiber.
B) rapidly conduct action potentials to the interior of the muscle fiber.
C) ensure a supply of glycogen throughout the muscle sarcoplasm.
D) conduct ATP molecules out of the mitochondria throughout the sarcoplasm.
E) All of the above are true.

Answer:  B

6) __________ is made of multiple globular molecules polymerized to form long chains or filaments.
A) Actin
B) Tropomyosin
C) Troponin
D) Myosin
E) Titin

Answer:  A

7) Most of the time, the parallel thick and thin filaments of the myofibrils are connected by __________ that span the space between the parallel thick and thin filaments.
A) tropomyosin molecules
B) crossbridges
C) nebulin molecules
D) sarcomeres
E) calcium ions

Answer:  B

8 ) Striated muscles are so-called because of a repeating pattern of light and dark bands. One repeating unit of the banding pattern is called a
A) myofilament.
B) myomere.
C) sarcofibril.
D) sarcomere.
E) crossbridge.

Answer:  D

9) The I band contains
A) thick filaments.
B) thin filaments.
C) an area of overlapping filaments.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer:  B

10) The H zone contains
A) thick filaments.
B) thin filaments.
C) an area of overlapping filaments.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer:  A

11) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Titin returns stretched muscles to their resting length.
B) Titin stabilizes the position of the contractile filaments.
C) Titin is helped by actin.
D) A and B
E) all of the above

Answer:  D

12) Which statement is TRUE?
A) As the sarcomere shortens, the two Z disks at each end move closer together, and the I band and H zone virtually disappear.
B) The thin actin filaments slide along the thick myosin filaments as they move toward the M line in the center of the sarcomere.
C) When a muscle contracts, myosin molecules coil up like springs to shorten the length.
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C

Answer:  D

13) The tension generated in a muscle fiber is directly proportional to the
A) number of thick and thin filaments present.
B) number of nebulin and titin molecules present.
C) number of crossbridges formed.
D) change in length of the thick filaments.
E) change in length of the thin filaments.

Answer:  C

14) When a muscle cell contracts,
A) the myosin heads produce a single power stroke.
B) the position of each myosin head is identical at any given moment.
C) some myosin heads form crossbridges as others release them.
D) the intracellular calcium concentration decreases.

Answer:  C
15) Which statement is TRUE?
A) Myosin is a motor protein that converts the chemical bond energy of ATP into the mechanical energy of motion.
B) Each myosin molecule acts as an enzyme that both binds ATP and releases its energy.
C) The energy released by ATP produces the power stroke by swiveling the myosin head.
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C

Answer:  E
jayb. Author
12 years ago
thank you lewish,
all the best
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