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Pats22 Pats22
Posts: 326
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6 years ago
A preschool child is admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. To help the child feel more secure on the unit, which intervention should a nurse include in this client's plan of care?
  A. Encourage and reward peer contact.
  B. Provide consistent caregivers.
  C. Provide a variety of safe daily activities.
  D. Maintain close physical contact throughout the day.
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6 years ago
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2 years ago Edited: 2 years ago, Hardeep navu
Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions

Carefully read each question and circle the letter of the answer that is most appropriate.
Each question is worth 1 point.

1.  Which of the following best defines funds of knowledge?
      a. money given as inheritance.
b. concepts, values and traditions taught by families through generations.
      c. academic skills taught by parents only.
      d. only traditions from the home country

2.  What was the emphasis of Howard Skeels' study?
   a. Infants should be able to read at an early age.
   b. Head Start is an effective program.
   c. An early nurturing environment is important for development.
   d. Early education is essential.

3.  Parent behaviors that enhance infants’ attachment include which of the following?
   a. quiet time during meals
   b. leaving baby on the crib to rest.
      c. no response when infant cries, not to spoil her.
      d. eye contact

4.  Spitz found that children who did not have nurturing:
      a. deteriorated and many died.
      b. developed normally.
      c. became discipline problems.
      d. were able to dress themselves but could not respond to love.

5.  Which of the following is an example of funds of knowledge?
      a. A father asking his daughter to be quiet so that he can listen to the news.
      b. A mother teaching her son a traditional gumbo recipe.
      c. A grandmother going to the grocery store.
      d. A teacher providing playdough in the art center.

6. Children who lack attachment from infancy may:
   a. becomes independent.
   b. develops dysfunctional relations.
   c. be aggressive.
   d. develops strong relationships.

7.  Which statement best describes the definition of family?
   a. usually two parents and two or three children
   b. the most stable component of society
   c. a new social institution
d. a group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by
birth, marriage, or adoption

8.  Which statement best describes the definition of a household?
   a. All people who occupy a housing unit as their usual place of residence.
   b. the most stable component of society
c. A group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by
birth, marriage, or adoption.
   d. a new social institution

9. Getting the nursery ready for a baby is an example of which stage of parenthood?
   a. image making
              b. nurturing
   c. authority
   d. interpretive

10. Which example best describes the interpretive stage of parenthood?
   a. A teenager wanting to drive.
   b. Holding an infant and singing to him.
   c. Going to college.
   d. A father showing his son the need to pick up his plate after he eats.

11.  What are the four types of parenting styles?
   a. laissez-faire, indulgent, permissive and caring
   b. authoritative, authoritarian, uninvolved, and permissive
   c. authoritarian, democratic-independent, laissez-faire, and indulgent
   d. democratic, authoritative, permissive, and authoritarian
12. Mario, who is 4 years old, broke his mother’s favorite coffee cup because he kicked his brand-new soccer ball in the kitchen after his mother told him to only play with the ball outside to avoid breaking anything. His mother did not realize that Mario had broken the cup until she got up from working on her computer. She threw the pieces in the trash and got another cup. After her show was over, she asked Mario if he wanted to go to their favorite pizza place and play video games.
   a. uninvolved
   b. indulgent
   c. authoritative
   d. authoritarian
13. What are some suggestions for fathers to be involved with their children?
be there, accept your child, share parenting.
be strict, let your spouse make major decisions regarding children, accept your child.
be there, take children to outdoor activities only, share parenting.
accept your child, share parenting, be only there to make major decisions.

14. What is one of the major changes that occur in families after they divorce?
Economic status changes
Move to another house.
Parents become depressed.
Move to another school

15.  Which of the following statements best describes identity?
   a. I like all things pink.
   b. I can eat hamburgers all the time.
   c. I am African American, but I prefer the term Black.
   d. Every Saturday I go to the movies.

16.  Which of the following statements best describes the meaning of culture?
   a. My parents taught me how to speak German like my grandparents.
   b. I love to celebrate Chinese New Year even though I am not Chinese.
   c. We go to the stock show and rodeo every February.
   d. Tortillas with butter are my favorite.

