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bueler bueler
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11 years ago
8. The G2 checkpoint prevents the cell cycle from continuing until ____.
A. DNA is completely replicated
B. damage to DNA can be repaired
C. replicated DNA is separated
D. orgnaelles have been duplicated.
E. DNA is completely replicated AND damage to DNA can be repaired.

11. How do the daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare to their parent cell when it was in G1 of the cell cycle.
A. the daughter cells have half the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of DNA
B. the daughter cells have half the number of chormosomes and half the amount of DNA
C. the daughter cells have the same number of chormosomes and half the amount of DNA
D. the daughter cells have the same number of chormosomes and the same amount of DNA
E. the daughter cells have half the same number chormosomes and twice the amount of DNA

30. Which of the following is not a fucntion of meiosis?
A. Cause an organism to grow
B. create genetic variability.
C. reduce the chromosome number in gametes
D. keep chromosome number constant from one generation to the next.
E. produce gametes.

32. A tetrad consists of four homologous chromosomes with one chromatid each.
A. True
B. False.

35. The filled-in squares of a Punnett square represent
A. the nubmers of individuals with each version of a trait.
B. All possible combinations of gametes based on a cross between the two parents.
C. An exact ratio that must always occur when the same parents have four offspring.
D. examples of some of the offspring that can arise from a one-trait cross.
E. the gametes from one parent.

36. Parents with the dominant phenotype cannot have offspring with the recessive phenotype.
A. true because hte dominant gene must be passed down from each parent.
B. True because at lease one dominant gene will be passed down from each parent.
C. False because one parent could carry the recessive allele.
D. False bveause both parents could carry the recessive allele.
E. True because both parents have the dominant allele.

38. Alleles are
A. dominant traits
B. Recessive traits
C. 2 versions of the same trait
D. alternate versions of the same trait.
E. Exact copies of the same trait.

55. DNA replication is called semiconservative because
A. one of the two resulting DNA molecules is new.
B. the two resulting DNA molecules each have one new DNA strand and one old strand from the original DNA molecule
C. both of the resulting DNA molecules are composed of new strands of nucleotides.
D. no extra nucleotides are incoporated into the replicated DNA molecules.
E. The sequence of nucleotides in one strand is conserved, whereas the new DNA molecule consists of a unique sequence of nucleotides.

58. Which process requries the aprticaption of all three types of RNA
A. transcription
B. Translation
C. RNA processing
D. Replication
E. complementary base pairing

61. DNA replciation makes a(n) ____ copy of the DNa, while transcription makes a(n) ____ copy of the DNA.

63. the two DNA strands must be separated before DNA replication or transcription can occur.
A. True.
B. False

Thanks for all your help, I just could not find out the answers for these questions!!
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11 years ago
8. E. DNA is completely replicated AND damage to DNA can be repaired.

11. D. the daughter cells have the same number of chormosomes and the same amount of DNA

30. A. Cause an organism to grow

32. B. False. Tetrads are paired, bivalent, homologous chromosomes.

35. B. All possible combinations of gametes based on a cross between the two parents.

36. D. False bveause both parents could carry the recessive allele.

38. D. alternate versions of the same trait.

55. B. the two resulting DNA molecules each have one new DNA strand and one old strand from the original DNA molecule

58. B. Translation. (Protein synthesis)

61. B. DNA; mRNA

63. True
11 years ago
8. E; The next step after G2 is mitosis, so the cell needs to check to see that mitosis can occur successfully (won't cause cancer).

11. D; the G1 phase immediately follows cytokinesis, and nothing happens to the DNA in the cell in terms of replication or reduction.

30. A; Mitosis is for growth, not meiosis.

32. False. A tetrad has 2 homologous chromosomes with 2 chromatids each.

35. D; punnet squares are generally only used for one or two traits, and the squares represent the combo for that trait in each gamete. The wording on this question is kind of weird, B might be right, but it suggests that it has ALL possible gamete combos, which is not possible on a punnet square (would be millions and millions of squares).

36. D; you can have parents with Aa, and that can create offspring with aa.

38. D

55. B; In DNA replication, the DNA is "unzipped" then DNA polymerase creates a new strand on each old strand.

58. B; The three types of RNA referred to in this question are tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA (ribosome). The ribosome attaches to the mRNA strand and brings in the tRNA to make the strand of amino acids.

61. B

63. A
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