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AminDhouib AminDhouib
Posts: 1
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8 years ago
Hey there, I have a few questions that I would like to ask about the genetics of the thickness of eyebrows. Actually, a part of my family has thick and a larger part has thin eyebrows. I find it interesting that I end up having the eyebrow trait from my grandmother, so I ended up researching more into this subject and I started having many questions:

+ In which chromosome is found the gene that controls the thickness of the eyebrows?
+ Is it only 1 gene who controls the thickness of hair on the eyebrow of an individual?
+ What it more beneficial: Having thick or thin eyebrows? If so, how?
+ Question on topic: By viewing a family tree, how does a specific trait can jump over a generation (p.ex: The mother has a thick eyebrows (ee) and the father has a thin eyebrows (Ee), all the kids (2nd generation) end up having thick eyebrows (Ee). But some kids (of the 3rd generation) end up having a familiar trait: thin eyebrows.
+ Any other important fact about the genetics related to the thickness of the eyebrows.

If you can answer at least one of these questions, I'd be very appreciative. If you could answer me with a lot of scientific details and theories, that'd very great. Thank you for reading my post and I hope you are having a nice day!  Slight Smile
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8 years ago
Eyebrow shape and thickness is a polygenic trait, which means that there are quite a few genes which go into determining what the eyebrow will look like.

There will be several genes involved in the shape of the skull firstly, because this will determine how the eyebrow will sit on the face. In addition, there are genes responsible for where facial hair grows; this, again, has several genes involved in it without really looking into the nitty gritty. Then you have color, and whether you have receptors in the follicles that respond to hormones that allow them to thicken, etc.

The way the body develops is the same in all vertebrates. There are a few genes called hox genes which determine the initial body plan. These genes influence the expression of themselves and others giving a layered effect that ultimately results in the end trait of your eyebrows (and other traits, i.e. hairline). The actual genes involved which lead up to this are yet to be determined. It is an incredibly complexed order and it simply hasn't been worked out yet.

So, a person will inherit half of the genes from thier each parent and some will give a stronger effect than others, but due to the random separation of genes at spermato- / oogenesis and the complexity of the number of points involved, it is impossible to say how this trait will exactly inherited at this point in time.
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