17.   Which of the following statements best describes the meaning of diversity?
   a. My gender is female.
   b. I like airplanes.
   c. My favorite hobby is collecting old books.
   d. I like to eat but I cannot cook.

18. Culture is viewed as a way of life that includes:
   a. hobbies, personal preferences, friendships, and behaviors
   b. language, values, beliefs, and behaviors
   c. behaviors, friendships, values, and beliefs
              d. language, songs, poems, and behaviors

19. Who are bilingual children?
   a. children who speak two languages
   b. children who are in bilingual programs
   c. children who speak Spanish
   d. children who speak Vietnamese

20. Experiences in the first _____ years of a child’s life can impact their growth and lifelong abilities.
   a. 5
   b. 3
   c. 8
   d. 12

21. A parent telling their child to look both ways when crossing the street is an example of which stage of parenting?
   a. nurturing
   b. interdependent
   c. authority
   d. image making

22. As an educator, to help a grieving child, you want to do the following…
   a. be available for children when they need you.
   b. understand that grief looks different for each child.
   c. maintains routines and consistency.
   d. all the above

23. Select the correct statement.
   a. the divorce rates in Canada have been steadily increasing since 1960.
   b. father involvement has increased as of the 18th century.
   c. from the 1860s to the mid 1960s there are being an increase in single parent families.
   d. all the above

24. As an educator, you can provide tips to families that will help their child when learning a second language. What would you tell a parent to help promote a child learning a second language?
   a.  encourage grandparents to speak to your child in their native language.
   b. sing to your child in your native language
   c. do not read traditional stories to your child.
   d. none of the answers

25. What was the conclusion of the study done by Spitz regarding attachment theories?
   a. infants deteriorated secondary to lack of material objects.
   b. infants deteriorated secondary to lack of mothering.
   c. there was no difference noted in children in the nursery or in the foundling home.
   d. none of the answers

Section 2: True or False Questions

Carefully read each question and chose whether the statement is true or false.
Circle the correct statement – either true or false.
Each question is worth 1 point.

Families provide food, shelter, love, opportunities for play, education and much more.

TRUE      or     FALSE

The extended family provides resources which support the parent and educator’s needs.

TRUE    or     FALSE

An example of an intangible thing that the extended family can provide is childcare.

TRUE     or       FALSE

There is a strong link between feelings and brain development. For example, if children have a family that helps guide them through various emotions, this will help them to develop strong cognitive skills.

TRUE     or     FALSE

An environment that is not healthy (ex: mother taking nicotine or alcohol) can impact the child’s development even before birth.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Funds of knowledge tend to be the same for all individuals in a similar culture.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Socioeconomic status can impact psychological health. For example, unemployment is related to physical and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Poverty is a reliable predictor of child abuse and neglect. 

TRUE     or      FALSE

Early childhood development is the most important social determinant of health.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Social exclusion can be seen in specific groups of individuals such as Indigenous Canadians.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Although Canada has free healthcare services, we still have issues of affordability in regard to medication and dental costs.

TRUE     or      FALSE

 Cultural and social ideas about gender do not affect parenting styles.

TRUE     or      FALSE

It is normal for parents with children who have disabilities to experience various stages of reactions.

TRUE     or      FALSE

A child’s temperament and their age will influence how they adjust to a move.

TRUE     or      FALSE

 Being aware of the current trends in the diversity of families is important. For example, knowing that father involvement has negative outcomes for the child such as the risk for a lower IQ.

TRUE     or      FALSE

The research study done by Skeels found that a nurturing environment in the early years of a child’s life is extremely important. Moreover, it was found that a poor initial environment can be revered by positive relationships.

TRUE     or      FALSE

If a child grows up with a secure attachment, they will be successful but have difficulty with relationships.

TRUE     or      FALSE

Diversity and culture are essentially synonyms. For example, a group of individuals from the same culture with have the same factors of diversity. 

TRUE     or      FALSE
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