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Gops Gops
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6 years ago
Bovine somatotropin (BST) is a growth hormone approved for use in the United States to increase milk production in dairy cattle. Currently, its use is banned in Canada. Independent studies completed by the FDA and World Health Organization have concluded that milk and meat from cows treated with BST are safe for human consumption.

Researchers have shown that trace amounts of BST can be found in milk and meat produced by BST-treated cows. BST can also be found in milk from untreated cows as it is naturally produced in the cow's pituitary glands.

From what you know about growth hormones, list three potential effects on cattle health, human health and the environment from use of bovine growth hormone on dairy cows. (3 marks)

Competitive athletes who have used synthetic hGH to become bigger, taller, faster, and stronger often suffer from side effects after prolonged usage of human growth hormone.
These side effects include cancer and diabetes mellitus. Explain why these complications arise?
(2 marks)

An individual was suffering from violent headaches and blurred vision for several years. A doctor determined that this individual had a tumor on the anterior pituitary.

From what you know about the structure of the brain, can you explain why this person was experiencing blurred vision? (2 marks)
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6 years ago
Bovine somatotropin (BST) is a growth hormone approved for use in the United States to increase milk production in dairy cattle. Currently, its use is banned in Canada. Independent studies completed by the FDA and World Health Organization have concluded that milk and meat from cows treated with BST are safe for human consumption.

Researchers have shown that trace amounts of BST can be found in milk and meat produced by BST-treated cows. BST can also be found in milk from untreated cows as it is naturally produced in the cow's pituitary glands.

From what you know about growth hormones, list three potential effects on cattle health, human health and the environment from use of bovine growth hormone on dairy cows. (3 marks)

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) or recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) refers to bovine growth hormone that is made in a lab using genetic technology.

Some rBGH products on the market differ chemically from a cow's natural somatotropin by one amino acid. Both the natural and recombinant forms of the hormone stimulate a cow's milk production by increasing levels of another hormone known as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).

Concerns about possible health effects on humans from milk produced using rBGH have focused on 2 main issues.

First, does drinking milk from rBGH-treated cows increase blood levels of growth hormone or IGF-1 in consumers? If it does, would this be expected to have any health effects in people, including increasing the risk of cancer? Some studies have even linked the usage of this hormone to a 40 percent decrease in cow fertility.

Second, cows treated with rBGH tend to develop more udder infections (mastitis). These cows are given more antibiotics than cows not given rBGH. Does this increased use of antibiotics lead to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and is this a health concern for people?

Also, rBGH-milk is unlabelled, so we drink this kind of milk unknowingly. Given that cows are used in animal feed, these negative impacts may even spread to other animals, thereby impacting the environment.

Competitive athletes who have used synthetic hGH to become bigger, taller, faster, and stronger often suffer from side effects after prolonged usage of human growth hormone.
These side effects include cancer and diabetes mellitus. Explain why these complications arise?
(2 marks)

- https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=91426.0
Post Merge: 6 years ago

The vision loss occurs when the cancer grows upward into the brain cavity, compressing the optic chiasm.

Loss of visual acuity (blurry vision), especially if the cancer grows forward and compresses an optic nerve.


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Source  1) https://www.treehugger.com/green-food/study-claims-bovine-growth-hormone-good-for-environment.html
2) https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/recombinant-bovine-growth-hormone.html
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