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hsnu1010 hsnu1010
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10 years ago
so class just started and were on the whole cell tissue organ system thing. Near the end of the latter he said that a population is a group of animals of the same species . And a community is a bunch of animals of different species.  I asked the question :  Since the human body can be the home of other organisms cant it be considered a community or maybe even an ecosystem.  And that is my question to you, because he couldnt answer it.
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10 years ago
the human body is a mammal.  not a community, not an ecosystem.
10 years ago
Interesting point.  I think that we can't be considered an ecosystem because we don't have any producers.  Our ecosystem includes our food organisms.  We do have abiotic factors:  temperature, water, ... , but we don't meet all the qualifications for being an ecosystem.

Since a community includes all the living things in the ecosystem, I don't think we make up an entire community, either.  Again, my reasoning is that we don't have the producers.  Even though organisms are using us for food, we are part of the food chain but not the *beginning* of the food chain.
10 years ago
The body can be a place for a community (where are the inhabitants?)  The body would have to be made up of the inhabitants (other organisms-species)
It cannot be an ecosystem because it is not sustainable within itself.  We must eat foods that come from others, other places and other things.
10 years ago
An ecosystem includes the living and non-living portions of an environment that supports life.  A community is the various living organisms that all live in one place in an ecosystem.

If you include our clothes, I guess we're an ecosystem.  Otherwise, I think we're just part of a community.
10 years ago
hah no. An ecosystem is where there is a primary source of food, which allows for a food chain to occur. Plants are almost always the primary sources of ecosystems. Humans are only home to bacteria. Bacteria dont eat anything because they are prokaryotes, they provide for themselves, and nothing on our bodies feed on bacteria. And the human body itself is not the community. The community is like the people of your street, they collectively form the community. Your street itself is not the community
10 years ago
Just thought it might be interesting to note that the human body has ten times as many bacterial cells living in or on it as it does its own cells.  Food for thought!
10 years ago
Certainly, the human body can be can be considered a community.  This is true of any large animal body. There are many organisms that live in and on a typical body.  Some of them are helpful, and even indispensable, like the bacteria that live in your gut and help digest your food. Some are harmful like the bacteria that cause disease.  Your body is constantly fighting them off, but they are always there.    Some are just along for the ride.     Most of them are of the single cell variety, but they are definitely separate species, and they are dependent on your body for their livelihood.   Some are complex organisms like the tiny worms that live on your eyelashes.  Most are microscopic.  We usuallly get rid of the visible ones like ticks and lice.  But other animals have these bugs living on them all the time.

Some of the cells in your body behave like independent organisms, even though they share your DNA.  Certain white blood cells float around the blood stream killing and absorbing alien cells.  Sperm and egg cells are waiting to be separated from the body so they can form new bodies.

It's a very complicated community, and could even be called an ecosystem.
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